Chapter 0326

One hour later.

Wan’s father took the Wan family members and left through a secret passage. Before the Wan family, the other six families had already left, and now only the Cheng family is still there.

Cheng Kun and Cheng Rou were already kneeling in front of Old Ancestor Cheng.

At this moment, Cheng Yaodan walked over and glanced at Old Ancestor Cheng with a sad expression, and then said to Cheng Kun and Cheng Rou: “The other seven families have already left, and we are ready to go.”

Cheng Rou turned her head and asked, “Is there any news from Ye Han?”

Cheng Yaodan shook his head and sighed, “There is no news. I have arranged for the clansmen to find several laps. No news has come. And two hours have passed. If the three major sects send people over again, we can just It’s dangerous.”

Cheng Kun said coldly: “Uncle Thirteen, arrange to kill all three monks!”

“Patriarch, this will make Sanzong hate us even more, right?”

Cheng Yaodan said with some worry.

“Hmph, we have killed so many of them, from Yuan Ying to Qi refining, they have also killed a lot of us, the hatred has long been irreconcilable, and I don’t plan to leave the quasi-spirit Jinming Tieju, this It is the hope for our Cheng family to rise again!”

Cheng Kun said again.

“But the third brother…”

“Uncle Thirteen, just do what the Patriarch said.” Cheng Rou’s eyes became cold. The three major sects destroyed Tianding Mountain, and even his apprentices did not survive. This hatred must be reported. of.

“Okay, hey…” Cheng Yaodan sighed and immediately went to make arrangements.

Soon Tianding Mountain was stained red with blood again, and Cheng Kun and Cheng Rou took the remaining Cheng family members and left through a secret passage.


One day has passed.

A figure flew from a distance and landed in front of Tianding Mountain. It was Ye Han.

It’s just that when he saw the Tianding Mountain in front of him, he couldn’t believe his eyes.

Did you go to the wrong place?

This is still Zenith Mountain?

The original mountain guard formation is gone.

The whole mountain had collapsed, and it wasn’t that bloody breath was exuding inside, it was obviously destroyed.

Ye Han clenched his hands, his face was pale, and his face became even more pale.

“Master, ancestor Cheng… Wan’er…”

Ye Han’s eyes began to turn scarlet, and even Dao Xin began to crack, faintly in a state of enchantment.

“Ye Han, calm down, maybe it’s not the same as you imagined!”

The Phoenix woman’s voice rang in Ye Han’s mind.

Hearing this voice, Ye Han calmed down, but his mind was still full of anger.

At this moment, another figure flew out, it was Ao Hong.

“Ye Han!”

“Ao Hong!”

Both people are very excited when they see each other.

“Tell me, what happened here?” Ye Han asked hurriedly.

Ao Hong sighed, “I knew you would ask this, things are not so good, and not as bad as you think, I know you will come back.”

“It’s like this…”

Soon, Ao Hong will tell Ye Han what happened at Tianding Mountain after Ye Han led Xiao Yijian away.

“It’s probably like this. After you left, Old Ancestor Cheng suddenly sacrificed a quasi-spiritual weapon. Although it is not a real spiritual weapon, it still has the two words for a spiritual weapon! That Nascent Infant died, and the ancestor himself was gone. The Eight Great Families were worried about the continued retaliation of the three sects, so they chose to leave Tianding Mountain alone and destroy Tianding Mountain at the same time.”

At this time, the Phoenix girl also flew out of Ye Han’s arms, and said angrily: “Ye Han desperately led away Xiao Yijian’s Yuan Ying for them, do they ignore Ye Han?”

“Ye Han, can you see that, human beings are selfish guys, of course you don’t count.”

Ao Hongbai glanced at the Phoenix girl, and then at Ye Han, “Ahem, if I hadn’t known Ye Han and Phoenix girl for help, I would also think Ye Han had died. The old monster fights, and there is no chance of surviving at all. They waited for two hours before leaving, which is very moral.”

Hearing Ao Hong say this, the Phoenix female’s face was a little uncontrollable, and she said, “Ao Hong, are you complimenting yourself?”

“Phoenix, I don’t want to fight with you now.” Ao Hong turned his gaze to Ye Han, “Did you kill Xiao Yijian?”

“No, after I seduce Xiao Yijian into a valley, although the Phoenix girl suddenly shot him and seriously injured him, the old primordial infant has experienced many battles and is cunning, and there are many ways to save his life. Finally, let him Escaped.” Ye Han said regretfully.

He can actually understand the departure of all the eight families. There was still a chance at Tianding Mountain when Old Ancestor Cheng was there, but when Old Ancestor Cheng was gone, then he would no longer have the ability to threaten the three sects. Only leaving is the most important thing. Good choice.

“I think so, if I add my help, maybe there is still a chance to kill Yuan Ying.” Ao Hong nodded, the result did not exceed his expectations.

“By the way, your wife and children didn’t take you away, but she and I still protected you.” Ao Hong seemed to think of something, and when he slapped his storage bag, a crystal coffin appeared in front of Ye Han.

It was not someone else who lay in this crystal coffin, but the rose that had not awakened.

“Thanks a lot.”

Ye Han looked at the Qiangwei lying in the coffin, feeling a little sad. Now his wife and children are missing, and he is unconscious. It is really miserable.

“Ye Han, what shall we do now? What do you plan to do?” Ao Hong asked.

Ye Han shook his head, his head is messy now, and he hasn’t figured out what to do next.

“If you don’t think well, we can go out to sea together to find the dragon treasure. As long as we find the dragon treasure, I can guarantee that we will definitely break through the Nascent Soul, and even the transformation of the gods will have a chance!”

Ao Hong said excitedly.

“Cut, it is better to cross the Wuwang Sea and go to the deserted ancient continent to find the dragon treasure. There are all ancient wild species, and there are genius treasures everywhere.

The Phoenix girl said disdainfully.

“Phoenix, I know what your calculations are. Don’t you just want to return to the Feng clan, but now you have signed a master-servant agreement with humans. The Feng clan will think that you have contaminated the blood of the Feng clan, and not only will not accept you, but also I will hunt down you and Ye Han, and we will be a dead end when we go to the deserted ancient continent!” Ao Hong said immediately.

“I’m a rare alien in tens of thousands of years. The Feng Clan will definitely accept me. Do you think it looks like you? Ye Han, don’t listen to him. You only need to escort me to the Feng Clan, and then there will be Feng Clan elders who will take action. Dissolve the contract for us personally, and you can still get the friendship of the Feng clan!”

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