Global Catastrophe: Open with 1000 Acres of Survival Base

Chapter 393 Cultivating primitive civilization

When this defense system was designed, it was never thought that it would be controlled by outsiders, which would lead to the current situation.

A bunch of lasers were shot out, and all the Sirians who supported the escape were shot to death. No one was left, and the remaining Sirians were so frightened that their legs trembled and they were at a loss.

Antaol was even more desperate, but he could do nothing.

Subsequently, Chris took control of An Tao'er and An Yuan'er, and shouted to the Sirian fleet, asking them to surrender. If they did not surrender, they would be regarded as traitors and would not be allowed to enter the interstellar carrier.

The fleet that was escorting Star Carriers No. 2 and No. 3 was immediately dumbfounded.

In the blink of an eye, he will become a traitor.

What a situation.

At first they thought they heard it wrong, but when the laser cannon on the star carrier began to target them, they realized that it was all true.

At the same time, Su Yuan also led all the fleets to kill them.

If they don't surrender, they will be attacked from both sides.

In desperation, all fleets chose to surrender.

Su Yuan sent a robot to prepare to receive it.

This time he brought a lot of robots rewarded by the Hong tribe, so that they could do some dangerous things.

If a Sirian wanted to sneak attack them while they were disarming, it would not cause too serious losses.

Two days later, the Sirius Star Territory completely surrendered to Su Yuan's feet.

All Sirius people became prisoners of Su Yuan.

But right now, there are no more than 100 million Sirians alive.

Others were infected with the virus and turned into zombies.

After Su Yuan asked Chris to clean up the zombie virus, he used anti-viral medicine on the remaining Sirians.

However, antiviral drugs need to be used regularly, otherwise they may turn into zombies.

Su Yuan moved all the Sirians on Star Carrier No. 1 and 2 to Star Carrier No. 3, and still left An Taoer and Anding Er in charge.

But from now on, they will all be like the Yuxing people, needing to continuously produce various equipment and spare parts for Su Yuan.

As for Star Carrier Nos. 1 and 2, Su Yuan plans to move a group of humans and Dragon Guards there.

Su Yuan knew that eggs could not be put in one basket. If Blue Star was breached one day, at least he could retreat to the Sirius Territory.

The environment of the Sirius Star Territory is even better than that of the Blue Star Territory, and it seems that no major disaster will occur in the short term.

In the conference room of Star Carrier No. 1, Su Jian saw An Taoer, An Yuan'er, An Lin'er and others.

Everyone, you are all smart people. I don't need to say many threats. The treatment I give you will definitely be much better than the treatment you give to other civilizations!

My request is very simple. I will tie you to my chariot. From now on, you will help me make and develop the things I need. Let me see your value. The higher your value, the higher your treatment will be! Su Yuan smiled.

Mr. Su, don't worry, we Sirius people will do our best to work for you and never betray! An Taoer said respectfully.

He is now back to normal, but like everyone else, he needs to take antiviral drugs from time to time.

After experiencing despair, he now finally saw hope.

At least Su Yuan didn't kill them or treat them like animals.

Although they will live in Star Carrier No. 3 in the future, like a large prison, Su Yuan also gives them a certain degree of freedom. In addition to necessary monitoring, they can also have their own entertainment after work.

An Yuan'er had been scared for a long time. Seeing so many Sirians dead, he didn't want to turn into a zombie.

Not only for him, but also for more Sirians to survive.

Seeing that An Taoer and others had completely surrendered, Su Yuan said nothing and let the robot guards take them down.

Master, when will we go back? Su Xiaoyu asked.

After struggling for so long, Su Xiaoyu also wanted to return to Blue Star.

Notice, prepare to return to Blue Star tomorrow. From now on, this place will be under the supervision of Ning Ruolan and other Dragon Guards, and Blue Star will appoint officials at all levels to come over!

Okay, Master!

Chrissy tapped on the keyboard and issued orders.

In the blink of an eye, on the second day, everything was ready, and Su Yuan led the fleet back to Blue Star.

The renovation of Blue Star is getting faster and faster, and there are construction sites everywhere.

Back at the survival base, Xiaoyu, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, pounced on him.

Master, it's great that you are back!

Xiaoyu's height has not changed during this time.

Perhaps it will only grow taller again after the next survival base upgrade.

Su Yuan rubbed Xiaoyu's head, lay on the sofa, and asked Dabai to make something delicious.

Xiaoyu reported to Su Yuan what happened recently in Blue Star.

Master, how do you plan to participate in the Junior Civilization Competition?

I remember that in the Junior Civilization Competition, we need to cultivate a primitive civilization. Who can cultivate a better primitive civilization and get higher points?

Well, I read the latest rules issued by the Hong people. There are no changes from the previous ones, but we are allowed to intervene in the cultivated primitive civilization at the appropriate time!

Su Yuan rolled his eyes, cultivating primitive civilization, which he had never dared to imagine before. This was more like a story in a myth, but it did exist.

So who trained the Blue Star people?

Su Yuan did not believe that Blue Star Civilization was born due to countless coincidences.

If he wants to win in the primary civilization competition, he must cultivate an excellent primitive civilization.

In the original world, with the help of the Hong tribe, it is not difficult to cultivate civilization, but a large amount of materials must be paid to the Hong tribe.

However, the reward he received from this event should be enough.

However, he has not decided on the direction of training yet.

Xiaoyu, is there any relevant technology in the information given by the Hong people?

Yes, there are, but they are all textbooks and the like. It is basically impossible to cultivate an excellent primitive civilization based on these materials!

Su Yuan rubbed his head.

How about you make a video of the development history of Blue Star Civilization for me, and I'll take a closer look.

Master wants to use Blue Star Civilization as a template?

I have this plan, but not entirely. I hope to cultivate a comprehensively developed civilization! Su Yuan said.

Master, you may have entered a misunderstanding! Xiaoyu frowned.

Su Yuan looked at Xiaoyu doubtfully.

Master, a fully developed primitive civilization may not necessarily be excellent, nor may it be able to defeat other civilizations. We need a prominent point, because this stage of primitive civilization is originally the most elementary stage. Only when it develops to an advanced civilization can it We will make a comprehensive breakthrough and develop in an all-round way!”

Su Yuan was stunned for a moment, feeling that what Xiaoyu said made sense.

It's like when he was in school, he wanted to do well in everything, but ended up failing in nothing.

Because of his lack of ability, he has just entered the primary civilization area, and the development of Blue Star's civilization has not yet reached the primary civilization, which is equivalent to being blocked by him.

Then which direction do you think we should develop?

The ability to adapt to primitive civilizations that can survive no matter how terrible and terrible the disaster is will definitely develop, and it will not be worse than other civilizations!

Su Yuan understood what Xiaoyu meant, he must first become invincible and then find a way to win.

After some discussion, Su Yuan determined the development direction and route of the primitive civilization to be cultivated.

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