Chapter 0335: Going To Vermilion City

Seeing that Ao Hong and Ye Han had signed a contract, the Phoenix girl stopped saying anything. Although the signing was only an equality contract, it also represented Ao Hong’s trust in Ye Han.

Ye Han looked at Ao Hong helplessly, and said dumbfounded: “I really don’t know what this bead has. It was asked by a strong man to collect it for him. He gave me a ring as long as When I get close to related objects, I will get the reminder of this ring.”

Speaking of Ye Han, he took out the beads and leaned towards the ring.

Then a scene that surprised all three of them happened.

The moment the bead approached the ring, the bead disappeared. At the same time, the sky and the earth suddenly became dark, but it quickly recovered, as if the light in the room suddenly went out and then turned on again. It’s just that the process is just In the blink of an eye, ordinary people can’t find it at all, but it can’t hide from practitioners like Ye Han!

“It’s just getting dark, do you… feel it?” Ao Hong looked at Ye Han and Phoenix Girl with some fear, and asked.

The Phoenix girl nodded, her eyes couldn’t help but looked at Ye Han’s hand, but she found something strange, “Ye Han, the beads… are gone!”

Ao Hong and Ye Han also looked at the beads almost at the same time. Sure enough, Ye Han had no beads at all in his hands. More than that, Ye Han’s ring has also changed. The original ring suddenly appeared with a pattern. Nine circles suddenly appeared on the sub-interface, one of which was already filled, but the remaining eight were still empty.

Ye Han just glanced at it and thought that maybe the ring had absorbed the bead.

“Wait, the vision just now was not caused by what you are holding!!” Ao Hong’s eyes widened. Although it was only dark just now, there was no vision of heaven and earth, etc., but let him It’s dark! This is even more terrifying than those visions of heaven and earth, thunder robbery and so on!

When the Phoenix girl heard this, she also looked at it thoughtfully.

“What you said is possible, but it is more likely to be a coincidence. Now I haven’t studied the situation of this ring clearly. I can only continue to study.”

Ye Han thought for a moment, then said.

“Ye Han, you may be able to contact the strong man, and you should get the answer from him.” Phoenix female suggested.

Hearing that, Ye Han shook his head helplessly, “I don’t have his contact information at all, and I don’t think he can come to this world, otherwise he won’t ask me for help.”

After speaking, Ye Han paused and continued: “I don’t think we need to think in this direction, but leave here first.”

“Xiao Wushao’s accident, Jin Jianzong will soon know that although Xiao Yijian has been seriously injured, this is the place of Jin Jianzong anyway, and the three of us are still a little reluctant to compete with one sect. It will be even more difficult if we are dragged by them. ”

Speaking of Ye Han, he put Xiao Wushao away and prepared to leave.

Ao Hong and Phoenix Girl also felt that Ye Han was right, and no longer struggled with the ring problem, but hurriedly followed up…

Three days later.

The death knell rang in the sect of the Golden Sword Sect, and it rang eight times!

This means that an important person in the Golden Sword Sect died. According to the sect etiquette, the eight death knells can be sounded, either the sect master or the ordinary Yuanying monk in the sect.

No matter who it is, this is a huge loss for the Golden Sword Sect.

Soon, the exact news came out. On the way to the Cross-Mountain Sect, the lord of the Golden Sword Sect Xiao Wuchao and the two sect elders were attacked by unknown enemies and the entire army was wiped out. They checked from the place where Xiao Wuchao last disappeared and concluded that they were the other party. There are at least three people, and each of them has the strength comparable to the peak of Jindan.Such a result made Jin Jianzong doubt whether it was the revenge of the remnants of the Tianding Mountain, but at this time, news came from the Cross-Mountain Sect and Asuka Gate. Almost at the same time, the Jindan elders in their gates were also attacked. , No doubt all died! !

They all knew the strength of Tianding Mountain, there was no such strength to attack the three sects at the same time, so it was very likely that it was another enemy!

With a common enemy, the three sects once again formed an alliance and began to clean up the entire Tiannan area. A mysterious organization paid full attention to the surface, and it was exactly the one that was wiped out by the three sects…the soul-stealing sect!

The news of the reappearance of the Soul Contemplating Sect really shocked the three sects. They could no longer pay the remnants of the Tianding Mountain, but strangling the Soul Contemplating Sect in the group.


Of course, all of this has no meaning for Ye Han and the others, because at this moment he is leaving Tiannan with Ao Hong and Phoenix girl and heading to the southern border.

The reason for going to the southern border is also very simple. Ye Han simply wants to go to a bigger place to see. As for going to the sea and going to the Desolate Beast Continent, Ye Han feels that the timing is not right.

On a post road.

A caravan is moving forward, and Ye Han is sitting on the caravan’s carriage.

It’s just that Ye Han is not the only one in the carriage, but also the caravan owner and his only daughter.

The reason why Ye Han gets mixed up in the caravan is mainly because he is too arrogant to fly on unfamiliar territories, and he needs a new identity to enter a brand new place, so when he encounters this caravan halfway through the caravan and was robbed by mountain bandits When the time came, they took the initiative to help.

Ao Hong and Phoenix Girl are not very interested in human life, and they don’t want to leave Ye Han. Fortunately, after Ye Han refines the blood of the dragon and the phoenix, they can parasitize the two of them, so both of them will become Ye. The tattoos on Han’s left and right arms.

Ye Han also discovered the advantage of doing this. That is, Ao Hong and Phoenix Girl are cultivating on his arm, and he can also divide a bit, which is equivalent to the same as he is also cultivating, and Ao Hong and Phoenix Girl are also practicing. If they practice in Ye Han’s body, their cultivation speed will be faster than in the spiritual veins!

This is completely a win-win situation! !

At this time in the carriage.

The caravan boss Zhao looked at Ye Han with satisfaction. He was very satisfied with the young man in front of him. Three days ago, their caravan encountered a robber. If it hadn’t been for this young man named Ye Han, he would just shoot in twos or twos. The mountain bandits were suppressed, and I was afraid that the cargo of the entire truck could not be kept, and even the life of the entire caravan could not be kept.

So after the incident, after learning that Ye Han was going to Vermilion City, Boss Zhao decisively invited Ye Han to join the caravan. With the help of such a master who reached out, the safety on the road was greatly guaranteed.

After three days of getting along, Boss Zhao increasingly felt that this young man was good, and he deliberately matched his daughter with the young man. If Ye Han could be accepted as the son-in-law, the Zhao family would have hope in the future.

“Brother Ye, why did you go to Vermilion City?”

Boss Zhao asked concerned.

“It’s just traveling around the world. After the master passed away, I had nowhere to go, so I planned to travel the entire continent and increase my knowledge.” Ye Han said lightly.

“So, you are alone now and have no family in Vermilion City? You still want to travel the whole continent!” The look of the boss was instantly happy.

Isn’t this the son-in-law who is 100% prepared for him? I am more concerned about Ye Han.

Ye Han looked at looking for the boss, and couldn’t help but feel a little puzzled. This boss might not have any special hobbies.

“Father, Big Brother Ye just wants to travel the mainland and become a hero without any drag, so he won’t be willing to help you with your business.”

The young woman sitting opposite Ye Han is Zhao Qingqing, the daughter of Boss Zhao.

“Um.” Boss Zhao reacted immediately after being said by his daughter, but still said to Ye Han: “Brother Ye, the old man doesn’t talk secretly about celebrities. The old man treats you like your character, appearance, and ability. Satisfied, I want you to stay. Qingqing also has a good impression of you. Although my Zhao family is not a big business, there are still many properties in the southern border. Properties are also bought in Vermilion City. Even the cultivators are related, etc. A hundred years later, the position of the Patriarch of the Zhao family will be yours. You need to treat my Qingqing well. I also believe that Qingqing will be your good helper.”


After Boss Zhao finished speaking, he looked at Ye Han with some expectation. In his opinion, few of the conditions he offered could be rejected.

Unexpectedly, Ye Han shook his head without hesitation, “Sorry, Boss Zhao.”

Ye Han didn’t explain, but just stopped talking.

I want to be a superfluous son-in-law again, there are no doors, wait, why do you want to say it again…

The spacious carriage suddenly entered an awkward period.

Boss Zhao asked the reason very much, but seeing Ye Han’s determination, he naturally realized that the other party was definitely not sitting on the floor, but really wanted to refuse, but he was a little unwilling to leave such a good son-in-law just like this.

After Zhao Qingqing heard Ye Han’s refusal without hesitation, she stayed there. She didn’t expect that her beauty and the wealth of the Zhao family could not attract the man in front of her.

“Big Brother Ye, don’t you look down on others?”

Zhao Qingqing had bright eyes, and Chu Chu looked at Ye Han pitifully, somewhat resentful.

Ye Han smiled awkwardly. He didn’t have any opinion on Zhao Qingqing’s beauty, but his goal was to complete the programmer’s entrustment, and at the same time to rescue his Taoist couple and children, he was not in a corner, and never asked the world.

Boss Zhao, seeing this situation, naturally felt that his daughter also had a sense for Ye Han. He gritted his teeth immediately and after thinking for a moment, he said directly: “Brother Ye, I think you are skilled, do you know a cultivator? ”

“The immortal cultivator is aloof and pursues longevity, so naturally he knows.”

In this world, immortal cultivators are not very mysterious, on the contrary, they are very connected with the world. There are often legends of immortal cultivators, and even real immortal cultivators can be seen.

And many mortals also have a relationship with Xiu Xian.

“That’s right, everyone who practices martial arts has a longing for the road of cultivating immortality. I, Zhao, don’t talk nonsense. Our Zhao family and the holy flame sect’s local fire Taoists have some origins, and I still have local fire Taoists in my hands. As long as you have spiritual roots in your body, you can enter the Holy Flame Sect’s practice with the gifted Saint Flame Sect recruiting tokens. Even if you don’t have spiritual roots, this recruiting token can be reserved for you and Qingqing’s children.”

“The premise is that you and Qingqing become husband and wife.”

Boss Zhao said.

“Daddy, you…” Zhao Qingqing was happy and angry, blushing and lowering her head.

Ye Han was stunned for a moment. He didn’t expect Zhao Jiaran to have such a thing. After a moment of contemplation, he still shook his head.

He is not Xiuxian Xiaobai now. If it were two or three years ago, he might have agreed without hesitation, but now he himself is the late Golden Core Stage, and there are two Monster Beast helpers in the late Golden Core stage. If it weren’t for the big sect, it wouldn’t be in his eyes at all.

Seeing that Ye Han refused even this condition, Boss Zhao was also shocked. On the one hand, he admired Ye Han’s character, and on the other hand, he sighed that his daughter had no chance with Ye Han.

When Zhao Qingqing heard Ye Han’s refusal, he could no longer sit in the carriage and rushed out of the carriage.

“Miss Ye.”

Ye Han watched Zhao Qingqing rush out and called out quickly. After all, he caused it.

“Brother Ye, it’s okay to let her go out and let her breathe. This is the first time she was rejected so cleanly.” Boss Zhao waved and said.

Then he opened the window to face the guard outside, and said, “Send someone to follow, protect the lady.”

“Yes, sir.”

Soon, there will be guards to protect Zhao Qingqing.

Ye Han was also relieved when he saw this place, and said to Boss Zhao, “Master Zhao left me with a few tasks before leaving. These tasks are not completed, and I am not ready to settle down. Please also Master Zhao and Forgive me for the cool green mushrooms.”

“Yeah, you can see that you are a good boy, but it’s a pity that Qingqing doesn’t have that blessing in my family.”

Boss Zhao couldn’t help feeling a little regretful.

Just when Ye Han wanted to say something, a voice came from outside.

“Master, master, the young lady met the monster in front, and now the situation is critical!!”

The carriage door was pushed open, and a guard who had lost an arm broke in and said urgently.

Seeing the tragedy of the guards, Boss Zhao stood up, “Don’t we have the beast-repelling incense and the beast-repelling flames, why are there monsters?”

“This…I don’t know. Miss is in danger now, please find a way, Master.”

After speaking, the guard fainted.

“Come on, take him down to heal his injuries and use the best medicine!”

After Boss Zhao finished speaking, he walked directly out of the carriage.

Ye Han directly followed out.

When he came outside, the scene seemed very chaotic. Boss Zhao was relatively experienced, his face was calm and calm, and when he mounted his horse, he hurried forward with a group of guards.

Ye Han also rode a horse and followed.

Soon a group of people came to the scene.

Zhao Qingqing was surrounded by a group of orangutan-like monsters. These monsters still had spears in their hands. There were only three guards left beside Zhao Qingqing. They guarded Zhao Qingqing by his side.

Seeing someone coming, the orangutan monster beast attacked again. With just one piercing action, the remaining three guards were killed.


Boss Zhao saw that his daughter was surrounded, and he couldn’t do it, but there were too many orangutan monsters. If he rushed in, he would be wiped out.

At this time of crisis.

A figure rushed directly towards the orangutan monster.

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