Su Yuan smiled, increased the speed to the maximum, and crashed into the nearest spaceship.

Judging from the logo on this spaceship, it should be Li Yuanshan's subordinate.

As Su Yuan drove the spacecraft faster and faster, the other party also noticed something strange and began to avoid it.

It's just that there are many spaceships attacking it around, which affects its speed of evasion.

Not long after, it was caught up by Su Yuan, and he couldn't hide even if he wanted to.

Don't come over here, I'll fight you!

The captain on the spaceship quickly shouted threats.

But this was too naive for Su Yuan, so he ignored him and directly drove the spaceship into him.

Li Yuanshan saw that his spaceship was about to be crashed, and quickly called other spaceships to rescue him.

Beams of lasers desperately bombarded the spacecraft driven by Su Yuan.

Su Yuan evaded most of the attacks flexibly, and finally crashed into the opponent's spaceship.

With a bang, the spacecraft driven by Su Yuan exploded first, followed by the opponent's spacecraft.

At the moment of impact, Su Yuan jumped off the spacecraft.

At this time, the melee entered a fever pitch, and most of the small fleet was destroyed.

Only the fleets of Li Yuanshan and Wu Zhong were still relatively intact.

The spaceships on both sides also started fighting.

Immediately, Su Yuan asked Kris to use the nightmare-level beast to sneak attack them.

The nightmare-level beast hides underground and can extend its tentacles to attack the spaceships on both sides. No one can tell that it is Chris who is secretly controlling it.

Suddenly, the ground shook, and huge tentacles ripped open the ground, came out, and grabbed the spaceship in the sky.

A few unlucky spaceships, in order to avoid the attacks of other spacecraft, flew very low. They had no time to climb up, and were tightly entangled by the tentacles and dragged to the ground.

Seeing the sudden appearance of the strange beast, Li Yuanshan wanted to rescue his spaceship, but he was afraid that Wu Zhong's fleet would come to kill him.

Wu Zhong had no such concerns and directly sent his female worms with beetle guards to rescue them.

The female worm is very ferocious. She pounces directly on the tentacles and starts biting, and bites off a large piece of meat in one bite.

Those heavily armed beetle guards also followed the same example, covered the entire tentacles, and started biting crazily.

In the blink of an eye, a huge tentacle was more than half eaten by the beetle guard led by the female insect.

The spaceship also found an opportunity to break free from the tentacles and flew out.

Chris's eyebrows were raised. She didn't expect the mother worm and these beetle guards to be so difficult to deal with. The zombie virus that entered the mother worm's body showed no reaction and was obviously suppressed.

Damn it! Kris cursed.

However, after the spacecraft was rescued, the female insect had no intention of letting go of the nightmare-level beast controlled by Chris. She led hundreds of thousands of beetle guards and continued to bite other tentacles.

This completely angered Chris, and she asked the nightmare-level beasts to drag these beetle guards underground, and then let other corpse insects bite the beetle guards.

There are tens of billions of corpse worms hidden underground. Although the beetle guards dragged underground are very fierce, they cannot resist so many corpse worms and are quickly eaten up.

As there are fewer and fewer beetle guards, there are far fewer forces that can help the mother beetle.

At this time, Chris asked the nightmare-level beast to drag the female insect underground.

Just halfway through, another female worm jumped in to help.

The female beetles that were lucky enough to survive actually began to reproduce again, giving birth to tens of thousands of more powerful beetle guards.

On the spaceship, Su Yuan also noticed this situation.

He grabbed another spaceship before he could attack the others.

These bugs are pretty tough!

Su Yuan looked at the surrounding spaceships, and finally aimed at the main ship where Wu Zhong was.

Judging from the current situation, the Beetle Civilization is even more powerful than the Bili Lake Civilization.

So Su Yuan plans to get rid of the beetle civilization first.

The spaceship he drove desperately crashed into Wu Zhong's main ship.

Wu Zhong was still in the command room, commanding the other spaceships under her control. Suddenly, an alarm sounded, indicating that a spacecraft was approaching.

Looking up at the big screen, he saw a spaceship crashing into it desperately, allowing other spacecraft to bombard it without slowing down at all.

what's the situation?

Wu Zhong frowned and immediately ordered other spacecraft to intercept.

After receiving the order, the two spaceships pounced on Su Yuan's spacecraft, one on the left and the other on the right.

Su Yuan suddenly lowered his altitude, avoided the attack of the two spaceships, and continued to collide with Wu Zhong's main ship.

Wu Zhong was completely angered. She personally drove the spaceship towards Su Yuan and used all her firepower to bombard Su Yuan.

Although the female worm has a high IQ, her nature is difficult to change, she is impulsive and likes to fight.

Seeing Wu Chong approaching, Su Yuan was even more happy and drove as fast as possible.

There was a loud bang, and the two spaceships collided.

The spaceship driven by Su Yuan immediately fell apart and broke into countless pieces.

Wu Zhong's main ship also suffered heavy damage, but it did not fall apart. Several large holes were damaged in the top deck.

Su Yuan had already jumped off the spacecraft at the moment of impact.

The super-intelligent combat mecha on him flew faster than a spaceship and directly avoided the central area of ​​the explosion.

In this way, when the impact of the explosion hits him, the super-intelligent combat mecha can offset more than half of it, and his body can fully withstand the remaining force.

After the explosion, Su Yuan flew towards Wu Zhong's main ship.

Then it landed on the deck of the spacecraft and penetrated into the interior of the spacecraft from the damaged area.

There is a life detection instrument inside the spacecraft, which will sound an alarm if it detects the entry of abnormal life forms.

Wu Zhong immediately knew that someone was invading the spacecraft, and immediately asked the beetle guards on the spacecraft to rush over.

There were not many beetle guards on this spaceship to begin with, and the few left behind were just to guard Ling Hai and others.

Now that they are all gone, an opportunity has been created for Ling Hai.

Ling Hai immediately opened the cell door through the loophole he had left in advance and ran out.

He did not take anyone else with him because others did not have permission and leaving would trigger an alarm.

The companions who participated in the competition with him had long been killed by Wu Zhong.

So now he chose to act alone, preparing to find the rescue airship and escape from the airship.

He didn't expect that Wu Zhong also had a trick up his sleeve, and a group of trained robots quickly discovered him.

These are ordinary robots, their combat effectiveness is not as good as the beetle guards, and they are usually only responsible for training and maintenance on the spacecraft.

But these robots were all assembled and modified by Wu Chong herself, and she has a strong learning ability.

Faced with these robots that completely obeyed the orders of Wu Zhong, Ling Hai had no choice but to escape, and it was difficult to find a life-saving airship.

He hid all the way, and after going around for a long time, he bumped into Su Yuan.

After Su Yuan killed the beetle guards with his laser sword, he wanted to go to the control room of the spacecraft.

However, the layout of the Beetle Civilization's spaceship is different from other spaceships. After running around for a while, I still couldn't find the command room.

Ling Hai!? Why are you here?

The laser sword in Su Yuan's hand was pointed at Ling Hai, almost killing him as a beetle guard.

Mr. Su! It's great to see you. I'm unlucky and have been captured by Wu Zhong a long time ago! Ling Hai explained.

A team of robots caught up behind him.

Su Yuan swung his sword and split these robots in half, then looked at Ling Hai.

I can save you, but it depends on whether you are worthy of my saving?

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