Chapter 0312

“Although we are both descendants of dragons and phoenixes, to be more specific, the blood of the Phoenix race in your body is much stronger than the blood of the true dragon in my body. This is why I can’t beat you.”

“When I have time, I have to find a dragon clan with blood deeper than my true dragon, and let him clean up you. You wait.”

Upon hearing this, the Phoenix woman was sure she understood, and Tsundere said very much, “Okay, then I’ll wait.”

After saying this, the Phoenix girl was also not interested in Ao Hong, and the two sides stopped quarreling.

Ye Han couldn’t help but quietly gave Ao Hong a thumbs up, amazing.

It is to give Ye Han a triumphant look confidently.

Then at this moment, there was a sudden crackling in the sky.


“This is the voice of Tianlei, is it a younger brother and sister to give birth?”

Ao Hong was frightened and asked quickly.

“No, if it is Wanqing’s delivery time, although it will also cause the thunder to explode, it will definitely not be so powerful. This power is probably beyond the golden core.”

Ye Han frowned and immediately guessed: “It’s Patriarch Cheng!”

“You two, please help me take care of Wanqing. I’ll go out and take a look.”

After speaking, Ye Han flew out of the cave with a brush.

When he came outside the cave, there were already more than a dozen figures standing in the sky. Undoubtedly, they were all Jindan monks from Zenith Mountain.

At this moment, their faces were full of expectation and dignity, their eyes were all staring at the highest peak of Pingdingshan, because there was old ancestor Cheng in retreat.

The place where Old Ancestor Cheng retreats is the highest place of Pingding Mountain, and it is also the place with the most aura, and it is the most suitable place to break through Yuan Ying.


Another sky thunder burst.

Ye Han looked up towards the sky, and as the sky thunders exploded, at this time, there were clusters of black clouds condensed in the sky above Tianding Mountain. I don’t know how many sky thunders were hidden in these black clouds. He was just I felt a chill at a glance.

“It’s going to start.”

Ye Han muttered.

Sure enough, as the thunder and roar continued to sound, the black clouds gathered more and more, as if the heavens were coming.

At this time, the voice of Cheng Kun, who was closest to the top of Tianding Mountain, sounded.

“Don’t panic, everyone. This is the final moment of the breakthrough. The ancestor Cheng is about to face Thunder Tribulation. If he succeeds, he can become the ancestor of Yuan Ying. Come, join forces to urge the mountain protection formation!”

With the sound of Cheng Kun’s voice, everyone understood that there were other guesses and no longer thinking about it. The major golden core cultivators also went to their respective positions.

Although the formation of Tianding Mountain is a bit different from the formation of the three major sects, it is also the formation of the Cheng family, which is a family of nearly a thousand years of cultivation. It is called the guardianship of the four holy spirits. Array.

When no one is urged, it will be a big formation that can withstand hundreds of attacks by the Nascent Soul monk, and if there are monks urged, it can even give birth to the four holy spirits of the Azure Dragon, the White Tiger, the Fire Phoenix, and the Black Turtle. Phantom, these four holy phantoms all have the primary cultivation base of Nascent Soul, but with the foundation of the eight great families of Tianding Mountain, it is only enough to motivate the four holy phantoms for one hour, and the one who is responsible for manipulating the holy spirit It must be a golden core or higher cultivation base, so it is not a last resort and will not use the phantom of the Holy Spirit.

Originally, Cheng Kun and the others wanted Ye Han to also control one of the holy spirits, but they were refused by Ye Han because his wife Wanqing was pregnant and was about to give birth.

After that, in order to give full play to the role of the golden core monks, I decided to use the four golden core monks who had just broken through just a short time ago. There was no way. After all, these golden core monks who just broke through were almost the bottom in the golden core realm. If the same time comes to the enemy, there is only the possibility of defeat.

But letting them control the Holy Spirit is different. The three sects are likely to have only three Nascent Souls, send out three Holy Spirits to delay, and then let another Holy Spirit cover the other Jindan to quickly attack the cultivator army of the other three sects, which can catch them by surprise.

Ye Han just took the core of the four holy spirit formations, as long as the formation was stimulated, it was enough to continuously inject spiritual power into it.

Now the Four Holy Spirit Arrays are also opening a gap on the top of Mount Zenith. There is no way. Breaking through the Nascent Soul from the Golden Core will have to experience the baptism of the sky thunder. For the mighty Tianlei, this is not helping Old Ancestor Cheng, but harming him.

If the ancestor was able to go through the thunder tribulation, he basically succeeded in six to seventy percent, and the remaining three or four achievements depend entirely on the individual Cheng ancestor.

Although the Cheng family has stood for thousands of years in the southern part of the sky, it has been the Golden Core family from the beginning, but it is a pity that there has never been a Nascent Soul monk. This time is definitely the greatest hope. The preparation for a thousand years may be a miracle.

Back to the cave, Ye Han first asked Ao Hong to guard Wanqing, while picking up the formation plate to input spiritual power, and at the same time let the Phoenix female use a more powerful spiritual sense than him to monitor the situation outside Tianding Mountain, and immediately notify him if something happens. Own

The current crisis is obviously not only whether the ancestor Cheng can successfully advance to the Nascent Soul, but most of the cultivators of the three sects have also arrived. The reason why they have not launched an attack now is that the reason is that they are waiting for the result of the ancestor Cheng.

For Ye Han, what is more critical is that Wanqing’s breakthrough and the timing of childbirth seem to have collided with Old Master Cheng, and I don’t know if this is good or bad.

After all, there is a golden core who breaks through Nasal Infant, who can summon a large amount of heaven and earth aura, especially when he is successfully promoted to Nasal Infant, the heaven and earth aura is infused. This time breakthrough is not only good for Wanqing, but also for the fetus. Good.

But Ye Han can’t help much now, so he can only stand outside the stone gate and wait.

In this anxious situation, time passed a little bit.

More than ten hours.

The black robbery cloud above the top of the mountain is completely condensed, the sky is mighty, and it makes people want to surrender.

But when you have this kind of thought in your mind, you must kill it in time, because the immortal cultivator is essentially fighting against the heavens. If he surrenders to the will of the heavens, then he will take turns to be the puppet of the heavens, the zombie self!

“Haha, Cheng Yaoxian, the fourth-generation heir of my Cheng family, proves Dao Yuan Ying today!”

An incomparable voice came from the top of the mountain, and while resounding through the sky, it also fell in everyone’s ears.

The disciples who had been shaken in their hearts became excited after hearing this sentence.

Ye Han naturally heard this voice, and he was more confident in Grandpa Cheng’s success in breaking through Yuan Ying.


In a hidden place thousands of miles away from Tianding Mountain, a group of thousands of people, led by three powerful old men, is looking towards the direction of Tianding Mountain.

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