Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 236 Breakthrough again, no longer hiding

Hearing Cao Guangzhi's question, Liu Zaoxin couldn't help but rub his forehead.

He has been thinking about this problem all morning, but still can't think of any good solution.

Not to mention the influx of residents later, even the population that migrated in before the mutant insect crisis has not been dealt with yet.

In the entire Yangcheng City, there are now 15 million people, and there are at least more than 5 million people who have no accommodation arrangements.

Otherwise, there would be no tent camping on the streets.

And now every time a group of people comes in, it adds to the load on the entire city.

But the problem is these residents, they cannot ignore them, otherwise they will disrupt the production order of the entire Yangcheng City, and that will be a big problem.

When Cao Guangzhi saw Liu Zaoxin was silent, he couldn't help but said, "How about we just drive him away?"

"This won't work!" Liu Zaoxin shook his head, "Most of these people coming here are ordinary people."

"Many of the reasons for coming to Yangcheng City are because the houses collapsed during the earthquake and now there is no place to live. That's why they came to our Yangcheng City with hope."

"And the cost of hiring a security company to escort them here will consume a lot of their savings. It would not be appropriate to evict them directly."

At this point Liu Zaoxin paused, as if to convince himself, and added, "What's more, as long as we get through this period, it will be fine."

The meaning of the country has been very clear. Yangcheng City will continue to expand and eventually become a metropolis with a population of 50 million.

Now Yangcheng City only has a population of 15 million. Even including those cities that need to be merged, the population is about 30 million. There is still room for 20 million people, which can completely accommodate these people.

Cao Guangzhi couldn't help but smile bitterly: "I know all this, but the problem is that it will take at least a few months. Now we simply can't accommodate such a large population!"

Liu Zaoxin was pacing in the office and said after a moment: "If I remember correctly in Beicheng, there is still an open space that has not been planned for construction!"

"Well, yes!" Cao Guangzhi replied.

"Then you arrange for a group of workers to go there and build prefabricated houses, the simplest ones, and temporarily arrange for the residents who come in to live there." Liu Zaoxin said.

Cao Guangzhi nodded first, then shook his head, "That kind of prefabricated house can only be built on one floor. Even if all the empty land is built, it will only be able to accommodate 1 million people. It will definitely not be able to house them. There will be a steady stream of follow-up of the influx of people.”

"I know." Liu Zaoxin rubbed his forehead and said thoughtfully: "First settle these people, and then you make an announcement. People who come on their own will not be allocated free housing, nor will they get it. With our Yangcheng City household registration, we cannot enjoy many benefits."

"Anyway, we have to find a way to suppress this wave of relocation. As for other things, we can only take one step at a time."

Cao Guangzhi sighed, nodded and quickly went out to execute it.

As for Ye Feng on the other side, he had no such worries at all.

As he practiced, he added points. At most, he would observe the people outside who were worshiping him from time to time.

If any one person is found to have provided the power of faith, if there is an exceptional amount, a statue made from the roots of his tree will be given.

Based on the hardness of his tree roots, let alone ordinary steel, even those very high-strength alloys have a certain gap compared to the strength of his tree roots.

Therefore, the statues made from his tree roots cannot even be faked. In this case, the social status of the people who are given the statues by him will naturally be improved.

This is another level of identity given to them by Ye Feng.

With this kind of identity foundation, these people can more easily influence the people around them and have faith in the Dragon King.

Of course, these are the better results that Ye Feng expected. Whether it is the case and whether it can be achieved is another matter.

To put it bluntly, this is just a casual move after all.

As for what Ye Feng is more concerned about, naturally it is the growth of his own strength.

When the time came to 11 o'clock, Ye Feng became slightly excited.

Because with the non-stop adding points, his evolution points finally reached 6,000, which meant that he could break through to the mid-sixth level.

Ye Feng was not in a hurry to break through. He first opened the system panel and took a look. Of course, it was mainly about the column of tree root length.

The length of his tree roots has increased from 18,500 meters when he first broke through to the sixth level, to 24,500 meters, which is 24.5 kilometers.

"Harvest a wave of spiritual energy first and see how much you can get." Ye Feng said with some anticipation and took action quickly.

After all, it will take 6 hours to break through later. During this time, there is no way to absorb the spiritual energy. If we don't harvest a wave now, we will lose money.

Ye Feng's powerful mental power was released without reservation, and he accurately controlled 606 tree roots to quickly pass through each tree.

In just 5 minutes, the harvest was over.

Ye Feng glanced at the system panel, and there were 176,400 more spiritual energy points on it.

Of course, Ye Feng now harvests spiritual energy every two hours, so on average, the amount of spiritual energy that can be harvested per hour is 88,200 spiritual energy points.

With the current spiritual energy income, one can reach 2.1168 million spiritual energy points in one day.

It is no exaggeration to say that this was something Ye Feng had never dared to think about before.

"Although it's great to harvest spiritual energy, if we break through again, the range of temperature control will continue to expand." Ye Feng sighed softly.

If you want these trees to provide enough aura, you must give them the best environment, so both sunlight and temperature are needed.

In other words, the consumption of the power of faith will continue to increase.

"In that case, let's try the method we thought of before to see if we can harvest another wave of spiritual energy." Ye Feng said with some anticipation.

When Liu Zaoxin came to inquire before, he had already laid the groundwork. He would continue to grow rapidly in the next few days.

But now, my identity has become the Dragon King's companion plant, which is equivalent to moving from the dark to the light, so I can try some things.

For example, the scene of making a breakthrough openly and growing rapidly may be regarded as a miracle, and then used to harvest the power of faith.

"Ding! Please choose the direction of strengthening!"

Looking at the system prompt that popped up, Ye Feng did not hesitate. As before, the first thing to strengthen was strength.

With the selection completed, 6,000 points of evolutionary power instantly turned into a huge amount of energy, injected into every part of the tree, and then Ye Feng officially entered a breakthrough state.

At this time, a convoy just arrived in front of the Sunset Valley.

There is no doubt that they also came to worship the Dragon King, and they might be rewarded with a statue.

But as soon as the people in the car got off the bus, they noticed something was wrong.

"Do you feel that the ground seems to be shaking slightly?" someone asked with a trembling voice.

Hearing this, someone just wanted to scold the other person and stop talking nonsense, but as he turned his attention to his feet, his face instantly turned pale.

The horrific scenes caused by the earthquake seem to be still vivid in everyone's mind.

"No, this is not an earthquake. It is too mild, and there is no tendency to intensify. What's more important is that you don't forget where this is." A calmer person reminded him.

After hearing this person's reminder, everyone came back to their senses.

yes! This is Yangcheng City, and the place where they are standing now is near the Dragon King.

Logically speaking, even if a disaster occurs, no one should be safer than them.

When they were no longer so panicked, they would naturally notice more things, such as the giant tree above their heads.

"Look up there!" someone exclaimed.

And this voice immediately made everyone's eyes look upward.

Then everyone saw a scene that they would never forget.

Above the head, the tree canopy that originally blocked the sky and the sun was now sprouting branches and sprouts at a speed visible to the naked eye. The entire canopy became larger and larger at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And it was not like this in one place, but everywhere they looked, as if time had accelerated countless times.

"How miraculous! It is indeed the companion spiritual plant of the Dragon King. It turns out that it grows at such a speed! No wonder it can grow so tall." Someone said in amazement.

"I feel like this is beyond the scope of normal plant growth, right?" Someone else murmured.

Hearing this, the companion next to the man couldn't help laughing and said: "It would be abnormal if it wasn't like this! Don't you want to think about what kind of existence the Dragon King is? I have heard that the companion spirit plant is equivalent to It's a magic weapon from ancient times, so no matter how miraculous it is, I won't be surprised."

His words were immediately recognized by many people, "Indeed, I also feel that this is normal, but what I am curious about is, why did this giant tree suddenly grow rapidly?"

"Do you think the Dragon King is using his magical powers to make his accompanying spiritual plants grow rapidly?"

Everyone was talking among themselves, and some people took out their mobile phones to quickly take photos and videos, and then posted them on the Internet.

And soon the topic of "companion spiritual plants" appeared on the hot search list at a terrifying speed, and aroused more people's discussions.

Soon, more and more convoys gathered in front of Sunset Valley, and naturally more people came to watch Ye Feng's breakthrough.

Some people even took out professional equipment and broadcast live directly on site.

What I have to say is that this live broadcast room became popular in a very short period of time, and Ye Feng can be said to have made a breakthrough under the witness of the whole world.

At the beginning, many people were still discussing why this companion spiritual plant suddenly grew, or guessing how tall it would grow this time.

But as time went by, the voice of this discussion gradually became quieter. It was not that the enthusiasm dropped, but that everyone watched the branches sprouting, and then the branches became thicker and thicker, and the leaves became thicker and thicker. The dense scene gradually became mesmerizing.

They were all shocked by the vigorous growth of life. Under this shocking emotion, a trace of faith was naturally born.

It may be nothing for two people alone, but as more and more people know about this, more and more people are watching the live broadcast. Even if everyone only contributes a little bit of faith, but added together, it will not matter. It's going to be scary.

Ye Feng's breakthrough time was the same as before, also 6 hours.

When the time came to 5 o'clock in the afternoon, Ye Feng finally achieved the breakthrough.

After the breakthrough was completed, he couldn't wait to open the system panel and look at it.

Host: Ye Feng (World Tree)

Tree height: 5585 meters

Trunk width: 279 meters

Root length: 27,500 meters

Realm: mid-sixth level

Evolution points: 0/6000 points

Special abilities: Devour, Capture, Evolution Fruit, Mental Power, Life Healing, Attribute Transfer

Aura value: 0/55800 points

Bioenergy: 40800/55800 points

Power of Faith: 495 million points

He basically glanced at the content in front of Ye Feng, and his eyes quickly fell to the bottom, on the column of faith and strength.

When he made a breakthrough before, he could feel a steady stream of faith coming towards him.

But he didn't pay close attention to how many there were.

Now when he saw the exact number, he was a little stunned.

"It actually increased the power of faith by 110 million." There was surprise and joy in Ye Feng's tone, but there was also a hint of heartache and annoyance.

If I had known that I could gain so much power of faith, I would have done so openly and openly when I broke through to the sixth level!

This is a genuine "wrong"!

Ye Feng quickly calmed down his emotions and quickly observed the changes in strength after the breakthrough.

The biggest change here is undoubtedly the power of tree roots.

The strength of each of his tree roots has increased from the original 50 tons to the current 100 tons.

If possessed by spiritual energy, each tree root can explode with a force of 300 tons.

If the 606 tree roots are combined together, they can explode with a force of more than 180,000 tons.

To be honest, Ye Feng didn't know how terrifying this power was, because there was no one who could test it.

Not to mention his full blow, even a single tree root, these mutated creatures on the earth at this stage are probably not able to sustain it.

Because fifth-level mutant creatures generally have a basic strength of only about 80 to 100 tons.

In addition, fifth-level spiritual energy possession can only double the power, so the power that a fifth-level creature can burst out is only about 200 tons at most.

It's really not as good as a tree root.

"Okay, okay!" Ye Feng was quite satisfied with this improvement in strength.

Of course, it is not just his strength that he has improved. Both his mental power and the scope of his control over the world will increase as his realm improves.

His mental power detection range has been increased from 10 kilometers to 15 kilometers.

As for the range of controlling the world, it is even more exaggerated, soaring directly to 210 kilometers.

You must know that this refers to the 210 kilometers extending forward with Ye Feng as the center. In fact, this is a radius distance.

In other words, he controls the range of heaven and earth, with a diameter of up to 420 kilometers.

Ye Feng felt that at this rate of improvement, by the time he broke through to the peak of the sixth level, he would be able to control the world and almost cover the entire Donghai Province.

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