Su Yuan piloted the starship and was far away from the base, searching for contestants from other civilizations.

Because the planet is so big, it's hard to find people who are intentionally avoiding it.

But along the way, you can always meet your peers.

The weak preyed on the strong. Before Su Yuan could make a move, the opponent rushed over. By the time they realized that they were no match for Su Yuan and wanted to run away, it was already too late.

In these two days, Su Yuan accumulated a lot of points.

Master, do you want to continue? You haven't rested for two days! Chris looked a little tired.

She not only had to control the nightmare-level beast every day, she also had to control the corpse insects, and she was a little nervous.

Before Su Yuan could speak, Xiaoyu's reminder to contact him urgently rang in his ears.

Xiaoyu, what happened?

Someone attacked the base and brought a lot of people!

Chris and I will be back soon. If you can't resist it, drop the supplies and evacuate immediately!

After ending the call, Su Yuan turned around and rushed back.

The interstellar spacecraft flew straight to the base without encountering any special circumstances. It would not take long to reach the base.

After all, there is no need to wander around in circles looking for people from other civilizations and nightmare-level beasts like when I came here.

Ten minutes later, Su Yuan drove the interstellar spacecraft back to the sky above the base.

From a distance, there were dozens of spaceships and flying chariots firing laser beams at his base.

Beams of lasers covered his base like fireworks.

Su Yuan's base is roughly divided into two parts, with the main equipment and factories located in the mountains.

Outside are some smelting plants and some temporary factories.

Various laser weapons have been set up at the internal entrance, making it impossible for outsiders to approach.

After a round of laser bombing, hundreds of robots fell from the spacecraft and attacked the interior of the base.

At this time, the corpse insect left here by Chris reacted.

It emerged from the ground and lifted up the thick soil. Whether it was a robot or a human wearing a mecha, they were all within their attack range.

In the blink of an eye, the overwhelming zombie worms submerged all the robots.

No matter how hard the opponent struggled, they were eventually bitten to pieces by the corpse bug.

The zombies are not interested in robots, but they all carry out Chris's orders.

Moreover, there were some corpse bugs that mistook the robots for humans wearing mechas. As a result, they bit them randomly and got nothing. They became even more angry and swarmed towards the flying chariots and spaceships hovering in the sky.

The opponent was so frightened that he had to raise his height to prevent being attacked by the corpse bugs.

Su Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw the opponent's fleet.

Ni Ma, now that you're here, don't even think about running away!

This is obviously a civilized organization, and the civilization headed by it is called Ted Star Civilization.

The information Su Yuan obtained from An Donglie was explained.

The technology of Ted Star civilization is very advanced, and it is best at manufacturing a variety of robots, ranging from giant robots thousands of high to nano-level mechanical insects.

With this specialty, they can quickly produce a batch of robots wherever they go, and then build various spaceships and tanks.

At this time, the boss of the Teide civilization was complaining inside the spacecraft.

Who can tell me what's going on? How come there are zombies helping them?

Lord Tai Zhenshan, this must be a coincidence!

Go away! You are blind, how could this be a coincidence? Look at those eager corpse bugs, why don't you attack their base!

Tai Zhenshan was very angry. Their earliest base was destroyed by the zombies.

Later, he changed places and built a large number of robots and spaceships, preparing to expand the base and upgrade the spaceships into interstellar battleships.

But before it started, I heard the warning from the Hong tribe.

Seeing the disaster coming, he gave up and chose to lead the fleet that had not yet been upgraded to hunt alien beasts and attack other civilizations.

I was also unlucky along the way. First I encountered the beetle civilization and was driven away.

I encountered a few more nightmare-level beasts, but I still couldn't defeat them.

After finally discovering Su Yuan's base, I thought it would be no problem to capture this small base, but in the blink of an eye, a bunch of zombies popped out.

If there were hundreds of thousands of them, there was still hope of winning. Who knew that zombies here were measured in hundreds of millions, and once they showed up, they would be in the billions or tens of billions.

Now his fleet can only float high in the air, and will be attacked if it lands even slightly.

This is because Su Yuan did not leave the corpses of those strange birds for these corpse insects, otherwise his fleet would have been finished long ago.

Tai Zhenshan stared at the base on the ground. He was very unwilling. He was originally full of confidence in the finals and vowed to win first place.

As a result, he has yet to accumulate less than 100 points.

Now that he can no longer survive, he wants to try again.

If I smash this mountain, I don't believe they can still hide in it and not come out!

Following Tai Zhenshan's order, all laser cannons on the spacecraft were aimed at the mountain.

Although the inside of the mountain has been hollowed out, it has been reinforced many times, so it is not easy to collapse it.

What's more, Su Yuan has already rushed back with Chris.

Chris, command these corpse insects and attack them from the mountain!

Chrissy nodded. She now had tens of billions of corpse worms in her hands. Even if she used the method of stacking arhats, she could jump very high.

Suddenly, the soil on the ground was rolling like waves, and corpse worms crawled out and swarmed towards the top of the mountain.

Then they overlapped each other, building up higher and higher, and shot towards the spaceship and various tanks.

They are all stupid! Bombard them, kill them for me? Tai Zhenshan roared.

A bunch of lasers fell, and a large number of zombies were blown into many pieces, and even turned into pieces and eaten by other zombies.

But their vitality is very strong. As long as a small part of their body is not dead, they can survive.

If you are lucky, they can become one, two or three.

Almost every section of their bodies contains the code for their reproductive life.

After experiencing a round of fierce bombardment, the number of corpse insects did not decrease much, and it could not affect the attack prepared by Chris.

Soon a large number of corpse worms gathered together and continued to surge upwards, forming a pyramid of corpse worms, getting closer and closer to the spaceships and chariots hovering in the sky.

All this happened very quickly, and by the time Tai Zhenshan discovered that the corpse insects had already shot towards some spaceships and tanks, it was already too late.

Trash! They are all a bunch of trash! Hurry up and get rid of these zombies!

But as long as a corpse bug climbs onto the spacecraft, more corpse bugs will follow.

The corpse bugs continued to gnaw at the deck of the spacecraft. After chewing a big hole, they got in and attacked the people inside.

Relatively speaking, a spaceship is sturdier than a tank, and its area is much larger. Once the tank is invaded by corpse insects, the people inside will soon be eaten.

Not long after, I saw chariots falling from the sky, falling to the ground and crashing.

Immediately afterwards, another spacecraft crashed.

Tai Zhenshan couldn't bear it anymore and ordered an evacuation.

If they don't leave, all of them will die here.

Master, they are going to run! Chris reminded.

I'll go take care of their main ship, and you ask that nightmare-level beast to help, and then ask Xiaoyu, if there are no problems inside the base, ask Susan to come out and take care of them too!

Okay, Master!

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