Chapter 0327 Go to the Golden Sword Sect!

“Fart, the Feng Clan is different from the Dragon Clan. They attach great importance to the purity of the bloodline. You are just a different species. The elders of the Feng Clan will never help you. Just die with this heart, and what do you think Wuwanghai is like? Is it easy? Without the strength above Yuan Ying, the wind on the sea can tear us to pieces!”

Ao Hong: “If you want me to say, I’d better go out to sea first, find the Dragon Clan treasure, and wait for the cultivation base of Yuan Ying or above to go to the deserted ancient continent to see luck.”

Phoenix girl: “No, go to the Deserted Ancient Continent now!”

Ao Hong; “Look for the Dragon Treasure!”


During the time when Ao Hong and Phoenix Girl quarreled with each other, Ye Han began to think seriously, and slowly calmed down, he also had some thoughts in his mind.

“You all stopped for a while.”

Ye Han said lightly.

Ao Hong: “Ye Han, have you made a decision?”

The Phoenix girl also looked at him.

“Yeah.” Ye Han nodded, and then said, “I decided to go to the Golden Sword Sect first!”

“Of course if you don’t want to go, you can leave directly. I… won’t force you.” Ye Han looked at the Phoenix girl: “Although we two signed a master-servant contract, the contract is binding on both parties. Neither is strong, and I promise that I will not force the contract, and of course I will try to live.”

Ye Han looked at Ao Hong again: “Brother Ao, thank you for your help during this period of time. I count the favor Ye Han owes you. When Ye Han solves the problem, if you still need someone to help you find it. Dragon treasure, Ye Han will definitely help!”

After speaking, Ye Han stopped talking. It seemed that he was waiting for the decision of Ao Hong and Phoenix Girl. In fact, his decision to go to Jin Jianzong had also been well thought out.

After all, there have always been things needed by the programmers in the natural disaster world, and it is very likely that I will not stay in the Tiannan area in the future, so it is necessary to take this thing away while Xiao Yijian is seriously injured by himself.

Hearing Ye Han’s words, both Ao Hong and Phoenix Girl were stunned.

“Ahem, you must take the opportunity to kill that Xiao Yijian when you go to Jinjianzong. I’ve long been uncomfortable with him. This guy was the one who caught me back then. He must be killed. I’ll go with you. Bar.”

Ao Hong said with a smile.

Ye Han shook his head, “I’m not going to kill Xiao Yijian.”

Ao Hong was a little embarrassed.

“Then you are definitely going to robbery, I like this better, let’s not lose money!”

Ye Han shook his head again, “I’m not going to rob either.”

“That’s okay. Laozi Aohong will follow you. I will go wherever you go. Don’t forget to help me find the dragon treasure.”

Ao Hong stopped pretending, and said directly.

“If you want to follow along, just say it clearly. I have so many excuses. I am not the same.” The Phoenix girl smiled and said directly: “Although your strength is good, if you die now, I must die too, so I still Just watch it yourself, as long as you don’t kill yourself, I will protect you.”

“Cut, you are not like me.”

Ao Hong directly rolled his eyes.

“Thank you for the two victories.”

Ye Han felt warm in his heart and said with a smile.

“Well, you can talk about your true purpose of going to the Golden Sword Sect, so that we can also know how to help you.” Ao Hong continued.

Nodding, Ye Han said his purpose, “Brother Ao, I actually want to regain the dragon ball they took from your body.”

“Then Dragon Ball is useless. It has no effect at all except for its good looks. Of course, the only effect is to help me prevent a catastrophe. It is useless at all. You don’t need to take it back for me.”

Hearing this, Ao Hong thought Ye Han did this for himself, and said quickly.

“Ahem, that big brother Ao, actually I want that bead.”

Ye Han said sincerely.

“Um…” Ao Hong was embarrassed again, “Well, as the former owner of this bead, as long as you can find it back, then give it to you.”

“But does your kid know the true function of this bead?” Ao Hong rolled his eyes and immediately thought of something. “If you know, just tell me. I promise you won’t grab it.”

Ye Han shook his head, “I really don’t know what is the use of this bead. I just think that this bead should have a special effect. It seems that someone is calling me to get him. I still remember the first time we did. See you? Although you also guided me, the bead is more attractive to me.”

“Some dragons are more narcissistic, Ye Han, you can ignore him.”

The Phoenix girl listened for a long time and she understood, she said with a smile.

This time, Ao Hong didn’t respond but thought about it seriously. After a while, he raised his head and said seriously: “If everything is like Ye Han, you said, maybe there is really a secret worth exploring here. ”

“That bead is in Xiao Wuzheng’s hands. We can find a way to catch him, so we can interrogate him and leave as soon as we finish snatching it.”

Ao Hong said.

“Just do it.”

Ye Han nodded, just grabbing things, and their current strength doesn’t need too much scruples at all.


Three days later.

On the hillside a hundred miles away from Jinjian Peak.

“The front is Jin Jianfeng, just through our observations this day, this Jin Jianzong seems to be quiet!” Ao Hong said strangely.

“Indeed, within a day, the monks coming in and out were quite normal, and there was no large-scale monk transfer. Did they not receive the news of the failure of the three coalition forces or did they know and did not respond?”

The Phoenix girl also frowned and said.

Ye Han shook his head, “This Golden Sword Sect is probably the first to know. Xiao Yijian must have returned to this Golden Sword Sect at this time. They are now the same as usual. I am afraid that the interior is full of traps. Xiao Yijian is now The most fearful thing is that we will give him a surprise attack.”

“Ye Han is right. The distance between Jin Jianzong and Tianding Mountain is the closest. He also knows Ye Han’s strength. At this time, he was also seriously injured. If you don’t take precautions, you will probably be finished.” Ao Hong’s eyes Yiliang said with a smile: “It’s just that he never expected that his trick has been seen through by me, and it will not have any effect at all.”

“If it’s really loose on the outside and tight on the inside, we definitely can’t break in now. Their defensive circle is more terrifying than the four holy spirit circle. Unless it is the late Yuan Ying cultivator who has a chance to break it, if we go in If you don’t, you probably won’t be able to get out.”

Ye Han said solemnly.

“Ye Han, do you already have a way? Just say it if you have it, don’t buy it.” The Phoenix woman said urgently.

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