This allows cats to tame some dinosaurs to work for them, and the objects they hunt become increasingly larger.

Su Yuan prepared many powerful monsters for them as opponents, prompting them to continuously evolve.

Master, the cat people have formed 7 countries on the mountain and sea planet. Development has once again reached a bottleneck. Should we take action?

During this period of time, Su Yuan has been in the control center, watching the evolution of the star sighter, without even replying to Blue Star.

The cat's performance also exceeded his expectations. The cat's overall physique was comparable to that of a brutal beast.

However, with the continuous development of cat civilization and the promotion and use of various tools, the physique of cats will continue to deteriorate.

Just like the Blue Star people, the ancient Blue Star people were stronger in strength, speed and reproductive capacity than the modern Blue Star people.

According to Xiaoyu's statistics, if Su Yuan had not changed the physique of the Blue Star people, even if there was no catastrophe, the Blue Star people would eventually lose the ability to reproduce due to physical reasons.

Su Yuan did not intend to let the cat's physique deteriorate. He wanted to further evolve and strengthen the cat's physique.

Let's have a great famine!

Xiaoyu nodded, she just needed to change the environment so that the cats could get fewer food sources.

In some places on Shanhaixing, it is the harvest season. Just as the food in the rice fields is about to be harvested, it suddenly begins to rain heavily.

The heavy rain came quickly, catching the cats by surprise.

Before they could harvest food, floods flooded their towns.

In other places, it is the season for planting food, but there is no rain and drought continues.

Not only the cats couldn't bear it, but even the surrounding animals began to run for their lives.

In this harsh environment, the cats can only risk their lives to hunt those ferocious beasts, even the monsters Su Yuan prepared for them.

If a whole country can kill a huge monster, they can live a few more months.

The strength of these monsters is comparable to that of emperor-level beasts.

Not only does it have strong vitality, but it also carries various viruses.

Master, isn't it a bit cruel for us to do this?

Xiaoyu turned to look at Su Yuan.

There is nothing we can do. We just show the harsh external environment in front of them! Without our protection, their ancestors would have been killed by these monsters long ago. How could they still exist!

On the big screen in the control center, the scene of the cat fight was displayed.

In front of the huge monster, the cat is like an ant on the ground, and the monster is the unattainable elephant.

To win, the cats need to pay a heavy price, with countless casualties, or else they will starve to death.

On the contrary, this makes cats more united and better able to use everything available around them.

Various large weapons began to appear, and countries also competed with each other.

In the melee, outstanding cats stand out and are sought after by many cats to reproduce more offspring.

Cats are constantly evolving under Su Yuan's encouragement, and the time for the competition among primary civilizations is coming soon.

Xiaoyu, what are the minimum requirements to participate in the Junior Civilization Competition?

Master, it seems that as long as you have cultivated primitive civilization, you can participate! However, the primitive civilization cultivated by each civilization is also different.

It's like the cats we cultivated have just entered the cold weapon age, while the dwarves cultivated by the White Stars have already entered the hot weapon age.

However, the most powerful one has not fallen off the planet. At most, it has just entered the Internet age!

Su Yuan frowned. His time was too short, otherwise he would have been very sure of winning this time.

Aren't we at a disadvantage, using cold weapons and other people's swords, guns and cannons to attack us!

That's why the Hong people will let us choose to participate or not. If we participate, we will not be punished even if we lose!

Is there any way to win?

Master, this is really difficult! Xiaoyu raised her lips.

Su Yuan rubbed his head, this was really a headache.

This issue must be resolved before entering the competition.

Help me find out how many geniuses there are among the cats, and create opportunities for them to develop thermal weapons!

Master, is this too hasty?

I have no choice but to rush for time. If that doesn't work, just create a few more coincidences! Su Yuan said irresponsibly.

Xiaoyu suddenly felt a big head.

Then, Xiaoyu started typing on the keyboard, searching for geniuses among cats.

Master, this one called Mao Qi is a genius at poison preparation. He uses various plant and animal toxins to prepare super powerful mixed toxins to kill monsters!

You let it try to prepare liquid explosives!

Xiaoyu: ...

It's so hard for me!

Xiaoyu chose another thin cat.

Master, it is Mao Tianhe, who is good at making various bows and arrows, trebuchets, and large siege equipment!

That's right, how about making it a simple glider or a hot air balloon or something!

After some selection, Xiaoyu chose 49 cats.

The next step is to create emergencies and cause various coincidences.

Stimulated by constant coincidences, these cats burst out with inspiration and created various era-changing things, promoting the progress of cat civilization.

Another month passed, and the cats finally entered the era of hot weapons.

However, we are still lagging behind, and when we encounter the primitive civilization of the Internet age, we can only be passively beaten.

However, the primary civilization competition is about to begin, and it is too late to continue to catch up.

After discussing with Xiaoyu, Su Yuan decided to use the trump card, the virus.

Meows have very strong physiques, and all kinds of toxins and viruses are invulnerable to them. They have already initially possessed some of the characteristics of Chrissy's physique.

If used well, it may have unexpected effects.

So, Su Yuan brought Su Su also to the original world.

Let Susu study various viruses on Shanhaixing and match a virus that can coexist with cats for a long time.

And this virus will be able to control other people just like the zombie virus.

In the control room, after Su Su heard Su Yuan's request, she couldn't help but roll her eyes at Su Yuan.

Master, you are going too far. You asked me to develop it within five or six days. You might as well sell it to me!

Don't complain to me. I am creating research and development opportunities for you. It was you who proposed adding Chrissy's genes in the first place! Su Yuan said with a smile.

No, Master, you can let me do research and development here every day. I won't be tired, but in such a short time, you can at least find me some helpers!

Who do you want? I'll find it for you!

Well, how about you buy me some intelligent robot assistants!

Su Yuan was stunned for a moment.

He didn't expect that Su Su went around for a long time just to ask for benefits.

However, now that the territory is getting bigger, more research and development robots are needed.

But spending the survival badge to buy it is a bit wasteful. He still has 26 free lottery opportunities that are useless.

You go down and do your work first, and I'll bring them over to you later!

After hearing Su Yuan's assurance, Su Su hummed a ditty and left.

Xiaoyu also looked at Su Yuan.

Master, why don't you find some helpers? I'm too busy!

Don't worry, we'll be there soon!

Su Yuan opened the system lottery page and clicked the lottery.

He didn't know what he could draw, but he saw all kinds of good things flashing past in the golden display frame.

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