The first ones to be infected were the Sirius guards who were sent to the Wanxian star battleships, followed closely by those Sirius guards who often went out for training.

Then, there are the people around him.

When he was enjoying his meal, the two men who were serving him next to him suddenly threw him down and bit him indiscriminately.

The bite wound was not fatal, but it was enough to infect An Lin'er with the zombie virus.

Quick, come here, kill them!

It wasn't until a team of robot guards arrived that An Lin'er was rescued.

Then Anlin'er's face turned ugly, his whole body twitched, and his nails grew crazily.

He turned to look at the exquisitely dressed secretary and couldn't help but pounce on him.

The secretary kept begging for mercy, but to no avail.

An Lin'er has the highest authority here, and the robot guards will not attack him.

An Lin'er, who quickly vented his anger, seemed to feel much more comfortable.

But then, he felt like he couldn't control his body.

Then he came to the command room and shouted to all the Sirians and Aurians:

Everyone put down their weapons and gather outside!

No one resisted.

Because after hearing these words, he lost control of his body.

Everyone came outside like puppets with expressionless faces, squatted down with their hands on their heads, and said nothing.

At the same time, Chris also said:

Master, everything is under control. We can go over and receive them now!

Hehe, you did a good job, I will reward you later! Su Yuan said with a smile.

Chrissy blushed.

Do you want to reward another pile of clothes?

Then, Susan started to turn around and rushed towards Anlin'er's base.

Ten minutes later, Su Jian saw An Lin'er and Luo Changfeng.

Mr. Su, I...I don't really want to betray you!

Luo Changfeng hurriedly knelt on the ground.

He surrendered completely under Chris's control.

Don't worry, I won't kill you this time!

Mr. Su, you are wise!

Luo Changfeng breathed a sigh of relief.

And An Lin'er was dumbfounded. So far, he has not figured out what happened.

Although Chris controlled his body, it did not affect his normal thinking.

An Lin'er, what is the situation of your Sirius civilization? Of course, you can choose not to say it, but I believe someone will say it!

As Su Yuan asked, Chris also released part of her control over Anlin'er.

An Lin'er was surprised to find that he could open his mouth to speak, but his hands and feet were still out of control.

Hmph, if you want me to betray my civilization, you might as well kill me!

Anlin'er raised his proud head.

It's such a pity to kill you. You can actually enjoy more! Luo Changfeng, do you have any torture? Let him feel it!

Hey, Mr. Su, don't worry, I promise to satisfy him!

Luo Changfeng excitedly called a few Yaoxing guards to prepare to take care of An Lin'er.

He actually holds a grudge. The fleet led by An Lin'er almost killed him, so he wanted to come back for revenge when he had the chance.

Soon, Luo Changfeng had someone catch a pair of golden bugs.

This bug looks a bit like a bee, but their living habits are more like flies. The smellier the place, the more they like it.

Luo Changfeng had someone peel off An Lin'er's mecha, then picked up a knife and stabbed An Lin'er in the butt.

Then put the pair of bugs up.

Mr. Su, these things are called stink wasps in our area. The eggs they lay can reproduce in the human body, and they reproduce very quickly!

Hearing this, Anlin'er's face changed drastically and he cursed loudly.

But the more fierce he scolded, the prouder Luo Changfeng became.

Not long after, An Lin'er felt that the flesh on his butt was extremely itchy, but he wanted to scratch it, but he couldn't control his hands.

I saw small maggot-like insects crawling back and forth on the wound on his butt. It looked like it made people want to vomit.

As the wound grew bigger and bigger, the bug grew bigger and bigger, and in less than half an hour it became an adult, with wings and capable of flying.

They continue to lay eggs and reproduce, more and more.

An Lin'er couldn't bear it, but there was nothing he could do.

After getting tired of scolding, he began to beg for mercy.

If he continues like this, he will be slowly eaten by bugs.

Moreover, the bug also secretes a toxin that allows him to stay awake and feel pain, but cannot fall into coma.

Su Yuanbi was not in a hurry to let An Lin'er go.

He called other people over.

These people were all captains on various star battleships, including An Lin'er's cronies, and Luo Jie, who was lucky enough to save his life.

When Luo Jie and others saw An Lin'er's miserable appearance, they were so frightened that they told Su Yuan everything they knew.

An Lin'er, you see they are all smarter than you. The more they talk, the less valuable you are in their hands!

At this time, Anlin'er could no longer hold on.

Mr. Su, let me tell you, I will tell you anything, and I am willing to cooperate with you!

Anlin'er, I want to attack your Sirius star. Tell me, if I take the fleet you trained there, do you have any hope of winning?

Suddenly, Anlin'er was so frightened that he trembled all over.

Mr. Su, even if we double the number of interstellar battleships, there is no hope. Our Sirius civilization is about to enter the threshold of primary civilization, with three interstellar carriers and hundreds of billions of people!

What if I let you go back and be my spy?

This is even more impossible. After we go back, all of us will be subject to strict scrutiny and our memories will even be read!

What you mean is that there is no hope! Then it will be useless for me to keep you! Su Yuan sneered.

Don't... Mr. Su, I have a way to help you! An Lin'er said hurriedly.

Luo Jie and the others also said they have a way, but you can tell me, what way? If it's not reliable, I'll feed you all the worms!

An Lin'er's eyes rolled, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he kept thinking.

Mr. Su, I have a way for you to sneak into Sirius!

Su Yuan said nothing and stared into An Lin'er's eyes.

I can disguise you as prisoners, take you back, and then find an opportunity to release you!

Then what?

Then, you can find opportunities to gain access to our Sirius control system and find a way...

An Lin'er's voice became softer and softer as he spoke, feeling that it was impossible for him.

Su Yuan frowned.

The Sirius civilization was much more powerful than he expected. It was not as easy to deal with as the Tyrannosaurus and the Dinosaurs. They had a complete defense system and review system.

Even their control authority is divided into dozens of levels, and the control system of each mothership is different.

It's definitely not possible to play tricks.

Then the only option is to attack by force.

The only power Su Yuan can use is the 3,000 interstellar battleships and 100,000 guard robots rewarded by the Hong tribe.

Su Yuan asked Luo Changfeng to take An Lin'er and others down. He had to think carefully before preparing his next move.

Let’s solve the problem of Yongxing for the time being.

He now has a huge fleet in his hands, and with the cooperation of Luo Changfeng and others, all the people on the Star were soon infected with the zombie virus.

In this way, all the troublemakers on the planet cannot get antiviral medicines. Only by working hard and making enough money can they buy antiviral medicines.

Even if there are people from the Yongxing who are not afraid of death and want to make trouble, they can't.

It didn't take long for Wuxing to restore order, and the factory started working again, producing various equipment and raw materials for Su Yuan.

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