Su Yuan somewhat admired Anding'er, but for people like Anding'er, only using laser cannons to respond to them would be the greatest respect for them.

Under the rounds of bombardment, Anding'er's interstellar battleship soon couldn't bear it anymore and completely collapsed and broke into countless pieces. Not a single Sirian escaped.

After taking care of the main ship, Su Yuan began to pack up other interstellar battleships.

This time he agreed to surrender. After all, if he captured a star battleship, he would make more money.

Of course, money no longer means anything to him, and he has no interest in money. The competition between civilizations is more about materials, technology, planets and other things of practical significance.

And capturing too many Sirians is a burden to him.

Robots are more practical and more loyal.

Therefore, for those Sirius guards who were unwilling to surrender, Su Yuan would not hesitate to issue orders to destroy the interstellar battleships.

This is not that Su Yuan is ruthless, other civilizations would have done it more thoroughly than he did.

Even when the Sirians annex other civilizations, they will do the same and will not leave anything worthless.

After Su Yuan destroyed Anding'er's fleet, he stopped attacking.

Currently, there are not many star warships left on the No. 2 and No. 3 star carriers. Su Yuan wants to wait until Xiaoyu completely controls the core control systems of the two star carriers before taking action.

At this time, the Sirius people had become a mess inside, and there were zombies everywhere. They couldn't kill them all in a while, and no one could tell who was infected and who was not infected.

What's even more frightening is that Anding'er has failed, and they now have no way out.

Not to mention driving Su Yuan away, even the virus on the star carrier couldn't handle it.

An Tao'er also felt An Yuan'er's previous despair.

After his body was taken over by the virus, his consciousness was very clear, but nothing could be done to stop it, nor could he alert others.

The emergency video conference continues and everyone is panicking.

Lord Antaoer, you are the chief officer, can you think of a solution?

Yes, if we don't think of a way, our Sirius civilization will really be over!

Lord An Yuan'er, please say something!

There are monsters everywhere outside. By then, before the Blue Star people take action, we will be finished!

An Yuan'er: ...

Idiot, if I could speak, I would have spoken.

Outside, the robot guards faithfully performed their mission of killing zombies.

Although they can kill zombies, they cannot stop the virus and cannot protect the Sirians.

Soon, the number of Sirians living on Starships 2 and 3 dropped sharply to several billion, and the rate of decline increased exponentially.

As the number of zombies exceeds that of Sirians, the number of infected people increases even faster.

Master, if the current situation continues, it won't be long before all the Sirians will turn into zombies. Do we need to take action? Chrissy raised her head and looked at Su Yuan.

Xiaoyu, how's it going over there?

Sister Xiaoyu, you have completely controlled the core control systems of Star Carriers No. 2 and 3, but the self-destruction device has not been solved yet. However, An Taoer and An Yuan'er are under our control, so no one should activate the self-destruction device!

It's not that simple. As long as we completely occupy the No. 2 and 3 starships, the self-destruction device will activate on its own! Let Susan and Su Xiaoyu go to detonate it first, and then let An Taoer and An Yuan'er take the lead in surrendering!

Chris nodded and contacted Susan and Su Xiaoyu.

Not long after, the two led a fleet to the No. 2 Star Carrier.

He suffered the loss of being stuck inside the starship.

The fleet guarding the No. 2 Star Carrier had already formed its formation, waiting for Su Yuan to attack.

Seeing that the fleet led by Susan was not large in number, he took the initiative to fight over and aimed at Susan's main ship for bombardment.

Susan's mission was not to deal with these fleets. She took Su Xiaoyu to fly the starship directly out of the starship and rushed to the starport.

Xiaoyu has already opened the door to the interstellar port.

Before the Sirius guards could figure out what was going on, Susan had already rushed in.

The fleets outside are all under the command of the Dragon Guards themselves. They only need to hold back the Sirius fleet.

Arriving inside the No. 2 Star Carrier, the defense system has been shut down by Xiaoyu and will not threaten Susan.

But many robot guards will still attack.

However, fortunately, they are no match for Susan.

Just like last time, they quickly found the self-destruction device.

This thing is the same as the one on Star Carrier No. 1. Only micro robots can enter.

Su Xiaoyu asked Silkworm to explore the path, and after finding out the situation, he asked the EOD robot to come on.

More than an hour later, the self-destruction device on Star Carrier No. 2 was destroyed.

Next, using the same method, he destroyed the self-destruction device on the No. 3 Star Carrier, and then Su Yuan asked An Taoer and An Yuan'er to prepare to surrender.

The leadership of the Sirius people did not know that the self-destruction device was destroyed. All signals were cut off by Xiaoyu. Without Xiaoyu's permission, they could only see the zombie invasion.

At this time, under the control of Chris, Antaoer said:

Everyone, given the current situation, I think the only way we can go is to surrender!

What? Surrender? Lord Antaol, are you kidding me?

Yes, Lord Antaor, we want a fleet and two star carriers!

If Master Antaoer surrenders, you will be a sinner of our Sirius civilization!

Ahem, everyone, open your eyes and see. If you don't surrender, will all our people die? An Yuan'er said.

Lord An Yuan'er, I didn't expect you to be such a person!

Lord An Yuan'er, you are so disappointing!

I propose to get rid of them. Such people are not suitable to lead us in a crisis!

Yes, get rid of them!

Chrissy was dumbfounded, she didn't expect the Sirian people's reaction to be so big.

Master, why, they are unwilling to surrender!

I had expected this. It doesn't matter whether they surrender or not, as long as An Tao'er and An Yuan'er are in our hands and they are willing to surrender! Su Yuan said with a smile.

But the Sirians want to get rid of them!

The control system is completely under our control. It's useless for them to avoid it. If you ask Xiaoyu to mark these Sirius people who don't agree to surrender as enemies, the internal defense system of the interstellar carrier will naturally deal with them!

Chris suddenly understood and nodded.

In the conference room, many Sirius people were voting with a show of hands to spare An Tao'er and An Yuan'er.

Someone is counting the votes.

Because the Sirian leadership was dispersed across the two motherships, the video connection was turned on while the vote was taking place.

The results came out soon, and some people jumped up excitedly.

More than half of the people agree to be exempted. I declare that An Taoer and An Yuan'er are officially exempted. Next, we need to re-elect the chief officer!

Everyone, we are running out of time and need to make a decision as soon as possible. Please recommend candidates!

While everyone was discussing, they suddenly heard the siren.

We discovered that hostile forces have invaded and are preparing to clear them out!

The laser machine guns and laser cannons hidden behind the ceiling began to appear.

The defense system of the Sirius people can be said to be the best, but they never dreamed that it would be used by Su Yuan to clean themselves up.

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