Chapter 0328: Xiao Wushao Appears


Ye Han smiled slightly and spit out a word.



Ao Hong and Phoenix Girl looked at each other, and both saw the doubt in each other’s eyes.

“Ahem, Ye Han, let’s talk more about it.” Ao Hong asked embarrassedly: “Neither I understand.”

“Obviously you didn’t understand it yourself, don’t bring me on.”

The Phoenix girl said unceremoniously.

“Are you sure you understand?” Ao Hong asked rhetorically.

“Hehe, I know better than you anyway.”

“Okay, my plan is to wait. The reason is very simple. Now that Xiao Yijian is seriously injured, he will inevitably shrink in the Golden Sword Sect and try every means to recover. Then all the pressure falls on Xiao Wuhao’s body. We are here. The goal is Xiao Wuhao, and he will inevitably show up, and he will most likely go to the Cross-Mountain Sect for help. That’s our opportunity at that time.”

After Ye Han finished speaking, he flew towards the valley.

“It turns out to be so, it makes sense, anyway, it’s not us who are panicking now.” After listening, Ao Hong nodded in approval.

“Hehe, I just understood that way, Ye Han really didn’t let me down.” The Phoenix girl looked at Ye Han’s leaving back, her eyes showing appreciation.

“Some people are not shameless and shameless. Of course, you Phoenix’s face is really shameless.” Ao Hong mocked without hesitation.

“Little bug, do you have the ability to say it again? My old lady killed you!”

The Phoenix woman immediately warned.

“Hehe, I’m afraid of you. Although the blood of the sacred beast in the body is stronger than mine, but I am also at the late stage of the Golden Core cultivation base, and I may not be able to beat you.”

Ao Hong finally straightened his back and said loudly.

“Hmph, since you want to be abused so much, the old lady will give you a taste of the chance of being beaten up.” The Phoenix woman naturally said without giving up.


“Come on.”

“You shot first.”

“I shot, people would say I was bullying you and let you shot first.”

“Don’t persuade you, just do it, just you bully me? Not enough!”

“This is what you said!”


Ao Hong and Phoenix Girl quarreled again. Although they said they wanted to do it, they didn’t do it.

Until a fragrance floated out of the valley.

Ao Hong’s nose moved, “Fuck, what kind of fairy smell is this, and asking about it makes people drool.”

“It’s Ye Han who is baking again.” The Phoenix girl’s eyes lit up, and she disappeared in an instant, and she stopped fighting with Ao Hong, and went directly to Ye Han.

Sure enough, she saw Ye Han roasting a pheasant, and her golden surface made her drool.

“Ye Han, is this delicious?”

The Phoenix woman asked.

At this time, Ao Hong also rushed over. When he saw the golden roasted pheasant, he swallowed, “Ye Han, is your roasted chicken poisonous? Let me try it for you.”

Speaking of Ao Hong, he stretched out his sinful hand towards the roast chicken, but Ye Han quickly shrank his hand back with a stick.

“I have caught several pheasants. Don’t worry, you can eat them later. Don’t worry.” Ye Han said with a smile, “But I just heard that you two are fighting each other?”

I heard Ye Han questioning.

“Haha, no, Phoenix and I are good friends now, how can we quarrel.” Ao Hong’s eyes still fell on the roast chicken, “Phoenix, are you right.”

“Yes, Ao Hong and I are good friends and won’t quarrel.”

The Phoenix girl also echoed the Tao.

“Well, that’s good, you two are both important people. If you are discovered, you will soon be sieged by the Golden Sword Sect.”

Ye Han nodded and reminded.

With Ye Han’s consent, Ao Hong and Phoenix Girl sat down beside the fire, staring at the barbecue, and they were about to stay in their mouths.

Soon, Ye Han baked one for both of them and handed it over.

Ao Hong and Phoenix Girl just took it and ate them, not to mention how fragrant they were.


Ye Han waited for three full days in the three valleys, and Xiao Wuhao did not show up for three days.

“Ye Han, did we make a mistake in our calculations? The Golden Sword Sect was completely unprepared, or that Xiao Wushao was so scared that he didn’t dare to come out!”

Ao Hong said anxiously.

There is no shortage of them in terms of time, but after a day’s delay here, the Nascent Soul monk Xiao Yijian’s injury will heal one more point. They are still on the ground of Jin Jianfeng, and the danger is gradually increasing.

Ye Han naturally thought about this.

“If Xiao Wushao hasn’t come today, then we will sneak in and make another unsuccessful move.”

“It should have been like this a long time ago,” said the Phoenix woman.

A little bit of time passed.

Suddenly, there was a change in the Golden Sword Sect’s mountain gate, and the three sword lights flew directly out of the mountain gate. Those who could do this must be a monk of the Golden Core level.

“Flying to us is a golden core peak and two golden core late phases!”

The Phoenix girl closed her eyes when the other party flew out, and at the same time released her divine sense to investigate, she opened her eyes and said.

“Is it Xiao Wuhao, or a middle-aged Taoist with a long sword on his back and a small beard?” Ao Hong’s spiritual consciousness is not as strong as the Phoenix female, and the distance between this one is not clear at all. Can only ask Phoenix girl.

Ye Han also looked at the Phoenix girl.

“The one headed in the middle is quite similar to you.” The Phoenix girl nodded.

“It seems that it is Xiao Wuhao. We didn’t wait in vain.” Ye Han nodded.

“Haha, Huang Tian pays off. Laozi can finally get revenge.” Ao Hong is the most excited. When he was trapped in the Golden Sword Sect, he was often abused. Now is a good time for revenge. “This Xiao Wuhao It’s a bit powerful. It was still in the late stage, and now it’s the peak. I shouldn’t be his opponent, but I can deal with a Jin Dan next to him in the late stage.”

The Phoenix girl looked at Ye Han, “That Xiao Wuhao’s, you or me, I’m sure to kill him within a hundred moves.”

“It’s still me. My grievances with him should be cut here.”

Ye Han doesn’t worry about Xiao Wuhao’s strength at all right now, as long as he is not in the Yuan Ying period, he has the power to fight.

“Well, then I will go to solve another Jindan late stage.”

In this way, the three of them have divided the enemy again.

The other side.

Xiao Wuzhao flew out from Tianding Mountain with the two elders.

But I kept beating the drums in my heart, feeling something was wrong, frowning.

A Jindan next to him saw this and asked, “Brother Master, what makes your face so ugly?”

Xiao Wuzheng shook his head, “It’s just that I feel a little uneasy. Maybe this time we will go to the Cross-Mountain Sect to be a little unsuccessful. You have to cheer up.”

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