He raised his head and glanced at the sky. The weather was still sunny and everything seemed normal.

In the distance, Chrissy was already standing on top of the nightmare beast, controlling the corpse insects to bite each other.

She is no longer worried that the corpse bugs will rush over, and instead of rushing to control more corpse bugs, she directs the corpse bugs in her hand to eat other zombie bugs, making the corpse bugs in her hand more powerful.

After a few hours, no more corpse insects gathered here.

The number of corpse insects controlled by Chris has exceeded tens of billions, and they are densely packed in a large area.

Su Yuan looked at these corpse insects with numbness. If it weren't for Chris, the base he was building would definitely not be able to be saved.

Next, he asked Chrissy to separate some corpse insects into the ground and hide them around the base to protect the safety of the base.

The other part of the corpse insects is used to hunt strange beasts.

Su Yuan planned to kill all the nightmare-level beasts around him, not only to accumulate points, but also to obtain survival badges rewarded by the system.

And without the alien beasts, it is more convenient for nanomechanical insect mining.

The next few days went relatively smoothly.

Su Yuan led Chris and others to kill a large number of nightmare-level beasts, and also cleaned up dozens of civilized organizations, and accumulated more than 600 points.

If nothing goes wrong, if you kill some more nightmare-level beasts, you will be able to accumulate enough points.

But the reminder sounds, and a terrible disaster is coming.

A huge star swept in.

For some unknown reason, this star has deviated from its original orbit and is about to crash into the star field where the planet is located.

At this time, gravitational chaos will inevitably occur, and even planets will collide, and this star field will most likely be destroyed.

Su Yuan suddenly realized that the shelter he was preparing to build was a bit redundant.

The planet may be destroyed, and no matter how strong the shelter is, it cannot withstand this disaster.

Sir, do the Hong people just want to kill everyone?

If this continues, there will be almost no civilization that can survive this disaster.

Unless you quickly escape from this star field, but if you escape now, you won't be able to accumulate enough points!

Inside the base, Su Yuan looked at Xiaoyu and others.

Do you think we should escape from this planet now and avoid disaster, or should we wait until we have collected enough points and then think of other solutions?

I think we should leave quickly. What if the star collides directly with the planet? Su Xiaoyu said.

Susan said nothing and nodded, agreeing with Su Xiaoyu's intention.

Chrissy also nodded slightly.

Master, I think you're right. It's better to leave early. If you encounter other civilizations on the way, you can kill them. Maybe you can raise enough points!

Xiaoyu didn't speak. She rubbed her head and thought for a while.

Master, no matter whether you leave or stay, we must find out the reason. If you drive the interstellar spacecraft randomly to escape, it may be more dangerous.

Because this is a different-dimensional space, which is very unstable. The outside may be more dangerous than here! Xiaoyu said.

Su Yuan: ...

I'll go. If it's more dangerous outside, then why don't we let people live?

Chris, Susan and Su Xiaoyu also looked surprised.

Sister Xiaoyu, are what you said true or false? Su Xiaoyu said.

Of course it's true. If the space of another dimension is unstable, space will collapse, the galaxy will be unstable, and various planets will collide in the sky!

This star can deviate from its original orbit, which is probably caused by this situation. This means that this extra-dimensional space will be destroyed soon! Xiaoyu sighed and slowly explained.

Su Yuan's knowledge of disasters is not as professional as Xiaoyu's.

Xiaoyu, then I'll listen to you. Find out the situation of this disaster first. Don't blindly avoid it!

Xiaoyu tilted her head and thought for a moment, then said seriously:

Master, the construction of the shelter cannot stop. No one knows whether it will be used until the last moment. Of course, it would be better not to use it. If it is used, it will prove that we have no place to hide!

Also, according to the reminder from the Hong clan, this star will not enter this star field until five days later. If we are lucky, we still have five days!

Next, we need to assemble some detection instruments to understand the external situation and the movement trajectory of this star.

And the master needs to raise enough points as soon as possible. If something unexpected happens, we will directly use the wormhole device to return to the original world!

Okay, let's split up. Chris and I will go hunting for the strange beasts, while Susan and Su Xiaoyu will stay to help Xiaoyu!

After assigning the task, Su Yuan piloted the starship and took Chris out to hunt exotic beasts.

Susan and Su Xiaoyu stayed to help Xiaoyu assemble detection instruments and speed up the construction of the shelter.

At the same time, other civilizations participating in the competition also received reminders from the Hong tribe.

Li Yuanshan, who had just found a new place to stay, kicked the table in front of him to pieces in anger.

It's too much. How could such a disaster happen? Isn't this driving us to death?

Li Yuanshan was angry, and none of his confidants dared to persuade him.

What? Are you all mute? Speak!

Master Li Yuanshan, we should reorganize the spacecraft now and escape from this planet as soon as possible!

Escape? Do you know how many points we have accumulated just now? It's less than 100 points. Do you want our Lihu Civilization to be eliminated?

But if we stay, we will die!

Snapped! Li Yuanshan slapped him.

Trash, don't you know how to think of other ways? Which of you has a better way?

No one spoke, they all lowered their heads, not daring to look at Liyuan Mountain.

Li Yuanshan snorted coldly, thought for a long time, and then said:

Now, it's too late to rebuild the base! We have no choice but to adopt a two-pronged approach. Some people will modify the spacecraft to prepare for escaping from here!

The other group of people, follow me to rob other civilizations' supplies and bases, and exchange their heads for the points we need!

In this way, Old Tate and Tadi ended their mining mission and were assigned the task of transforming the spacecraft.

Other civilized organizations also made the same choice as Li Yuanshan.

Everyone stopped hiding and decided to fight with live ammunition.

Weak civilizations quickly became victims and were kicked out.

The situation of the beetle civilization is better. Last time, under the command of the black insects, they resisted the corpse insects, but this also caused the four female insects to enter a deep sleep state. Only the black insects could persist in reproducing beetle guards. .

Hearing that disaster was coming, Wu Zhong began to desperately accumulate points and ordered the beetle guards to kill.

Not only did they clear out other surrounding civilizations, they also hunted down many exotic beasts.

But the accumulated points are still less than 500, which is far from enough.

What was even more anxious were the prisoners such as Ling Hai.

They originally wanted to rely on the Beetle Civilization to win, but now the Beetle Civilization cannot collect enough points on their own, and they may one day be killed in exchange for points.

What should I do? Ling Hai's face was full of anxiety.

He couldn't escape, and was surrounded by beetle guards watching him. He had to develop and assemble various weapons and equipment according to the orders of the black insects every day.

Hey! If only Mr. Su could call us!

If Su Yuan fights, no matter whether he can win or not, at least he can hope to save his life.

He doesn't know that Su Yuan is also looking for other civilizations everywhere to harvest heads!

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