Chapter 0314 Fight!

The face of the ancestor did not look good, slightly pale, and frowned.

Needless to think, Ye Han can also guess that most of the old ancestor Cheng discovered the traces of the three sect coalition forces, and that although he has now become the Nascent Soul, his body consumes a lot of mana and is unstable because he resists the sky thunder. War, then in the face of multiple Yuan Ying’s attacks, even if he can resist it, it is very possible to fall into the realm.

“Everyone, it’s not the time when we are happy, you immediately start preparing… to meet the enemy!”

With an order from the ancestor Cheng.

Before Ye Han and the others could return to their posts, another huge noise erupted.

This time it is no longer a sky thunder, but three majestic monks!

Ye Han and the others quickly turned around and looked at them. They immediately found that besides these three powerful monks, there were thousands of monks behind them. Obviously, this was the coalition of the three sects.

“Face the enemy!”

Cheng Kun reacted quickly, and immediately shouted loudly: “Everyone urges the mountain protection formation!”


A loud bang like a bell.

The original thin layer of protective barrier immediately became thicker.

next moment.

A huge force struck.

Facing the gate of Tianding Mountain, there were monks in the sky, headed by three powerful monks.


Seeing this situation, Old Ancestor Cheng directly lifted into the air, and looked at each other with these monks across the mountain guard formation.

Huh huh~

Ye Han and other Jindan monks also immediately followed and flew behind Old Ancestor Cheng.

“This is the Tianding Mountain Boundary, everyone has crossed the boundary!”

Old Ancestor Cheng said gloomily.

“Haha, Cheng Yaoxian, I didn’t expect that you, an old thing that is about to end its lifespan, can actually advance to Yuanying. It really surprised me!” Panshan, the head of the three-song coalition army, said: “We three The Zong Lian Army is here today to congratulate you. Is this how you treat your guests?”

“Open the guarding mountain formation and welcome me in!”

This last sentence was loud and shook the world. Hearing feedback from the ears of the cultivators of Tianding Mountain, his head became dizzy, and even the mountain protection formation had to loosen up.

Even the Golden Core cultivator was affected.


I saw Old Ancestor Cheng let out a cold snort, which immediately offset this peculiar power.

“The sonic spells of the Cross-Mountain Sect are indeed powerful, but is this the way your three allied forces serve as guests?” Old Ancestor Cheng looked gloomy, “I don’t welcome aggressive guests like you at Tianding Mountain. Please come back.”

“Cheng Yaoxian, let you open the mountain protection formation to give you some steps. Don’t think that you can compete with the three major sects by breaking through to become a Nascent Soul. Be careful that I cut you with a single sword!”

Xiao Yijian threatened.

Hearing this, the ancestor Cheng glanced around and gave Xiao Yijian a blank look, “You just broke through the Yuan Ying not long, and you are just a mere sword with me, but it is not necessarily me who died.”


Xiao Yijian was furious and immediately prepared to drew his sword to break the formation, but was stopped by Panshan with his hand.

“Cheng Yaoxian, the three of us came here. We didn’t want to do anything. We just wanted to persuade you to take the right path on Tianding Mountain. It is not easy for you to break through the Nascent Soul cultivation base. You don’t know what is good or bad.”

Panshan’s tone gradually became colder.

“In that case, you three sects and three-born infants came to my Tianding Mountain with thousands of golden cores to build the foundation, are you still trying to protect us?” Old Ancestor Cheng’s face became more and more disgusted, “If you want to fight, you will fight, if you don’t fight Then retreat!”

“Haha, what a fight if you want to fight!” Panshan laughed three times, his aura suddenly rose, and soon rose to an extremely terrifying level, and behind him, a Pangu phantom appeared, like a god descending from the earth. !

“Cheng Yaoxian, since you are stubborn, then bear the anger of our three sects!”

Bai Jue immediately released the full momentum of his body, and a white crane appeared behind him.

“Let you know what it will be like to provoke the three Yuanying monks!” Xiao Yijian offered an immortal sword, fierce and unparalleled, the only difference was that there was no shadow behind him.

“Four Holy Spirit Formations, start!”

Old Ancestor Cheng waved his hand and protected Ye Han and other Jin Dan rushed to retreat, and finally landed on the top of the Zenith Mountain.

It fell on the top of the mountain, and the surrounding area was scorched. It was obvious that this was caused by the fact that Old Ancestor Cheng broke through the Yuan Ying just now and resisted the calamity of the sky.

“Everyone, if the life and death of Dingshan today lies with us, although the old man has broken through Yuan Ying, he is still in weakness. I can hold one of them at most with my strength. What I have to do now is to use The four holy spirit formations consumed the strength of these three Nascent Souls, and I took the opportunity to recover. As long as the old man recovers 80%, I can kill one of them with thunder. Although these three are coalition forces at this time, if one person died, then this The alliance will most likely collapse.”

While talking, Old Ancestor Cheng fixed his eyes on Xiao Yijian.

“Please rest assured, my ancestors, I will definitely block these three armies!”

Hearing the words of Old Ancestor Cheng, the expressions of several golden cores on the scene all had hope, and their fighting spirit was rekindled.

“The old man on your side brags and doesn’t make drafts. He is obviously seriously injured, and he is expecting to win. Ye Han, if I were you, I would just find a chance to slip away.”

The Phoenix woman’s voice rang in Ye Han’s mind.

Ye Han’s expression changed when he heard the words, and he quickly communicated with Phoenix Girl in his mind, “How do you know that Old Ancestor Cheng is bragging?”

“My spiritual consciousness is a little bit so big, and I can just feel that this old man was seriously injured in the breakthrough process. Now his strength is reduced to 80%. If it really restores him to 80%, it will block an early Yuan Ying. There is no problem with the same level, but if he does not have the fourth-rank best recovery pill now, it will take at least one year to restore his strength to 80%. You think it depends on your golden cores to break the formation. How long can it stop the three Nascent Souls and thousands of monks who have built foundations or more?”

Hearing what the Phoenix Girl said, Ye Han understood thoroughly, but he also understood Old Ancestor Cheng very well. It is estimated that the other party should have some means. Now he can’t completely follow the Phoenix Girl’s statement, but he still has to prepare with both hands.

“Ao Hong, now the three allied forces have surrounded Tianding Mountain, you help me take care of Wanqing, and wait for my next arrangement.”

Ye Han sent a voice transmission to Ao Hong for the first time.

Then Ye Han sat down cross-legged and began to input his mana into the formation.

Boom boom boom!

As Ye Han and other Golden Core cultivators poured their magic power with all their strength, the barrier of the Four Holy Spirit Array became more solid.

next moment.

Around Tianding Mountain, blue dragons, fire phoenixes, white tigers, and black turtles appeared as ghost ghosts.





The Four Holy Spirits burst out with strong coercion, and directly revitalized the foremost three-element infant!

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