Chapter 0337

After listening to Ma Wu’s words, Ye Han can be completely understood.

However, the mere three-hundred-meter-high wall was not the slightest difficulty for him, and with a wave of his hand, he threw ten low-grade spirit stones to Ma Wu, “This is the price we just discussed, and the money and goods are clear.”

Speaking of Ye Han flying into the air, he appeared on the receiving platform in the next second.

Ma Wu looked at the ten low-grade spirit stones in his hand, with a smile on his face, “This senior is really generous, and he has ten spirit stones in his hand.”

After speaking, we started looking for the next customer.

Ye Han landed on the platform and immediately attracted the attention of the guard monk. The people on both sides just watched Ye Han a little nervously. After all, the one who could fly up by himself was at least the foundation building monk, and the middle-aged man in the lead was Looking at Ye Han carefully, he was in the middle stage of foundation building. From the divine sense inspection, the man who flew up was a monk in the early stage of foundation building, but the sixth sense told him that the opponent is not weak, and he can faintly feel the evil spirit. , This is something that will be born slowly after winning many rivals of the same rank, and it cannot be owned by just one person.

“Friends of Taoism are new faces, I don’t know what’s going on in Vermilion City?”

The middle-aged man did not dare to neglect, and asked routinely.

“In Xiamukouhan, I come from the southern part of the sky, in order to participate in the Wanxiu Conference, the purpose is to collect some cultivation resources.”

Ye Han smiled and replied.

“This is your temporary identity token in the inner city of Suzaku. It only has a one-year period. If you want to live in the inner city of Suzaku for a long time, you must have an affiliated sect and at the same time have your own house in the inner city. One year is up, you must leave Vermilion City.”

The middle-aged man took out a token, took a picture of Ye Han, and then threw the token to Ye Han, “One hundred spiritual stones, it’s considered a cost.”


One hundred spirit stones were fine for Ye Han, so he took out one hundred lower-grade spirit stones and gave them to the past.

“Can I go now?”

Ye Han asked with a smile.

“Okay, another reminder. Except for the decisive arena and arena in the inner city, there is no need to fight in the rest of the city. The law enforcement team directly abolished the repair base and threw it out of the inner city.”

“thanks for reminding.”

Ye Han nodded and walked towards the inner city.

Seeing Ye Han’s back, the middle-aged man thoughtfully said to himself after a moment: “Are you in the Southern Territory? There have been quite a few Tiannan Territories running out recently, and I don’t know what happened. .”


After Ye Han successfully entered the inner city, he immediately discovered the difference between the inner city and the outer city. One is the common world and the other is the world of cultivating immortals. Both worlds are lively and extraordinary, but the things discussed are quite different.

The common world is tea, rice, oil and salt.

The world of cultivating immortals is the Taoist priest’s wealth.

This time Ye Han took the initiative to find a disciple who led the door. The disciple’s name was Jiucheng. She was a female disciple. She was handsome in appearance and dressed in various styles. His cultivation was also on the fifth level of Qi Refining.

Ye Han originally wanted to find a male disciple, but after searching around, he didn’t find it at all. In the end, in order to save time, he could only choose the most normal female disciple to lead himself.”Jiucheng, the leading door, has met seniors.”

She noticed it when Ye Han appeared, but she didn’t expect that the other party rejected so many coquettish senior sisters and chose her.

“Well, how many days will it take to get acquainted with the situation in this inner city?”

Ye Han asked directly.

“Back to senior, others will take five days, but three days are enough for me.” Jiucheng answered cautiously.

Ye Han nodded. He understood that the other party did not deceive himself. When he just walked over, he had already heard the conversation between the other disciples and the monks. Normally, it would take five days.

“How many spirit stones do you need to be with me for three days?”

Jiucheng was pleased and immediately said: “Senior, although five days have been reduced to three days, the price has not changed. One day is enough for one hundred spirit stones. I am very familiar with the inner city, whether you want to buy something or auction it. I can give you good advice on things, or participating in the fairy fighting competition.”

“One day one hundred spirit stone, three days three hundred spirit stone, the price is very reasonable, just you.”

Ye Han nodded.

“Senior, please here. From now on, you are our VIP guest. We have opened an inn in the inner city. You can stay for three days for free. If you still want to stay after three days, you can also It can be renewed, and of course I can also find you a better place to live.”

Jiucheng immediately prepared to lead Ye Han to the Jiuyin Inn.

But Ye Han stopped her, “I’m going to stay here for a year first. Let’s go shopping first. Later, I will directly help me find a more stable place.”

Compared to inns, Ye Han prefers to live in Dongfu, which is much more private. He has a lot of secrets and cannot be discovered by other people. It is better to be careful when going out.


Jiucheng nodded, and it seemed that this person in front of him was the owner of a big customer, not bad for Lingshi.

Next, Jiucheng took Ye Han and wandered around in the inner city. According to Jiucheng, the first day was mainly to get acquainted with the entire inner city, without special attention, just a general impression.

On the first day, as Jiucheng said, it only brought Ye Han to have a basic understanding of the entire Suzaku Inner City.

When the sky was getting darker, Jiucheng began to lead Ye Han to choose where to stay in the next year.

“If seniors want to live in the cave, they have to go to the mountains in the city to choose. However, the prices there are on average a lot higher than the inns and secret rooms. It is not the first choice in terms of cost performance. Of course, it is concealed and safe. Sex is the biggest feature. If seniors need it, I can take seniors with them now.”

Nine Orange said seriously.

Ye Han listened to Jiucheng’s introduction and looked at the huge mountain in the middle. It didn’t have to be much different from the Tianding Mountain. At first, he thought this was the famous Vermilion Mountain, but after listening to Jiucheng’s introduction, he learned that it was inside. It’s not Suzaku Mountain at all, but Chengzhongshan. The real Suzaku Mountain is in another place.

The sect of Suzaku Sect was not in Suzaku City, which really surprised Ye Han.

But this city is not bad in the mountains. It is rumored that the city lord of Vermilion Bird is a Suzaku Sect’s Yuan Ying-level elder, guarded by his family!

And there are many sects that have their headquarters on the mountain in the city. Of course, these are not so much sects as cultivating families at the Golden Core level or some incompetent sects. Of course, there are also some sects organized by casual cultivators. .

In addition to providing resident sites for these sects, the rest is for the monks in the city, and with a certain amount of spiritual stone, they can rent a cave in the mountain in the city.

“Lead the way, find me a quiet, fully functional Dongfu, the benefits are indispensable for you.”

Ye Han nodded and said lightly.

“Senior, please rest assured, Jiucheng will definitely choose the best place for you! It’s just that this spirit stone will spend more.”

“Lingshi is not a problem, the key problem is that it needs to be worth the price.”

Ye Han waved his hand. He now has as many as one million spiritual stones. After all, he has killed a lot of golden core monks. In the past two or three years, he has not spent too much spiritual stones. He has saved them all. The assets are almost the same as the average Yuanying monk.

“Junior understands.”

It has been a long time since Jiucheng has met such a good customer, and I couldn’t help but feel happy, even a little upset. Why did I say it for three days, but I really want to accompany it for seven days, so I can accumulate more spirit stones and buy more. The cultivation of the medicine pill, the cultivation base can also be higher.

But just think about it, if you really did this, it would probably be her turn.

“Senior, please.”

Jiucheng led the way, and Ye Han walked leisurely behind him, looking at the surrounding scenery from time to time.

They handed over ten spirit stones at the foot of the mountain, rode the crane monster, and flew halfway up the mountain, where there was a loft with the word ‘Butian Pavilion’ written on it.

“Senior, this Butian Pavilion is the sect responsible for managing the Sanxiu Dongfu. They will pay sky-high prices to the city lord’s mansion every year. This way, they have the management authority of these Dongfu. If we want to rent the Dongfu here, we have to pass it. them.”

Jiucheng explained carefully.


Ye Han didn’t expect the immortal cultivation world to develop such forces, but think about it, the competition in the immortal cultivation world is not less than that of modern society, and there are so many resources for the cultivation of immortals, and it is normal for such an intermediary to be born.


Ye Han nodded.

Immediately the two walked into the Butian Pavilion, but there was only one old man dozing off.

“Father Ye, here is a guest!”

Jiucheng seemed to know the old man and shouted loudly.

“Ah!” Old man Ye woke up suddenly, raised his head to see Ye Han and two people, and then smiled, “It turns out to be Jiucheng girl, and the business has been good recently. This is the second time this month that I have brought someone to help me. The pavilion is now, it seems that you will be able to get the first place in this appraisal of the disciples.”

“Hehe, it depends on whether this senior gives face.”

Jiucheng smiled slightly and looked at Ye Han secretly. He was relieved to see that the other party was not disgusted.

“This fellow Taoist, I don’t know what kind of cave mansion you need. The quality of the cave mansion managed by Butian Pavilion is very high, and I believe it can meet your requirements.”

Elder Ye immediately turned his gaze on Ye Han, and his face became more respectful after he felt the aura of Ye Han’s foundation building.

“Elder Ye, my client said, to be quieter and full-featured Dongfu, don’t I remember that you have a Dongfu No. 1 North? It is very good. If there is no one to rent it, just rent it.”

Jiucheng said directly.

“Nine girl, you know the situation in the cave house better than I do now. You can just come to us to make up the sky pavilion and be my deputy. When I retire, you will take over my position. It’s much better than you are at the gate. NS.”

Elder Ye continued: “The North No.1 Cave Mansion is indeed there, please look at it, fellow daoists.”As soon as the voice fell, a scroll of painting flew out of his hand, and as the scroll unfolded, an interior style of the cave appeared in front of Ye Han.

Ye Han looked at the scroll, and he could clearly see the layout of the cave, the main hall, the secret room for cultivation, the medicine garden, the medicine room and so on.

“Well, just this one.”

Ye Han didn’t go to see other Dongfu again. One was that this Dongfu had met his requirements, and the other was that he felt Jiucheng’s professionalism through one day’s contact.

Hearing Ye Han’s direct choice, Jiucheng’s face also smiled a little, “Master Ye, my client will stay here for a year or even longer. It is also a one-off payment. The price must be A bit cheaper.”

“This is natural. The daily price of our Dongfu is ten spiritual stones. A year is 3,650 spiritual stones. The normal annual rent itself has a discount of 3,600 spiritual stones. For the face of your Jiucheng, I will make a cheaper one, and just give three thousand and five hundred Lingshi.”

Elder Ye said with a smile.

“Thank you, old man, I will send you my pot of good wine Bi Yuechun.” It is indeed a lot of cheap one hundred spirit stones. Before Jiucheng, it was only a discount of fifty spirit stones.

“Okay, it’s your little girl who is on the road, but I really like it more and more.”

Elder Ye said with a smile.

Ye Han said nothing, a storage bag was handed to Elder Ye, “There are three thousand six hundred spiritual stones in it, you count, if there is no problem, take me to the cave.”


After Elder Ye extended his thumb and counted the spirit stones in the storage bag, he immediately took Ye Han to the North No. 1 cave.

“Friends of Daoist, this is North No.1 Cave Mansion. This cave mansion has protective formations, concealed formations, and sound transmission politics. Now I will give you the formation token. Without your permission, other people cannot enter your cave. After one year, if you don’t want to renew the contract, you only need to return the token to Butian Pavilion.”

“In addition, there is one more thing I need to remind. Once you fall outside and others come with your token, we will not stop it, so…you know.”

Ye Han just frowned at what Mr. Ye said, but he was quickly relieved.


Ye Han then turned to look at Jiucheng, “Tomorrow I want to go to see the Xiandou competition.”

“No problem, I will be waiting for seniors at the foot of the mountain tomorrow morning.” Jiucheng said with a look of embarrassment, “I have to consume ten spirit stones when I come to Patch Heaven Pavilion.”

Ye Han didn’t say anything, and threw a storage bag to her, “This is your reward today.”

Jiucheng hurriedly next opened it, and her little face was immediately surprised, “Senior, don’t we say it’s a hundred a day? How come there are two hundred in it?”

“One hundred spirit stones are indeed negotiated, one hundred more, fifty of them are you helping me reduce the price, which saved me one hundred, let’s divide the account by five to five, and the other fifty spirit stones are my service to you. I’m very satisfied. I rewarded it to you. If you don’t want it, you can return it to me.”

Ye Han said lightly.

“Yes.” Jiucheng quickly put away the storage bag, “Thank you, senior.”

Ye Han nodded and urged the token to enter the cave.

Soon only Mr. Ye and Jiucheng were left at the scene.

Elder Ye looked at the cave mansion with deep meaning, and then said: “Jiu-girl, this time you met a distinguished guest.”

“Of course, my Jiucheng’s vision is still very good. Although this senior looks cold, but he is cold and warm outside, and he does not have the predecessor to build a foundation.”

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