After Su Yuan finished explaining, he jumped off the interstellar spacecraft and flew towards the spacecraft that Tai Zhenshan was talking about.

He was wearing a super-intelligent combat armor and was extremely fast, landing directly on the deck of the spacecraft.

Then he took out his laser sword and sliced ​​the alloy deck open.

Although the Ted Star civilization made good robots, the quality of its spaceships was not that good.

Su Yuan easily opened a hole and jumped in.

Suddenly, an alarm sounded on the spacecraft, indicating an invasion.

Tai Zhenshan was stunned for a moment and couldn't help cursing:

Asshole, stop the intruders!

Immediately, Tai Zhenshan's henchmen, leading contestants from other civilizations and teams of robots, rushed towards where Su Yuan was.

There are many robots, and the combat power of a single robot is stronger than that of a terrifying-level alien beast, while the combined attack power of a team of robots exceeds that of an emperor-level alien beast.

But when he walked in front of Su Yuan, he was dumbfounded.

Su Yuan directly released an ultra-low temperature cold current. The extremely low temperature instantly froze the surrounding robots.

Then he swung his laser sword and split the robot in front of him in half.

Waiting for some robots to finally break free from the ice.

Su Yuan used the fire power again.

The raging flames spread like overwhelming fire in all directions, and all the robots could not stop themselves from being burned red.

Under the hot and cold conditions, many robots had problems and would not pose much of a threat to Su Yuan.

Then Su Yuan used the lightning power again.

With a roar, thunder and lightning exploded, and the super current caused all the robots near Su Yuan to short-circuit and be scrapped.

Soon Su Yuan broke out of the robot encirclement and faced Tai Zhenshan's henchmen and other civilizations.

This civilization has cooperated with the Ted star civilization, and wants to embrace the lap of the Ted star civilization, just like its vassal civilization.

Many of them have not even scored a point so far, and they are all helping the Ted star civilization.

Facing these people, Su Yuan was not polite.

Just wield the laser sword and slash at them. Each kill is worth one point, so it's not easy to miss.

It is much better to have it delivered to your door than to go out and find it.

Stabbing with a sword, he actually killed two people in a row.

The aisle of this spaceship is not spacious. Although there are many people on the other side, they are all crowded together, which makes it easier for Su Yuan to kill!

Almost every time the sword was struck, someone would fall down.

The opponent was so frightened by the killing that they did not dare to intercept Su Yuan any more and retreated one after another.

After a while, we arrived at the command hall.

Seeing how useless his men were, Tai Zhenshan picked up the laser sword and rushed forward himself.

let me!

Tai Zhenshan is very tall, over three meters, like a giant.

He rushed over, the deck on the ground shook with his steps, and stabbed Su Yuan with his sword.

Su Yuan moved faster, and before Tai Zhenshan's laser sword could hit him, he had already stabbed Tai Zhenshan on the shoulder.

The extremely sharp laser sword instantly pierced Tai Zhenshan's combat armor, then lifted up and broke his shoulder blades.

Tai Zhenshan was sweating profusely in pain and retreated hurriedly.

But Su Yuan pressed forward step by step, waving his laser sword and slashing at him again.

Tai Zhenshan failed to dodge in time, causing his shoulder and arm to be chopped off.

Who are you?

Kill your people!

Su Yuan sneered and the movements in his hands never stopped.

I can surrender, please let us live!

I don't need prisoners!

Tai Zhenshan's complexion changed drastically, and he gritted his teeth and roared:

Don't force us. If you force us, release the coordinates of your base!

It's okay. The more people come, the better. I'm just too lazy to look for them!

You...don't force us...

What can I do if I force you?

Su Yuan slashed with his sword again, cutting off Tai Zhenshan's other arm.

Tai Zhenshan suddenly no longer had the courage to resist Su Yuan, and was so frightened that he hurriedly escaped.

Come on, stop him!

Another group of robots stood in front of Su Yuan.

It bought Tai Zhenshan a lot of time to escape.

Quickly, send the coordinates of his base. I want everyone to know. The others will follow me on the escape airship!

Under Tai Zhenshan's command, everyone began to prepare to escape. Only the robots were still resisting Su Yuan.

However, these robots were quickly scrapped by Su Yuan. After cleaning up the robots blocking the road, Su Yuan continued to chase Tai Zhenshan.

Tai Zhenshan hadn't run far yet. As soon as he got on the escape airship, he saw Su Yuan rushing over again and shouted quickly:

Quick, leave quickly and leave them alone!

Some people who had not yet boarded the escape airship were abandoned by Tai Zhenshan.

Su Yuan was not polite and killed these people one by one.

Each one is a point and cannot be wasted.

Moreover, these people are all here to attack you, and you deserve to be attacked by the weak and the strong.

After cleaning up the other people on the spacecraft, Su Yuan also jumped off the spacecraft and chased Tai Zhenshan and others.

Outside, the corpse insects and nightmare-level beasts controlled by Chris had suppressed the scene, and many spaceships and tanks were destroyed.

That nightmare-level beast that looks like a hedgehog is huge in size. It has many tentacles, and it can control a spaceship with just one roll of its tentacles.

As long as it controls the spacecraft and pulls it down, countless corpse insects will swarm upwards, and soon everyone inside the spacecraft will be eaten.

Seeing that his fleet was destroyed, Tai Zhenshan had no time to sigh and hurriedly urged his confidants to speed up the escape airship.

It's just that the speed of this escape airship is far not as fast as that of an interstellar spacecraft.

Su Yuan didn't bother to waste any energy, so he returned directly to the interstellar spacecraft and crashed into it with the interstellar spacecraft.

The interstellar spacecraft was like a bolt of lightning, streaking across the sky, and crashed directly into it with a bang.

Immediately, the escape airship was knocked over.

Tai Zhenshan and his confidants were thrown down.

Don't kill me, please don't kill me, let me do whatever you want!

Su Yuan did not hold back and struck directly with the laser sword.

With a chirping sound, it split into two halves along with the combat mecha.

Tch, you're a man, why are you being kept here!

After Su Yuan cleaned up Tai Zhenshan and others, Chrissy was done.

Returning to the base, I found that the people from Tai Zhenshan did not attack.

Susan stayed inside the base.

Master, has the trouble outside been solved? Xiaoyu came to Su Yuan.

It's all cleaned up!

Master, this disaster is more serious than we expected! Xiaoyu frowned slightly and said worriedly.

Is this extra-dimensional space really going to be destroyed?

It seems like this. The situation outside the planet may not be better than here. The direction in which the star is moving is towards this planet.

I guess the first thing that's affected is not gravity, but high temperature!

In about ten hours, the planet will be illuminated by the sunlight from two stars at the same time, and the temperature will rise rapidly!

And it will cause a big fire, and the entire planet will be plunged into a sea of ​​fire! Xiaoyu said slowly.

In other words, I can't escape now. I can only find a way to hide on this planet and wait for the Hong people to end this civilization competition?

Su Yuan frowned.

Yes, that's it. If you go out, you will die faster. The star is about to hit you, and it will definitely affect the surrounding gravity and space!

Okay, let's continue to strengthen the shelter. I hope it will buy us more time!

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