However, before starting to cultivate primitive civilization, you have to go to the original world and seek help from the Hong tribe.

Su Yuan needs to choose a planet in the Dragon Star Domain as a training base for primitive civilization, and let the Hong people change the planet's environment to make it habitable.

After two days of rest at the survival base, Su Yuan took Chris and others back to the original realm.

Pass through the wormhole and come directly to the Dragon Star Domain.

Su Yuan's interstellar battleship stopped outside Dragon Star and looked at this beautiful planet through the big screen.

This star field belongs to Su Yuan and other civilizations are not allowed to invade.

Unless Su Yuan fails in the primary civilization competition and is punished, other civilizations can capture this place.

Similarly, if Su Yuan wins, he can also attack other civilizations.

Chris, pilot the battleship to circle around each planet. Let me see which one is more suitable for cultivating primitive civilization!

Okay, Master!

Primary civilization cannot cultivate primitive civilization, but with the help of the Hong people, everything has become much simpler.

The public purpose of the Hong people is very simple, which is to let the primary civilization clarify the problems in the development of its own civilization in the process of cultivating primitive civilization.

This allows primary civilization to develop faster and enter the intermediate civilization area.

Su Yuan didn't know what the real purpose of the Hong tribe was, but at present, it seemed that the Hong tribe was still very great.

After some selection, Su Yuan settled on a planet not far from Dragon Star.

It is about the same size as Blue Star, and its distance from the star is also very suitable. Its rotation and revolution speed are only slightly faster than Blue Star.

Su Yuan felt that it would be more livable after being transformed by the Hong people.

Immediately afterwards, Su Yuan came to the Hong clan's service hall and submitted an application.

It was still an intelligent robot that received him.

Mr. Su, according to your application, you need to pay for three satellite-sized material planets!

No problem, when can the transformation be completed?

It will be completed in about 48 hours!

Su Yuan paid for the supplies, and not long after returning to Dragon Star, he saw a giant king's spaceship appearing in the Dragon Star domain.

This spaceship is larger than an ordinary interstellar carrier. It is not an offensive battleship, but a machine used by the Hong tribe to transform the planet.

This spaceship is all blue and looks like a huge blue whale.

However, it is countless times larger than the blue whale and can swallow planets into its belly.

With the appearance of the Hong tribe's spacecraft, the gravitational balance of the entire Dragon Star Domain was broken.

A super tsunami rose on the Dragon Star. Waves tens of thousands of meters seemed to swallow everything.

But then, a strange force calmed the tsunami, and the gravitational balance quickly returned to normal.

Su Yuan didn't understand what the Hong tribe had done. He only detected that the Hong tribe's spacecraft released powerful gravitational waves.

These unique gravitational waves balance the gravitational balance of the Dragon Star Domain, allowing it to operate normally.

At this time, the huge spacecraft opened its hatch, just like a whale opening its mouth and swallowing the planet to be transformed.

The subsequent modifications are all completed inside the spacecraft.

Su Yuan couldn't detect it, and he didn't know how the Hong people transformed it.

However, the technology of the Hong people still shocked him.

If Blue Star Civilization had this kind of technology before, there would be no need to worry about alien beasts and various disasters.

Time passed quickly, the transformation was completed, the Hong tribe's spacecraft left, and the Dragon Star Territory returned to normal.

Su Yuan also received the data package and instructions from the Hong tribe.

The instructions mainly tell him how to independently adjust the environmental changes on the planet in the future.

Because this is a planet used for experiments, equivalent to a large laboratory.

So while transforming the planet, the Hong people also transformed one of its satellites into an environmental regulation and control center.

In the future, Su Yuan can change the environment on the planet in the control center, and can even speed up the relative change of time by changing the environment.

Master, what should we do next?

Chris, Susan and Su Xiaoyu all looked at Su Yuan stupidly.

Go to that planet first and take a look. Once the experiment starts, you all follow Xiaoyu's arrangements!

Although Xiaoyu didn't come over, she could contact them at any time through the chat forum system.

The battleship entered the planet's atmosphere, and Su Yuan saw the outside environment through the big screen. Everything was very familiar, like a replica of Blue Star.

The ocean occupies most of the area, and the land is also covered with various animals and plants.

Su Yuan saw several pterosaurs flying happily.

The entire environment here was transformed according to his requirements.

Humans have not yet appeared, and it is still an era when dinosaurs dominate.

Su Yuan did not intend to destroy the dinosaurs. He wanted primitive humans to appear in this harsh environment.

But it is not a simple problem to make humans appear.

He can't just grab a few humans, but needs to change the creatures here to make them smarter, so that humans can be born.

Su Yuan kept the interstellar battleship in the air and drove Chris and others through the forest in the interstellar spacecraft.

Master, this planet doesn't have a name yet, how about I give it one! Su Xiaoyu said.

Who said it has no name? It will be called Shanhaixing from now on!

Mountain and Haixing?

Yes, the primitive civilization we cultivate is called Shanhaixingren!

Su Yuan had already discussed with Xiaoyu to use Blue Star Civilization as a template and according to the records in the Book of Mountains and Seas to cultivate various terrifying beasts to make human beings stronger.

However, a balance needs to be found between people and technology.

If it is too powerful, its dependence on tools will weaken, which will slow down the process of civilization.

Su Yuan was looking for species that might develop into intelligent creatures while observing the environment of the entire planet.

It has to be said that if humans arrived on this planet and started over, they would still be able to live for hundreds of years.

But no one can tell when the real catastrophe will come. By then, the multiverse will be destroyed, and even the Hong people will be unable to withstand it, let alone them.

If you want to live forever, you just need to continue to develop into a more advanced civilization.

A few days later, Su Yuan collected tens of thousands of creatures, but he had not yet decided which creatures to cultivate.

Su Yuan brought these biological samples back to Blue Star and gave them to Xiaoyu for further research.

In fact, according to Su Yuan's idea, it would be better to cultivate monkeys or orangutans and evolve them into humans, but Xiaoyu felt that this was no different from the Blue Star people.

Su Yuan encountered many civilized races during this period, including all kinds of civilizations, including marine civilization, insect civilization, and even the winged civilization that could fly.

Almost all civilizations are excellent in themselves.

If you want the primitive civilization you cultivate to stand out, you must be more cautious when choosing. Otherwise, if you do not lay a good foundation, you will fall short and lose the primary civilization competition.

Su Yuan was not in a hurry and asked Su Su to cooperate with Xiaoyu to choose slowly.

After some experiments, Xiaoyu initially selected more than a hundred organisms, and then conducted genetic testing and further screening.

In the laboratory, Su Su suddenly had an inspiration.

Master, if we add Chrissy's genes, maybe they can control zombies in the future?

Are you trying to cultivate a group of monsters or cyborgs?

Master, you can try it. What if it succeeds? We are just adding part of the genes!

Then you and Xiaoyu figure it out!

Hehe, if Master you also contribute a little, you will be very powerful now!

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