Chapter 0336

Go to the post road to Suzaku City.

A huge caravan is moving forward, and thousands of guards are on both sides to protect it. Although it seems that there is no problem, this caravan has just experienced a small wave of monsters.

This is the Zhao family caravan.

Among the core carriages at this time, the Zhao family’s father and daughter were grateful to Ye Han.

Boss Zhao: “Thank you, Mr. Ye… for helping me!”

“Qingqing, thank Mr. Ye quickly!”

Zhao Qingqing hadn’t come out of the panic, her eyes were a bit dull, and she nervously hugged Boss Zhao’s hands.

Ye Han saw it, and when he saw it, a jade bottle of mutton fat appeared in his hand, poured out a pill, and handed it over, “Boss Zhao, this is a meditation pill I refined, which can stabilize my mind and regulate my body. Let Ms. Zhao take it.”

“Thank you, thank you.”

Boss Zhao quickly took the pill and put it into Zhao Qingqing’s mouth.

As the pill was lowered, Zhao Qingqing’s confused and fearful eyes gradually became clear, and the state of the whole person was slowly returning.

“Daddy.” Zhao Qingqing looked at Boss Zhao.

“Hey!” Boss Zhao finally showed a smile on his face when he saw his daughter return to normal.

“Thank you quickly, Mr. Ye, he is a real immortal cultivator. If it weren’t for him this time, I’m afraid our entire caravan is finished!”

Boss Zhao said.

Zhao Qingqing slowly turned her gaze on Ye Han. Her expression was very complicated. Before she knew Ye Han’s identity, she might have continued, but now that she knew Ye Han was a real immortal cultivator, she never did that again. Thoughts out.

After all, everyone knows that the Taoists of the cultivators are usually cultivators, and the cultivators usually live much longer than ordinary people. She has no spiritual roots, cannot cultivate celestial beings, and has no chance at all.

“Thank you, Mr. Ye.”

After Zhao Qingqing finished speaking, she said to Boss Zhao: “Daddy, I’m a little sleepy, I want to go to rest.”

“Yeah, you were scared just now, so you should take a good rest, go.”

Boss Zhao is also a sensible person, and he agrees very much with his daughter’s choice.

Ye Han didn’t say a word until Zhao Qingqing left the carriage.

“Mr. Ye, since you go to Vermilion City, you definitely need a place to stay. Our Zhao family does not have a spiritual vein, but Saint Yanzong does. You can hold this recruiting token, and they can grant it according to your cultivation level. Position, you can also cultivate in the spirit veins. The only thing you need to do is to complete the task. As far as I know, the frequency of the mission of the Saint Flame Sect is about once a year. You can also complete it five times a year, so that you can directly retreat. Five years.”

With that, Boss Zhao handed over a token engraved with flames.

Ye Han knew this was Boss Zhao’s repayment of his favor. If he didn’t take it directly, the other party estimated that he would have a great heart burden in his heart, so it was the next step.

In addition, this token is indeed useful to him. In Vermilion City, he intends to stay for a while, by the way, to find out if there is anything that programmers want exists. In addition, he is now in the late Jindan stage, and he should do it for himself. Prepared for breakthrough Yuanying.

Becoming a cultivator of Yuanying, perhaps for him, he has the capital to gain a foothold.”Thanks a lot.”

After Ye Han received the token, he checked it and found that the token was actually a magic weapon. There was also a fire spell stored in it. At a critical time, it could attack the peak of Qi refining, and it was considered good in the magic weapon. NS.

After thinking about it, Ye Han took out three talismans from his storage bag and handed them to Boss Zhao.

“This token is really helpful to me, but if I take this token, you will also lose a piece of protection. Although these three talismans are not as good as your token, they are good for you. But they are the most practical ones. These two are amulets. You stay with Miss Zhao. Common evils and secret arts can’t hurt you. Even a cultivator in the Qi refining period can stop them, but once they are on the talisman When the spiritual power is exhausted, the talisman is also useless. This last one is an attack talisman, which can burst out the peak of refining energy with three full blows. It also needs to be used with caution.”

Ye Han could have provided better things, but if he was guilty of his crimes, it would be bad if he was followed by other cultivators. Fulu’s attraction to cultivators plummeted.

“Thank you, sir!”

Boss Zhao almost knelt down with excitement.

“Boss Zhao, it doesn’t need to be like this. If possible, I would like to have a carriage alone and practice hard.”

Ye Han said this because he didn’t really want to practice, but to be separated from the father and daughter of the Zhao family. Now that the father and daughter know their true identities, they must be very uncomfortable to stay with themselves.

“Okay, no problem.”

Hearing Ye Han’s request, Boss Zhao did not hesitate, and immediately agreed.

Soon, Ye Han was sitting in the carriage with only one person.

At this time, a voice came from the body.

Ao Hong: “Ye Han, are you so upright now? You don’t want beautiful women to be delivered to your door, but you don’t want me. I will tell Boss Zhao now that I am willing to be the door-to-door son-in-law.”

The Phoenix girl smiled contemptuously, “Ao Hong, hurry up and put away your little thoughts. You are in love with others, and they may not necessarily be in love with you. If you go out and reveal your true body, let’s make a bet. That’s called Zhao. Qingqing’s girl will be scared to death by you directly.”

Ao Hong was a little embarrassed, “It won’t be right, I can be regarded as the one with a higher face value in the dragon clan anyway.”

Ye Han said at this time, “The Phoenix woman is right. If you really show up suddenly, even if you don’t scare people to death, you are half scared, so you should stay in it honestly, and practice as soon as possible. Becoming the Demon King is the right way.”

The Demon King is a monk at the level of the human Nascent Soul, and his strength is extremely powerful.

“If it were that easy to become the Demon King, human beings would have been annihilated by the Demon Race, and I don’t have much demand. It is enough to become the Demon King in five hundred years.”

Ao Hong said flatly.

“Since you have only become the Demon King in five hundred, then I will be a little humble. It would be fine to become the Demon King in three hundred years, so that I can suppress you for another two hundred years.”

The Phoenix girl said with a smile.

“Hmph, you have been the Demon King for 300 years, so I can’t fall behind, I will become the Demon King in 250 years, and suppress you fiercely for 50 years!”

“Then I will break through in two hundred years,”

“I am one hundred and fifty years!”

“a hundred years.”

“I am fifty years! From now on, I will start practicing hard every day. With the help of Ye Han’s physical advantage, I am sure to become the Demon King in fifty years.” Ao Hong said excitedly, “Phoenix girl, now you can’t help it. Well, I don’t believe you can break through the Demon King this year!”

The Phoenix girl said calmly; “Hehe, I… forty-nine years can become the Demon King.”

Ao Hong was stunned and shouted loudly: “Fuck, Phoenix girl, you don’t speak martial arts!”

Phoenix girl: “What is martial virtue? I never promised you a five-year reduction. If you can, you can also reduce it year after year. I will accompany you.”

However, Ao Hong was silent. He was very clear about his aptitude. The chance of achieving a breakthrough in 50 years was to count all the current resources, even including Ye Han’s refining high-quality pill for him, etc. There is no basis for the reduction, it is completely grudge.

“Whether you can do it depends on the result. If you haven’t broken through the Demon King in 49 years, you are the one who won. Hehe, I won’t be fooled by you.”

After speaking, Ao Hong no longer quarreled, but calmed down.

Seeing that Ao Hong hadn’t taken the bait, the Phoenix girl lost her interest.

Finally, Ye Han’s body was completely quiet.

“Let’s talk about everything until Suzaku City.”

Ye Han gradually closed his eyes and slowly entered the cultivation…


After half a month.

The Zhao family caravan successfully came to Vermilion City.

Because of the Zhao family caravan, Ye Han easily entered the Vermillion Bird City.

However, after entering Vermilion City, the two sides will soon be separated.

“Mr. Ye, this is the address of my Zhao family. If you have time, you can come to my Zhao family to sit down. Qingqing and I will never leave Vermilion City again.”

Boss Zhao said solemnly.

“Mr. Ye, take care, Qingqing will pray for you.”

Zhao Qingqing has completely walked out of the shadows at this time, and Ye Han’s medicine is still very useful.

“Two people, meeting is fate, goodbye if fate.”

Ye Han arched his hands and walked into the crowd.

Father Zhao looked at Ye Han’s background and couldn’t help sighing, “Actually, I really don’t want him to be a cultivator. There are too few good men like this.”

“Qingqing seems to be our fortune is not enough!”

After Ye Han’s figure disappeared completely, Zhao Qingqing reluctantly put away his gaze, “Daddy, if you don’t have the fate, you can’t force it, let’s go back.”


Walking on the streets of Suzaku City, Ye Han felt the gap between Suzaku City and Holy Blood City.

If Holy Blood City is a small county, then Vermilion City is definitely a first-tier metropolis.

It was only when Ye Han rushed to be a little confused, but found that among the crowd of people coming and going, apart from being a monk, there were no immortal cultivators at all.

“Strange, don’t the cultivators like this place? Or the management in Vermilion City is too strict.”

Ye Han kept thinking in his mind and didn’t dare to ask rashly.

But soon he found the opportunity, and when he was wandering around aimlessly, a Qi-refining monk appeared in front of him.”My lord, are you attending the Wanxiu Conference?”

Ye Han looked at the cultivator in front of him, his face was pocky, and he was awkward for a year. He had nothing to do with the immortal cultivator, and Pian Pian had the cultivation base of the third layer of Qi refining.

If you only look at his appearance, he is clearly a hooligan.

However, Ye Han keenly heard the words “Wan Xiu Conference” from the other party’s words. Obviously, this should be a gathering attended by a monk. This can also explain why he couldn’t see other immortals.

Ye Han now hides his cultivation base at the level of the initial stage of foundation construction, and his status is not high or low, and it is not easy to attract the attention of others.

“Well, let’s lead the way.”

Ye Han nodded silently and said lightly.

“Senior, please.” Xiao Mazi showed a smile on his face, and began to lead Ye Han towards the front.

Ye Han didn’t make a sound, but slowly followed up, talking to Xiao Mazi from time to time.

Walked for a while.

Ye Han basically figured it out.

It turned out that he was lucky. He came across the Wanxiu Conference held only once in a hundred years in Vermilion City. The Wanxiu Conference was held in the inner city of Vermillion Bird City. Parcels, mortals are not allowed to enter the inner city.

And Xiao Mazi’s name is Ma Wu, a disciple called Jiuyingmen, this Jiyingmen is just a small sect, and the strongest inside the door is just a monk in the early days of Jindan.

There is no mountain gate in the entrance gate. All the sources are earned by helping the monks guide the way in Vermillion Bird City, as well as some dark income, which just allows the entrance gate to survive. I have to say that the founder of the entrance gate is really a personal talent. It is said that this access gate has been passed down for thousands of years, and it is longer than the sects where some Yuan Ying sits.

Ma Wu is a talkative person. It seems that Ye Han is very interested in the affairs of Suzaku, so he talks a lot.

“Senior, this Wanxiu Conference is an annual event in Vermilion City. There are many monks who travel far and wide to participate. This grand event will last for one year. During this year, there will be fairy fighting competitions, auctions, and auctions. Trading and communication of cultivation experience, many cultivators can gain a lot in the conference, and they have collected a lot of cultivation resources.”

“I think the seniors are already masters of foundation construction at a young age, and they will definitely be famous at the Wanxiu Conference!”

Ye Han listened to Ma Wu’s compliments without complimenting or scolding. He knew his level best, and he liked to keep a low profile, and he didn’t pay much attention to prestige anymore.

His goal now is simple, that is to live and become stronger! Save your wife and children!

Seeing Ye Han’s expressionless face, Ma Wu restrained a little, and it was not worth it to avoid flattering on the horse’s legs.

The two walked first, and then took a carriage with Ma Wu’s suggestion.

This is not an ordinary carriage, but a carriage called a demon spirit horse and a demon beast pull. Although the demon spirit horse is only a one-level cultivation base, its speed is extremely fast, comparable to building a foundation!

Hesitate that it is impossible to fly over Suzaku City, so it is a good choice to go up to Jindan and down to refining gas. If you want to walk through the wide Suzaku outer city as fast as possible, riding a carriage is a very good choice.

After riding in the carriage for two hours, he finally arrived outside the inner city wall.

“Senior, the inner city has arrived.”

Ma Wu sat outside the carriage and said respectfully.

Ye Han walked out of the carriage upon hearing this, and when he saw the inner city wall, he was really shocked. The 300-meter-high city wall was like a moat!

More importantly, there is no gate on the inner city wall, only a connecting platform at the top.

Ma Wu respectfully said: “Senior, if you want to enter the inner city, you have three choices. One is to fly up with your own strength. For the foundation-building cultivator, the height of 300 meters is easy to go to the sky, and the other is to use Tengkong. Fulu, if you don’t have one, I have one for sale here, one of a hundred lower-grade spirit stones, and three of them cost two hundred lower-grade spirit stones. Please send them by the guarding monks above!”

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