Next, Su Yuan dismantled all the spaceships, tanks and other equipment left behind in Taizhen Mountain to strengthen the shelter.

Under Xiaoyu's design, the shelter can not only fly, but also drill into the ground.

This shelter is like a beetle with a shield machine in front. In case of danger, it can drill into the ground or into the mountain to avoid disaster.

Of course, if the entire planet is destroyed, there will be no choice but to escape in an interstellar spacecraft.

Afterwards, Su Yuan did not leave the base, but stayed in the base to help reinforce and renovate the shelter.

The temperature outside is getting higher and higher, and now there is no distinction between day and night.

Because the star that flew over came from the back of the planet, no matter how the planet rotated, the planet was always shrouded in sunlight.

This has also caused panic, and more and more civilized contestants are preparing to escape from the planet.

However, it has not yet emerged, for fear of being cut off by a powerful civilization.

These days, Li Yuanshan has led the fleet and killed many alien beasts and contestants from other civilizations, but the score in his hand is still far behind.

Seeing the star getting closer and closer to the planet, Li Yuanshan wanted to give it a try.

He has received the coordinate information from Tai Zhenshan.

He planned to lead the fleet to take a look. If he could capture Su Yuan, he would take action. If he couldn't capture it, he would prepare to run away.

There are many people who think like Li Yuanshan. In addition to him, there are other fleets rushing towards Su Yuan's base.

Soon, the alarm sounded in Su Yuan's base, indicating that a fleet was approaching.

Just in time to save me from going to find them!

Su Yuan smiled, stopped what he was doing, and led Chris out of the base.

Outside, there were several spaceships bombarding the base.

Judging from the number of spaceships, it should be a small civilized organization with no more than 50 people.

You dare to come and die! Su Yuan said with a smile.

Master, let me do it. I can deal with them without you having to do anything!

No, don't do anything yet. Others will come over soon. I'll take care of them!

Su Yuan didn't want to expose the corpse insect and the nightmare-level beast prematurely.

Wearing a super-intelligent combat mecha, he flew directly to the main ship of this small fleet.

Suddenly, various defensive weapons installed on the deck opened fire on Su Yuan.

It looks like it's a little more advanced than Tai Zhenshan's spaceship.

Su Yuan waved the laser sword in his hand to destroy these obstructive laser weapons, and then separated the deck. Just as he was about to enter it, he saw another fleet coming from the distance.

This fleet is obviously more numerous and has more firepower.

They flew over and opened fire without caring about who they were.

Interesting, I just like this kind of melee!

Su Yuan said and jumped into the spacecraft.

His goal is still to score points and kill all the other contestants.

After entering the spacecraft, a group of robot guards rushed over, trying to stop him.

He split open several robots with one strike of his sword and quickly rushed towards the control room of the spacecraft.

In the command room, a group of people who originally wanted to come here to take advantage were now worried.

They didn't expect that they would encounter other fleets as soon as they arrived here. It seemed that it would be difficult to escape.

Since there is little hope of escape, consider surrendering.

But now everyone wants to divide, and no prisoners are needed.

After discussing for a long time, there was no result. At this time, Su Yuan came in.

Outside, it became even more chaotic, and several fleets rushed over, including Li Yuanshan.

Hehe, God help me at last. With so many spaceships, if I clean them all out, the score should be about the same!

Li Yuanshan led dozens of spaceships and hundreds of flying chariots in his hands, trying to surround the surrounding fleets.

He is very greedy and doesn't want to let anyone go.

Chrissy still didn't move. Without Su Yuan's order, she was going to hide for a while longer.

Wait until the fleets in Liyuanshan are almost exhausted before taking action.

The melee became more and more intense, and a spacecraft was shot down.

Many robots and humans wearing combat armors were injured and forced to fall to the ground.

Immediately, he was dragged away by the tentacles of the nightmare-level beast hidden underground.

Li Yuanshan didn't notice this and let his men attack desperately.

Suddenly, there was a loud boom, and a huge volcano in the distance began to erupt, and countless amounts of magma surged out.

The surrounding mutated plants were also ignited, and the raging fire burned the entire sky red.

The fast-moving star has entered the gravitational circle.

Huge gravitational fluctuations cause the planet to shake continuously, affecting changes in the earth's crust.

And further away, a tsunami of tens of thousands of meters was set off.

Everyone knew that a terrible disaster was coming.

As the star gets closer, the planet may be ignited and burned to ashes.

Of course, this result is not bad, but I am afraid that the planet will be torn apart by gravity and break into countless meteorites.

At that time, it will be more difficult to escape.

Hurry up, work harder and kill them, we have to get out of here quickly! Li Yuanshan shouted.

Seeing that they had an absolute advantage in Liyuan Mountain and wanted to dominate the chaotic battlefield, several more fleets arrived one after another.

The last one to arrive is the beetle civilization.

The female insects under Wu Zhong have all awakened and led their respective beetle guards to join the melee.

Suddenly, Li Yuanshan's expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly ordered his fleet to retreat.

Facing Wu Zhong, he had no confidence at all.

Now that the melee situation was beyond his control, he could only find ways to gain more benefits.

Wu Zhong's ambition was the same as his, and he wanted to keep all the melee fleets behind.

Because she didn't accumulate enough points, she had to get enough points before the planet undergoes drastic changes.

To this end, Wu Zhong asked the female bugs under his command to bring beetle guards, jump off the spacecraft, and pounce on other fleets.

The number of these beetle guards now exceeds more than half a million.

It is more powerful than before and has strong resistance to zombie viruses.

They are divided into thousands of teams, some are responsible for attracting firepower, and some are responsible for sneaking into the spacecraft.

Several spaceships were quickly wiped out, and everyone on the spacecraft was killed.

The attack speed is much faster than Liyuanshan.

On the Wu Zhong's spaceship, Ling Hai and others had been imprisoned, leaving only a few beetle guards to guard them.

At present, Wu Zhong no longer needs them, and plans to keep a few useful ones to repair the spacecraft and kill all the rest.

Ling Hai frowned, thinking about how to escape.

Looking at the few beetle guards outside the door, he began to become concerned.

He was also involved in the modification and assembly of this spaceship. In order to prevent accidents, he had reserved a hand to control some of the authority of this spaceship.

With this permission, you can open the cell door and get weapons.

However, he did not dare to act immediately and secretly observed the surrounding situation.

On the other side, Su Yuan had already killed everyone on the spaceship, and also forced him to find out the password and gained the highest authority.

Since then, he has been piloting this spaceship to fish in troubled waters and attack other fleets.

However, in the melee, his spaceship also suffered a fierce attack. It was going to fall apart as it was being driven as it was.

Su Yuan planned to pull a cushion and crash a spaceship before it fell apart.

In the cab, the surrounding spacecraft was displayed on a large screen.

“It’s interesting, we’ve all come to join in the fun, and I’ll just kill you all!

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