Global Catastrophe: Open with 1000 Acres of Survival Base

Chapter 382 Your brain is burned out, right?

As long as he captures Luo Changfeng's fleet, he can deal with Su Yuan and avenge Pengyue and others.

Master, they have surrendered, what should we do? Su Xiaoyu asked worriedly.

What are you afraid of? Isn't there Chris?

Chris? Su Xiaoyu was a little confused.

Chris covered her mouth and smiled without explaining.

She secretly controlled Luo Changfeng and others through the zombie virus.

Luo Changfeng's expression changed drastically, and he suddenly felt that his body was out of control.

And the people around him are like this too.

He immediately thought of something and was ecstatic, but couldn't express it.

Under Chris's control, he contacted An Lin'er uncontrollably.

An Lin'er, I am willing to surrender, but I have a request. You must send someone with equal status to receive my fleet!

An Lin'er was stunned for a moment and showed a bright smile.

Hahaha, surrender, you are still very classy! After you disarm, I will slowly deal with you!

Then, he said to the secretary beside him:

Contact Luo Changfeng and tell him that I agree and I will send my plenipotentiary there later!

Plenipotentiary? Who is your lord?

The secretary looked at An Lin'er dumbfounded.

Anyone can do it, and he doesn't know him. It's up to you!

As both sides reached an agreement, they stopped attacking.

Luo Changfeng ordered all interstellar battleships to open their hatches and wait for An Lin'er's people to come and receive them.

An Lin'er was also very cautious. They did not let their men directly drive the star battleships to dock with Luo Changfeng and others' star battleships. Instead, they released flying tanks one after another.

The chariot was full of robot guards, with only two Sirius guards responsible for disarming them.

If Luo Changfeng pretended to surrender, Anlin'er would be able to withstand the loss and would counterattack as soon as possible.

In the command room of Anlin'er's main ship, he kept staring at the big screen.

Several pictures were displayed simultaneously on the big screen, each picture showing a specific scene of a star battleship being disarmed.

Seeing the Yaoxing people handing over their weapons honestly, Anlin'er's nervousness gradually relaxed.

Luo Changfeng didn't pretend to surrender, he really surrendered.

Hahaha, open a bottle of wine for me to celebrate! An Lin'er laughed.

Soon, the secretary brought over a glass of wine, and An Liner drank a few sips in excitement.

What are the Blue Star people doing now?

Sir, they seem to have escaped!


Yes, their fleet has moved away from the battlefield, but it has not left the Nongxing!

Huh, I'm quite self-aware. Ignore them for now. After we deal with Luo Changfeng, we will be able to control the Niao Xing. By then, it won't be easy to deal with them!

An Lin'er was full of confidence. Although he had also lost many interstellar battleships, his main fleet was still there. If he could control Luo Changfeng's fleet, he would be fully capable of controlling the Ao Xing.

Not long after, Luo Changfeng was captured by his men.

Luo Changfeng, please sit down and tell me the specific situation of Nongxing. What did the Blue Star people do here?

Behind Luo Changfeng were two guard robots, and there were Sirius men with laser machine guns on the left and right.

If he makes even the slightest abnormal move, he will be shot to death.

Normally, he would have been trembling with fear.

But now, his body is not under his control at all, and he can't say a word he wants to say. He can only say what Chris asks him to say.

Mr. An Lin'er, you have also seen the current situation of Auxing Star. It is devastated. Ever since the Blue Star people came, there have been constant resistances. So far, the Blue Star people still have not completely controlled us!

Okay, you performed well. Next, lead your fleet and follow me to destroy the Blue Star people!

Mr. An Lin'er, I am willing to obey your orders, but I have to remind you that this is just a small fleet of Blue Star people. Even if we destroy them, their large forces will soon come to support!

Anlin'er frowned. He hated it when someone went against his will.

However, Luo Changfeng's reminder is very important.

You mean the Blue Star people are still planning to send people?

Of course, their fleet should be on the way already!

Then do you know how many fleets he sent over?

I don't know about this. But it is definitely indispensable. If they want to completely control Hao Xing, they will definitely not be able to do it without a few people!

Anlin'er's expression changed drastically, and he had to be prepared.

Asking Sirius for help?

This was too embarrassing and he didn't want to.

He didn't plan to ask for help until the end.

An Lin'er ordered all interstellar battleships to enter the Yinxing base to rest and recuperate.

He wanted to integrate existing forces to deal with Su Yuan.

He wanted to build his own fleet and Luo Changfeng's fleet into a powerful combined fleet.

The total number of existing interstellar battleships on both sides exceeds 700.

Of course, the battleships of the Yinxing people are still very poor in combat effectiveness.

For this reason, An Lin'er allowed more Sirian guards to enter the Star warships and gain command power.

Master, what should we do? Now Luo Changfeng and An Lin'er are wearing a pair of trousers. When they repair them, they will come to deal with us! Su Xiaoyu said worriedly.

At this time, Su Yuan's fleet was still on the planet Nian, but had flown to the other side of the planet and had no intention of fighting An Lin'er.

Isn't this better? Soon An Lin'er will take the initiative to surrender! Su Yuan said with a smile.

He had no intention of sending more fleets from beginning to end.

What Luo Changfeng said was also to deceive An Lin'er.

This will make An Lin'er become more nervous and ignore many details.

Su Xiaoyu looked at Su Yuan in disbelief.

Master, is your head burned out?


Su Yuan's head suddenly hit Su Xiaoyu's forehead.

You just burned out. Anlin'er and others will soon be controlled by Kris. By then, the battleships they worked so hard to maintain will be ours. I will let him take us to Sirius later!

Master, are you going to Sirius?

Of course, we should settle the accounts between us!

After resting for several days, all the interstellar battleships have been repaired and maintained. Anlin'er is also full of confidence and is ready for a team drill.

At this time, his secretary came over.

Master An Lin'er, it's time to eat!

Oh, what are you going to eat today?

An Lin'er was looking forward to it because the food prepared by the Yaoxing people in the past few days was very to his liking.

It's still a delicacy from the Yinxing people. I think you will like it, sir!

Several dining carts filled with food were pushed up, and two Auxing people respectfully placed the delicacies in front of An Lin'er.

An Lin'er didn't eat and glanced at the secretary beside him.

The secretary nodded knowingly and let the two men taste it first. After there were no problems, he tasted it again.

Master An Lin'er, you can enjoy it with confidence!

An Lin'er nodded, still worried, picked up the toxin detector in his hand and tested it again. After confirming that there was no problem, he started eating.

But he didn't know that except for him, other Sirius people were not as cautious as him. They could eat whatever they wanted and do whatever they wanted without worrying too much, and they had affairs with many Sirius people.

Now, he and the secretary beside him are the only ones who have not been infected with the zombie virus.

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