Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 234 Alliance is established to fight against the restricted area

Hearing what Ye Feng said, Liu Zaoxin secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as the other party accepts a certain premium, his job in this area will be much easier.

Next, Liu Zaoxin worked almost on-site, and he immediately contacted Secretary-General Cao Guangzhi.

He was responsible for purchasing mutant animals before, and he knew the prices quite well.

As soon as the phone call came down, Liu Zaoxin immediately gave Ye Feng a rough quote.

"Parrot Messenger, among the mutated creatures that your Dragon King Palace needs, the mutated parrots are more numerous, so the price is about 50,000 Chinese coins each, and one thousand of them is about 50 million."

"As for the mutated hedgehog and mutated buffalo, both cost 300,000 Chinese coins each. The former is because the number is relatively rare, while the latter is because of its larger size, which makes it more difficult to catch alive. These two combined, it takes about 6 Around 100 million.”

"These are the three cheaper ones, while the others are more expensive."

When Liu Zaoxin said this, he glanced at the mutated parrot and saw that the other party had no expression before continuing.

"For mutant brown bears, it would cost about 3.5 million, and 3.5 billion for 1,000. Mutated cheetahs would cost 3.8 million, and 3.8 billion for 1,000."

"As for mutant hippos, mutant rhinos and mutant elephants, because they are larger in size, they are also quite rare. Especially mutant rhinos and mutant elephants, we even need to buy them from other countries to get them together, and the price is also the most expensive. That one."

"Their unit prices are 6.5 million, 12 million and 15 million respectively. If you buy a thousand of them all, you will need 6.5 billion, 12 billion and 15 billion respectively."

"So the total amount of the mutated animals you want is approximately 41.45 billion." Liu Zaoxin gave the final quotation.

"No problem, I can even give you another 10% premium as before, but my request is to get it as soon as possible, especially the overseas ones. I don't want any surprises to happen then." Ye Feng said straightforwardly.

"Yeah! Okay, and don't worry, there is little chance of an accident. After all, the cold disaster is still more than a month away. We have coal resources in hand. Even if they have concerns, they will restrain themselves."

"What's more, this is what the Dragon King needs to buy. The threat of the ninth restricted area hangs above their heads. They definitely don't dare to offend us." Liu Zaoxin said quite confidently.

He has been paying attention to the international situation. As long as the alliance can be established, China will have a greater say.

Hearing what the other party said, Ye Feng was a little surprised. Unknowingly, he already had such a strong international influence.

The deal between the two parties was concluded. When Liu Zaoxin was about to leave, Ye Feng said: "There is another movement in the Xiaofengshan restricted area. It is estimated that the other restricted areas will be similar. You can inform the military to pay attention to the response. .”

"When did it happen?" Liu Zaoxin was a little stunned, but he was more wary of the restricted area.

"After the fourth spiritual energy recovery is completed! But the movement made by the other party is very small, so it's not surprising that you didn't notice it." Ye Feng said.

It was only when he broke through that Ye Feng discovered the strange movement in the penalty area.

However, at the critical moment of breakthrough, he could only let this matter go for now, and now he naturally had to remind the other party.

Liu Zaoxin frowned tightly. The military has always monitored the restricted area, but they cannot see the corrosive energy and can only rely on some instruments to detect it.

As long as they avoid those instruments when corrosive energy is released from the restricted area, they will naturally know nothing about it.

"Did the Dragon King tell us how to deal with it?" Liu Zaoxin asked quickly.

The matter in the restricted area can be said to be the top priority nowadays, and he must ask clearly.

"Just bomb as you did before, and don't allow the restricted area to continue to expand."

"If the contents inside don't come out, there's nothing we can do about them. We can only delay their recovery as much as possible." Ye Feng said with a sigh.

"What about nuclear bombs? According to the response methods of foreign restricted areas, our use of nuclear bombs can be effective, right?" Liu Zaoxin asked.

This is the conclusion drawn by the military, because after every restricted space was bombed, it was immediately closed, and not even a seventh-level expert was sent out.

Obviously, their nuclear bombs definitely had an effect, and the effect should be considerable.

"In the past, it would have been possible, but unfortunately, the best opportunity has been missed now." Ye Feng shook his head and said.

"Why?" Liu Zaoxin asked quickly.

"Because their portal is very small this time, only about 10 centimeters, and larger shells cannot be sent in." Ye Feng said with a sigh.

This was what he discovered when he used tree roots to explore the restricted area after completing his breakthrough.

It was obvious that the other party had shrunk, and on their side, they had no good way to deal with the other party. They could only continue to deal with the corrosive power as before.

Hearing what Ye Feng said, Liu Zaoxin also had a look of regret on his face.

"Okay! I understand. I will notify the military and ask them to bomb regularly and try their best to curb the expansion of the restricted area." Liu Zaoxin said immediately.

Ye Feng nodded. The military's experience in this area was no less than his own, and he had nothing to worry about.

Soon Liu Zaoxin left.

As for Ye Feng, he was not idle. While adding points, he was also optimizing the structure of mental power, hoping to create the mental power method as quickly as possible.

After Liu Zaoxin returned, he immediately reported the mutated iron birch tree.

Whether it was the senior officials of the country or Bai Yinghui and others, when they learned about the relationship between the giant tree and the Dragon King, they all felt inexplicably relieved.

"It turns out that the Dragon King also has flaws, which is good. Later I will consider whether I can customize two sets of emergency response plans." Bai Yinghui touched his chin and said with a smile.

Liu Zaoxin naturally knew what he meant by "emergency situation". He shook his head and said, "I don't recommend you do this."

"Why?" Bai Yinghui was a little confused.

"Because there are some things that will leave traces as long as you do them. Our Yangcheng City has become the focus of all countries. I am afraid that foreign spies have been sent here."

"In case your preparations are known, the other party can use these things to sow discord between us and the Dragon King Palace. At that time, we will be passive." Liu Zaoxin said seriously.

Bai Yinghui frowned slightly. He naturally understood these things, but as a soldier, he was more concerned about the safety of the people, and it was impossible for him to have no countermeasures at hand.

Seeing that the other party didn't seem to understand what he meant, Liu Zaoxin pointed to the top of his head and said: "I have reported this matter to my superiors. If we don't do anything, someone will naturally help."

After hearing this, Bai Yinghui nodded clearly. It wasn't that he was slow to respond, but that he always handled things by himself and didn't think about it at all.

Liu Zaoxin continued: "Don't worry about the affairs over the mutated iron birch tree, but you will also be busy next. According to the information given by the mutated parrot, there is another unusual movement in the Xiaofengshan restricted area."

"Although the provincial military region is mainly responsible there, we must also be prepared to deal with emergencies."

"What!" Bai Yinghui was startled. If the Dragon King only had hidden dangers, then the restricted area was a real threat.

He quickly asked what was going on, and Liu Zaoxin also told him everything he had learned.

Bai Yinghui frowned when he heard this. If they couldn't directly attack the different space, their containment methods for the restricted area were really very limited.

Looking at Bai Yinghui who was deep in thought, Liu Zaoxin said, "Then I'll leave first. I'll probably be busy tonight."

Ye Feng spent a night adding points and practicing. The next day, when the sun rose, he slowly exhaled.

"The progress of my training is pretty good. With my previous experience, it feels much faster to create a sixth-level mental power method. If I can maintain this progress, I should be able to create a method that completely suits me in less than a week. Yes." Ye Feng said in a good mood.

As for adding points, he only needs to allocate part of his mental power to operate, and leave the rest to the system.

In one night, he had added more than 40,000 points, and the length of the tree roots had also increased by more than 4,000 meters. This feeling of rapidly becoming stronger made him a little sad.

And at his current speed, it is estimated that by around 11 o'clock in the morning, he will be able to add points to complete the process. The total of 6,000 evolution points will be enough to break through to the mid-sixth level.

Ye Feng didn't want to wait. He planned to use the fastest speed to raise his cultivation level to the peak of the sixth level.

After all, he had already vaccinated Liu Zaoxin before, and he grew rapidly every day in the next few days. Is this reasonable?

After feeling his own condition, Ye Feng used his mental power to control his phone, opened the news and started reading.

As he expected, after he told Liu Zaoxin about the restricted area, the country took action in just one night.

Early in the morning, multiple international news sections had common headlines.

"The alliance is established to fight against the restricted area"

Obviously, the top leaders of the country have taken advantage of the restricted area to push forward the formation of the alliance.

Otherwise, this kind of cooperation between countries, even if it is just to deal with the threat of restricted areas, would be difficult to complete so quickly.

But in the case of external threats, the situation is different.

Of course, although the alliance has been established, the main participants are those countries that cooperate with China.

And basically they are dominated by small countries. As for the big countries, they are still waiting and watching.

This is also normal, and as long as the first step is taken, we can continue to attract member states later.

It is worth mentioning that the United States is not willing to lag behind and actually announced that it will establish a "federal" with the goal of dealing with the threat of restricted areas.

But there were very few responders.

After all, after experiencing the mutant insect crisis, major earthquakes, and cold disasters, the United States' national power has continued to decline, and its dominance has been somewhat shaken.

Under this situation, some of the original allies of the United States have also become wait-and-see.

Ye Feng just watched it for fun, and he didn't need to worry about this kind of thing. After a little understanding of the situation, he turned off the international news and started watching domestic news.

Compared with foreign countries, these domestic people are not too hot on the topic of restricted areas.

At least the topic of cold disaster is not as popular.

After all, Hua was the first to suppress the restricted areas, and they suppressed three restricted areas at once.

Under such circumstances, the nation's self-confidence has increased, and it naturally has an attitude of not being afraid of threats from restricted areas.

Compared to this, the cold disaster brought them even greater trouble.

Ye Feng casually clicked on one of the hot posts about dealing with the cold disaster. The comment with the most likes was.

"The easiest way to deal with the cold disaster is of course to go to Yangcheng City and solve all the problems once and for all. You don't have to worry if you encounter such natural disasters or mutant biological crises in the future."

This has also generated a lot of topics, and these topics ultimately mean the same thing: How can I get to Yangcheng City?

After all, this is not the past. In peacetime, if you want to go to any city in China, there are multiple means of transportation. You can even ride there without fear of wasting a long time.

But with the revival of spiritual energy, the wild has become so dangerous, and traveling is definitely the biggest problem.

Therefore, it is not easy for ordinary people to go to Yangcheng City. Except for fixed trains and planes, other methods are difficult.

The various methods proposed by netizens are naturally diverse, such as making the vehicle as thick as an armored vehicle.

Another example is finding the supply vehicles heading to Yangcheng City, and then finding a way to sneak in and hide in them.

It can be said that most of the methods on the Internet are unreliable, but it is not that there are no reliable methods.

For example, one of them is to find enough people and then raise funds to invite a security company to escort them.

This method is feasible. For example, if there are 100 people, and each person pays 10,000 Chinese coins, that is 1 million, which is enough to invite most security companies to escort.

If you are concerned about safety, you can also add money and invite a better security company.

Many people even posted online, wanting to find a partner, and it became quite popular for a while.

"Tsk! You really have a nose and eyes." Ye Feng couldn't help but sigh.

But at this time, he saw a convoy passing by on the road in front of Sunset Valley. It was a convoy of three buses and five modified off-road vehicles.

In particular, the five off-road vehicles had heavy machine guns welded on them. Ye Feng knew at a glance that they were from a security company.

But after looking away, his eyes became a little straightened, because the three buses were actually full of people, and they all carried large and small bags of luggage.

At this time, many brave people opened their windows, took out their mobile phones and took pictures of the giant tree above their heads, and there were exclamations and cheers.

I recommend a new book to a friend, "Are You Crazy? The Intern Doctor Is Cheating". Here is the introduction.

You are an intern doctor with a monthly income of 2,500, living beyond your means.

However, one day I woke up and found that I could see through things and control the power of medicine to kill viruses.

"Successfully controlling the potency of the drug to kill Shigella dysenteriae, you will receive RMB 20, and your proficiency will be +1."

"Successfully opened the blocked blood vessels in the brain, cured Moyamoya Disease, and received RMB 1,000! Proficiency +100"

"Successfully knocked down the gangster, acted bravely, received RMB 1,500, and gained +100 proficiency."

"Simulated heart bypass surgery 100,000 times, with a practical success rate of 99.9999%"

"Congratulations on unlocking the function of making medicine out of thin air. One medicine can cure all diseases!"

You are an emergency intern, and when you wake up... you can become rich by saving people!

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