Chapter 0313 Yuan Ying!

The old man on the left, with sword eyebrows, star eyes, national character face, wearing a golden Taoist robe, carrying a long sword behind his back, his eyes full of fear, this man is the ancestor of the Golden Sword Sect-Xiao Yijian.

The bald old man in the middle, topless, bronze skin, plump muscles, arms clasped on his chest, his eyes flat, this man is one of the two ancestors of the mountain sect, Panshan Mountain.

The crane on the right has a childlike face, holding a whisk in his hand, stepping on a white crane, wearing a white robe, and a fairy spirit. This person is the white crane ancestor Bai Jue, one of the black and white ancestors of the Asuka Sect.

“Haha, I didn’t expect this fellow Cheng Yaoxian to be able to make it to this day. What a pity, if the Blood Spirit Sect does not fall, perhaps there are now three Nascent Souls in the Blood Spirit Sect.”

Bai Jue glanced jokingly towards the far left, and said with a smile.

Hearing Bai Jue’s words, Xiao Yijian smiled slightly, “These are nothing more than chaotic officials and thieves.

“But I heard that the great elder of Asuka Gate was captured alive, and I have already told a lot of Asuka Gate’s secrets. If the people of Tianding Mountain are made bigger, I am afraid the most uncomfortable thing is Asuka Gate.”

“Xiao Yijian, you are looking for death!” Bai Jue’s expression turned ugly after hearing this. Now the fact that the Great Elder Flying Bird Gate was captured alive has spread throughout Tiannan, and the face of Flying Bird Gate has been completely lost. The promoted Nascent Soul, the old man kills you like a dog!”

“Hmph, I’m afraid that you won’t succeed. There is already a soul of the soul of the soul under my Xiao Yijian sword. I don’t mind if you have one more!”

Xiao Yijian relied on himself as a sword repairer, and he did not panic at all, vying for each other.

“Well, if you still want to destroy Tianding Mountain, just give me a break. When this matter is finished, I won’t object to how you fight it.”

Seeing that Xiao Yijian and Bai Jue were about to start their hands, the Panshan standing in the middle came out to speak. Although the three Yuanyings at the scene were all in the early stage of cultivation, Panshan was the first to enter the Yuanying, with the highest cultivation level and cross-mountain sect. The status is also the first of the three, and his words are still very useful.

Xiao Yijian and Bai Jue each looked at each other fiercely, then calmed down.

The disciple below saw that the three Yuanying ancestors almost fought and was so frightened that they did not dare to say a word.

After seeing that Xiao Yijian and Bai Jue were no longer ready to move, Panshan continued: “From the current situation, Cheng Yaoxian will have results in a few hours. Then it will be when we attack. Brought 950 foundation-building cultivators, dozens of Jindan cultivators, and the three of us. They can easily solve Tianding Mountain, but after all, they still have a great formation to protect the mountains. The first thing we need to do is Break the mountain protection formation, this matter can only be handed over to the three of us.”

Hearing what Panshan said, Xiao Yijian and Bai Jue also began to think seriously.

“Their guardian formation is called the Four Holy Spirit Formation. It can summon four ghosts of the Holy Spirit. The three of us need to take action to destroy the four Holy Spirits. Then the formation will naturally be broken. With our strength, the three of us Dealing with the four-headed Holy Spirit is not a big problem.”

Bai Jue said confidently.

“Hmph, what if they just send three holy spirits to hold us, leaving one holy spirit to deal with the disciples below us?”

Xiao Yijian asked.

“This is absolutely impossible. With their spiritual stones and number of people, they can only support the Holy Spirit for an hour at most. As long as the disciples below us stay away for an hour, it doesn’t take an hour for us to resolve the Holy Spirit.”

Bai Jue said for sure.

“A power that doesn’t even have Yuan Ying, it’s enough for the three of us to take action. It would be really shameful if we even looked forward and backward.”

Panshan in the center said lightly.

Upon hearing this, Bai Jue and Xiao Yijian no longer said much.


The situation at Tianding Mountain is getting more and more tense.

The anxiety in Ye Han’s heart grew stronger.

“Phoenix, did you have any gains there?”

“I felt a bit of a bad premonition, but I didn’t find the source. It seems that you are right. There are indeed enemies outside of Tianding Mountain.”

The Phoenix woman’s voice sounded.

Hearing this, Ye Han’s heart sank even more. It seems that his worry is right. I am afraid that there are already three coalition forces waiting outside at this moment.

Thinking of this, Ye Han couldn’t help but cast his gaze to the top of the mountain.

At this time, in the thunder tribulation, you can vaguely see the huge figure of ancestor Cheng. It is not the physical body of ancestor Cheng, but the unique method of monk Yuan Ying. From this point of view, ancestor Cheng is already Yuan Ying. A monk, but he still needs to survive the thunder tribulation completely before he can refine all his mana and become the Nascent Soul mana.

Then Ye Han turned his gaze to Wanqing’s closed secret room. In terms of the big battle when Cheng Paozu broke through, Wanqing seemed to be relatively quiet, and now she just closes her eyes and gathers aura.

The only movement that can be seen is that Wanqing’s stomach is moving slightly, and Ye Han can also hear the child’s movement in his stomach.


There was a loud noise.

The entire zenith peak began to tremble.

“Ao Hong, I’ll leave it to you, I’ll go out.”

Ye Han dropped these words and flew out of the cave again, and the Phoenix girl was naturally led by him.

“Ye Han, that old guy should have successfully made a breakthrough. I really didn’t expect that such an old man would become the Nascent Soul before me.” The Phoenix girl’s tone showed a hint of dissatisfaction.

“You are very close to Yuan Ying now. It’s just that you don’t have a good pill. I heard from Ao Hong that there is a pill for your monster clan. After this matter is over, I will look for this. How about a pill formula that helps you break through Yuan Ying?”

Ye Han said with relief.

“Hmph, it’s pretty much the same. To be honest, if I hadn’t had a greater mission, it would be nice to follow you,” said the Phoenix woman.

“Aren’t you following me now? Besides, if you have something to do, Ao Hong and I can also be your helpers.” Ye Han now regards Phoenix Girl as his partner, and her business is her own. The matter, after all, has increased the strength of the Phoenix Girl, and it can be regarded as an increase in her own strength in a disguised form.

“It’s not the same.” The Phoenix girl didn’t seem to want to say more in this regard.

After Ye Han flew out of the cave, he flew directly towards the top of the mountain. Now the dark clouds in the sky have almost dispersed, but there is a mess on the top of the mountain. Ye Han’s scalp is numb. If the sky thunder of this intensity falls on his head On, I’m afraid I’ll be gone.

When Ye Han arrived, Cheng Kun, Cheng Rou, and Cheng Yaodan all came except the four golden pills who controlled the four holy spirits.

“Congratulations to the ancestor Cheng for the advanced Yuan Ying!”

Ye Han naturally followed a group of golden pill to salute the ancestor Cheng who looked more than ten years younger.

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