Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 235 The Dragon King appears again

Looking at the crowd taking pictures of him, Ye Feng was speechless for a while.

He had thought that the online posts were just casual remarks, but he didn't expect the slap in the face to come so quickly. In the blink of an eye, all these people were actually in front of him and took pictures.

Ye Feng looked beyond the convoy and looked into the distance. At the same time, he released his mental power and swept directly around the entire Yangcheng City.

Then he was surprised to find that on the road to Yangcheng City, there were quite a few such convoys full of people, eight in total.

There are at least one to two hundred passengers in each convoy.

This is the number that Ye Feng detected early in the morning. It is estimated that as time goes by, there will be more and more such fleets.

"With so many people coming spontaneously, can Yangcheng City accommodate them?" Ye Feng couldn't help but muttered.

You know, Yangcheng City is already overcrowded now. Although the first batch of residential buildings in the "North City" side will be built in about a week, the number of people they can accommodate is also limited.

What's more, even if it is completed, the first batch of residents to settle in will not be these people who came here on their own.

Because there were originally some cities that were relocated according to the plan, and they were the first batch of residents.

"Forget it, let the officials worry about these matters!" Ye Feng shook his head.

Just when he was about to ignore the matter, the motorcade that came to the front of Sunset Valley actually stopped. Then some people got out of the car and set up a professional camera to take pictures.

Ye Feng: "..."

Just when he was about to send out some mutated animals to drive the other party away, the words these people were talking to made him stop.

"This is where the Dragon King lives! It's really extraordinary. I feel that the air is fresher than other places." Someone couldn't help but sigh.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense." An older man reprimanded and said seriously: "Get the statues. According to the master's wishes, these statues must come to the place where the Dragon King lives to worship before they can be considered official. Light."

"Everyone should be serious and serious, so that the Dragon King can protect us and keep us safe in the future, and we will not encounter these disasters."

As he spoke, he placed the jade-carved Dragon King statue upright, and then kowtowed three times seriously.

The group of people behind him should all be related to each other. After hearing what the old man said, they all knelt down and prayed to the Dragon King for their safety.

As these people worshiped, Ye Feng was somewhat surprised to find that a very strong power of faith emerged from these people.

Seeing this scene, Ye Feng narrowed his eyes slightly.

Especially when he looked at the old man who took the lead in kneeling down, an idea popped up in his mind.

He knew very well that although he could usually perform various "miracles" and reap the power of faith.

But this method is not a long-term solution after all.

It is precisely because of this that he spends more thought on the residents of Yangcheng City, in order to make himself deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and let them always remember his goodness, so that he can provide the power of faith for a long time.

Now from the old man, he seemed to see a second way.

That is to cultivate more devout people, and they can influence the people around them. This old man is the best example.

Now he has influenced hundreds of people, and as time goes by, he will probably influence more and more people.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng temporarily stopped adding points, and then stretched out a tree root. Under the control of his mental power, the shape of the tree root began to change slightly, gradually becoming a bit like a dragon.

Then, he let the tree root fall off on its own.

Then he possessed the big yellow dog, and after entering a violent state, he stretched out his sharp claws and used his claws to carve minutely on the fallen tree root.

It must be mentioned that after breaking through to the sixth level, with the defensive power of his current tree roots, even if the big yellow dog enters a violent state, it can only make a 10 cm hole in its roots at most.

As for the remaining fourth-level mutated animals, it is estimated that it would be difficult to even break through its bark.

At this time, the big yellow dog's paw was like an extremely precise carving knife, quickly carving the tree roots in minute ways.

Although Ye Feng did not have any carving experience, he had strong mental power and had already simulated the pattern he wanted to carve in his mind, so he carved very quickly.

In just ten seconds, a lifelike dragon-shaped statue more than half a meter long appeared in front of him.

At this time, under the leadership of the old man, everyone had just finished prostrating. Before they could get up, they saw a heavy object falling from the sky.

With a loud bang, not only the jade statue they brought was smashed.

Even the hard cement road had a deep pit of nearly 10 centimeters, and there were cracks all around.

This loud noise, not to mention the people who were kneeling in worship, even the security guards with guns on guard around them were startled.

"What's wrong? Could it be that the Dragon King is angry?" someone said in fear.

No wonder he said that, because the statue they originally purchased was already in pieces.

And as the man spoke, many people turned pale and didn't know what to do for a moment.

However, the group of people at the front of the team, because they were relatively close to the statue, could now see clearly what was smashed down.

And when they saw it clearly, the expressions on their faces were a little stunned.

The old man at the front of the team, at this moment, his eyes that were originally a little cloudy suddenly brightened.

He was originally a little shaky when he walked, but now he stood up quickly, took two quick steps forward, and came to the pit.

After seeing clearly what was inside and confirming that he was not dazzled, he almost burst into tears. He quickly knelt down again, kowtowed towards the direction of the Sunset Valley, and said loudly: "Thank you to the Dragon King for appearing."

At this time, more and more people also reacted. When they gathered together and saw the Dragon King statue in the pit, they felt like they were on a roller coaster, flying from the bottom of the valley to heaven.

It was inevitable that everyone would pay homage again.

The old man took several deep breaths, and after he calmed down, he stepped forward and stared at the lifelike wood carving, and stretched out his hand carefully to pick it up.

But something embarrassing happened to him. He tried his best, but the wooden statue remained motionless and almost hit his waist.

If he hadn't been old enough and developed a thick skin, he would have been so embarrassed that he wanted to crawl into the ground at this time.

With a slight cough, he waved to a middle-aged man behind him and said, "Da Liu, come here and move it, I can't move it with my old bones."

"Okay dad." The middle-aged man agreed and stepped forward quickly.

Then he used all his strength to lift the stone sculpture a little, and then he couldn't hold on anymore and fell back with a bang.

Everyone could hear the heavy landing sound clearly.

Only then did they realize that it wasn't that the old man couldn't move it, but that the wooden sculpture seemed too heavy.

At this time, everyone couldn't help but gathered around and looked around.

"It's amazing! Isn't this a wood carving? Why is it so heavy?" someone couldn't help but ask.

"Not only is it heavy, but it's also so hard! Look at this wooden sculpture. It made a dent in the cement pavement, but it is not damaged at all. Even if it is made of steel, it is impossible not to be bent at all!" Someone else discovered the magic of this wood carving.

And what he said was "no damage at all" is not an adjective, because there was not even a single scratch on the wooden carving of the Dragon King.

In the end, everyone could only conclude that it was indeed something given by the Dragon King, and it was indeed extraordinary.

Then the three strongest people among the group went out together and struggled to move the thing into the car.

According to their estimates, this half-meter-long wooden sculpture definitely weighs more than 200 kilograms.

After a while, the convoy slowly drove away from the Sunset Valley. Ye Feng watched them leave. Although he didn't know how effective it would be in the long run, the short-term effect was definitely there.

These more than 100 people sent the Dragon King wood carving away with him, and the power of faith they provided increased by at least five times compared to the beginning.

In addition, the degree of belief of these people is higher than that of ordinary people. Now these more than 100 people are equivalent to more than 1,000 normal people.

More importantly, after this "ceremony", the power of faith they provide will not decrease rapidly as time goes by, but will remain within a relatively stable range.

Even if it drops in the future, I believe that it will rise again after seeing the statue that I gave away.

To Ye Feng, this kind of thing was just a casual move, but it caused an uproar on the Internet.

# The Dragon King appears! #

This title directly topped the hot search list in less than half an hour.

This article was posted by a young man in the team. He carefully told the story and attached it with pictures and a video.

This video clearly captures the hard work of three adults carrying the wood carving. The veins on their arms and their heavy steps all illustrate the weight of the wood carving.

However, even though there are pictures and videos, many people didn't believe it at first. After all, pictures can be photoshopped, and even that video can be shown by hiring a few professional actors.

Or maybe the wood carving is fake and is actually made of iron.

Although many people doubt it, there are also many who believe it.

In particular, many convoys heading to Yangcheng City, after someone read this news, discussed with the security company escorting them, and after adding money, almost all turned around and drove towards the Sunset Valley.

Their idea is very simple. Since if you go and worship, you may get a statue given by the Dragon King, then there is nothing wrong with going and worshiping.

Even if you don't get the statue, you should come to Yangcheng City and pay homage to the Dragon King.

Driven by this idea, more and more convoys drove towards the Sunset Valley.

As one after another, someone got the Dragon King statue and posted it online, the doubts gradually subsided.

Then it turned into envy and jealousy towards the person who got the Dragon King statue.

In this case, when the Dragon King statue fell from the tree, many people went directly to fight for it.

Who would be willing to give such a good thing to others?

But the person who Ye Feng gave the statue to was definitely selected, and his piety must meet the standards of the old man before him.

After all, how could Ye Feng give the statue to someone who didn't provide much power of faith to him.

So when there was a fight, Ye Feng took action directly, and a 200-pound wooden sculpture flew directly under the control of his mental power.

It passed over a person's head and came to the target person he wanted to give to, and then stopped.

This scene directly frightened the people who had snatched it before, and they dared not move. Then they kowtowed in the direction of Sunset Valley.

Soon, the video of the Dragon King statue flying became a hot search topic again.

Now not only the Dragon King statue, but also the person who got the statue became famous.

The turmoil on the Internet is getting more and more intense. Under this situation, how can Yangcheng City be unclear.

"Old Liu, how are we going to deal with the Dragon King statue? Have you thought about it?" Cao Guangzhi, the secretary-general, opened the door and walked in with a report in his hand and asked.

Liu Zaoxin rubbed his forehead and said: "I haven't thought about it. More importantly, we don't know what the Dragon King is thinking, so don't make it self-defeating."

"How about you ask the mutant parrot?" Cao Guangzhi asked.

Liu Zaoxin shook his head, "It's best not to do this. After all, even if we are simply asking, we are actually showing an attitude. There is no need to do something that would cause misunderstanding."

"Besides, this incident has not had a negative impact on us. It just makes the topic of Dragon King more popular. Maybe this is what that person wants to do. Isn't it always keen to make itself more famous? "

After hearing this, Cao Guangzhi couldn't help but nodded. Maybe this was true.

"Then let's discuss things related to us. This is the data submitted by the department responsible for population coordination below."

Cao Guangzhi handed the report in his hand to Liu Zaoxin and said, "Since yesterday afternoon, immigrants have been arriving in our Yangcheng city. The number of people who came yesterday was not too many, only about 600."

"But now in less than three hours in the morning, the number of people coming has exceeded 5,000, and according to the intelligence we have collected, this is just the beginning, and the peak may be in a week."

"The number of people coming in every day will probably be between 50,000 and 100,000."

"But at this stage, our Yangcheng city simply cannot accommodate so many people. What are you going to do?"

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