An Lin'er believed that Ma Qi and Pengyue's total of 240 interstellar warships, plus Luo Jie's fleet, should be able to cope with any situation.

And he himself led 240 interstellar battleships to prepare for counter-encirclement, hoping to capture Hao Xing in one fell swoop.

An Lin'er's fleet pounced on the star, and one interstellar battleship pounced on Luo Changfeng and others.

Luo Changfeng panicked.

He knew very well that the strength of his own fleet was barely adequate for three against one. Facing hundreds of interstellar battleships, he would only lose.

Mr. Su, what should we do! The Yinxing people are coming to the rescue!

Trash, what are you afraid of? Concentrate your firepower quickly and destroy the interstellar battleships in the encirclement first!

Luo Changfeng was dumbfounded.

If Anlin'er's fleet comes up and he hasn't completely wiped out Luo Jie's fleet, he is likely to be attacked from both sides.

If you don't prepare your formation to face the battle when the time comes, you will definitely lose!

Luo Changfeng didn't know what Su Yuan was thinking, but seeing that Su Yuan was so confident, he had no choice but to carry out the order.

Don't let the Yinxing people in the encirclement escape. Blast them to death!

In front of Su Yuan, Ma Qi and Pengyue's fleet rushed up.

Master, they are in a dual main ship formation, who should we attack first? Susan asked.

Penetrate in front, attack whoever you encounter, and disrupt their formation for me!

But if we leave, Luo Changfeng and the others will be attacked from a flank!

It's okay. They won't die for a while. There aren't many interstellar battleships left in the encirclement, so they can't form a pincer attack from inside and outside!

Susan nodded, piloted the star battleship, and led the fleet to charge forward.

The speed was extremely fast and it directly collided with a Sirian interstellar battleship.

With a bang, the opponent's warship was actually knocked away.

What's going on? This isn't an interstellar battleship of the Yaoxing people! Pengyue frowned.

Sir, this should be the Blue Star Star Battleship!

We're here just in time. Let them see how powerful we are. All the warships will focus their firepower to bombard them!

But sir, what should Lord Luo Jie do?

Let Ma Qi and the others save that trash!

Suddenly, beams of lasers bombarded Susan's star battleship.

When Susan saw this situation, she became energetic and immediately fought back.

Use all the starry sky laser cannons to lock on the warship where Pengyue is and bombard it.

The huge laser beam engulfed Pengyue's interstellar battleship.

Immediately, the alarm sounded in the star battleship.

Suffering severe damage, the power system is about to lose control. Please evacuate immediately, please...

Pengyue: ...

Wucao, so unlucky?

Pengyue was dumbfounded. As soon as they met, his main ship was scrapped. This was simply embarrassing.

Quick, get on the lifeboat with me!

However, Susan is not Luo Changfeng, she fights more violently.

He directly drove the interstellar battleship and rammed into Pengyue's main ship, pushing it against the interstellar battleship behind.

Continue to use the starry sky laser cannon to bombard the star warships behind.

With a rumble, another interstellar battleship was scrapped.

It is indeed a starry sky laser cannon. One shot will sparkle in the starry sky and no one can stop it! Su Xiaoyu said excitedly.

Susan nodded and aimed at the next starship.

Susan, stop playing around, hurry up, lead the fleet to pass through, disrupt their formation, and then go back and destroy them one by one! Su Yuan reminded.

Susan stopped playing around and led the fleet back and forth, messing up Pengyue's fleet.

Then, take another chance and destroy them all.

Luo Changfeng's side was even more miserable, suffering heavy losses from Ma Qi's fleet.

Ma Qi directly led the fleet, inserted in from the middle, and rescued Luo Jie and others.

It's just that there are less than 5 star battleships left in Roger's fleet. They have all suffered heavy losses and have no ability to fight anymore, so they can't be of any help.

Ma Qi didn't care. He stepped in and led the fleet to turn around, preparing to surround Luo Changfeng's fleet with An Lin'er.

Luo Changfeng's fleet was in chaos after being disrupted by Ma Qi. They fought on their own and were no match for Ma Qi.

His confidence collapsed and he quickly contacted Su Yuan.

Mr. Su, help me, my fleet can't resist it!

Luo Changfeng, you are the only one who can save yourself now. Reorganize your formation quickly. The number of interstellar battleships in your hand is much more than that of the opponent. Even if you fight two of them to one, you can still survive!

Luo Changfeng was stunned.

He didn't expect that Wilson Su wouldn't come to save him.

But then I thought about it, Su Yuan only had 10 interstellar battleships in hand, and even if he came to rescue him, it would not solve the problem.

Ni Ma, fight them!

At the critical moment of life and death, Luo Changfeng no longer cherishes his life.

Those who want to survive must fight for me. If we fight two ships to one, we always have hope!

Luo Changfeng piloted the main ship and took the lead in rushing towards Ma Qi's interstellar battleship.

Seeing this, the people under him also rushed forward.

If you don't work hard now, you won't have a chance if you try hard in a while.

What's going on? How come these weaklings suddenly become so powerful? Ma Qi asked doubtfully.

Sir, no matter how powerful we are, we are no match. As long as we destroy a few of their warships, they will naturally retreat!

Okay, concentrate your firepower and blow up the ones that charge the hardest for me!

Boom boom boom.

Luo Changfeng's interstellar battleship suffered heavy damage, but seven or eight interstellar battleships followed him to the left and right, and they had broken through the encirclement and arrived in front of Ma Qi's main ship.

Brothers, crash him!

Seven or eight interstellar battleships collided together, and Ma Qi's main ship suddenly deformed.

Warning, the star battleship has suffered heavy damage, please evacuate immediately...

Ma Qi was unwilling to give in and ordered his men to continue the bombardment, but he hid in the life-saving airship.

Not long after, his main ship was destroyed.

At this time, Anlin'er's fleet also arrived and surrounded the place.

Although Luo Changfeng has a large fleet, it is almost impossible to break through.

Anlin'er, who had the upper hand, began to shout.

Brothers from the Ao star, as long as you surrender, we will treat you preferentially. You can still live on the Ao star in the future. We are just helping you manage and improve your civilization process!

An Lin'er is very smart. If he fights head-on with Luo Changfeng, he will suffer huge losses. He should first trick Luo Changfeng's fleet into surrendering, and then deal with it slowly.

Upon hearing An Lin'er's shouting, Luo Changfeng's expression changed drastically.

An Lin'er may not kill others, but he will certainly not let him go.

Don't listen to his deceptions. He is from Sirius and we are from Wanxian. As long as we surrender, he will kill us and enslave our families forever and treat them like beasts!

However, many people still hesitated.

If you don't surrender, you will definitely die, if you surrender, you may die.

This was a good choice for the Auxing people who were greedy for life and fearful of death. If Luo Changfeng hadn't suppressed them, they would all have surrendered.

Mr. Su, what should we do? All my people must surrender!

Su Yuan had just finished his work and was quite speechless when he heard Luo Changfeng's words.

Then let them surrender. I want to see how many people want to surrender?

Luo Changfeng: ...

Are you stupid? If possible, I would surrender!

Luo Changfeng was at a loss, and he was vigilantly guarding the people around him.

He was afraid that if he was not careful, he would be captured by these people and then taken to An Lin'er to claim credit.

Soon, Luo Changfeng's fleet was completely out of his control, and they raised white flags one after another.

Hahaha, okay! Don't worry, my people will come to take over the battleship right away and will never do anything to you. You will all become our Sirius people's guards afterwards! An Lin'er laughed.

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