Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 195 Heavy weapons enter the scene

At this time, no living creature could be seen in the restricted area, but the atmosphere on the military side was becoming more and more serious.

"Five minutes have passed." Dong Ming glanced at the time and said in a low voice.

Assuming that it was really a tentative attack from the opponent before, then it would be a violent storm next.

Bai Yinghui nodded, looked at the time and said, "I hope they will wait a little longer. My reinforcements will arrive in a few minutes."

After discovering abnormalities in the restricted area, Bai Yinghui, Dong Ming and Fang Wei immediately called for reinforcements.

Yangcheng City is the closest, and there are no cars on the road. If we drive at full speed, reinforcements can arrive here in 10 minutes at most.

The reason why it hasn't arrived yet is mainly because it takes a long time to prepare weapons.

After all, ordinary firearms are of little use against fifth- and sixth-level enemies. They need a large number of heavy machine guns and rockets to equip their soldiers.

But even the logistics department didn't have a lot of these things. They had to temporarily dismantle the heavy machine guns on the city wall to barely get enough.

Even when the heavy machine guns on the city walls were first designed, they were detachable, but these took time.

"Then my reinforcements should be able to arrive faster than you." Fang Wei said at this time.

Hearing this, both of them were a little surprised, because the provincial military region should be the farthest from here.

But soon they thought of something.

At this time, a low humming sound came from the distance.

The two men immediately opened the observation port of the command vehicle and immediately discovered that there were hundreds of armed helicopters flying towards them in the distance.

Seeing this scene, many soldiers on the position cheered. Only this kind of heavy weapon can give them a sufficient sense of security.

Soon, hundreds of armed helicopters hovered above the defense line, and then the rope was lowered, and then a soldier wearing an exoskeleton slid down the rope.

Soon, a full 1,000 elite troops wearing exoskeletons, all composed of evolutionaries, fell on the defense line.

Seeing those exoskeleton equipment, both Bai Yinghui and Dong Ming showed envy.

Who wouldn't envy this new type of equipment, but there's nothing you can do about it. Although this new type of equipment has begun to be produced, its scale has not yet increased. Only the most elite troops are qualified to equip it.

"Exoskeletons are nothing. Look at the weapons on their backs. That's the real killer weapon. It's hard to say for a sixth-level ferocious beast, but it should be able to cause considerable trauma against a fifth-level skeleton creature." Fang Wei said with a smile.

At this time, Bai Yinghui and Dong Ming turned their attention to the equipment on these soldiers.

They indeed did not wear conventional weapons. Apart from the cold weapons hanging on their waists, there was only the 1.5-meter-long gun barrel behind them.

Yes, they can only use gun barrel to describe it.

Because that thing is so thick, the diameter of the muzzle is estimated to be 70 mm.

"What kind of equipment is that?" Dong Ming couldn't help but ask.

"The first-generation Destroyer hand cannon, with a net weight of 1,500 kilograms, can fire 70mm-caliber armor-piercing rounds, anti-explosive rounds, tungsten steel armor-piercing rounds, and depleted uranium armor-piercing rounds. The power of each shot of it can reach at least 50% of that of a main battle tank. power."

"And compared with main battle tanks, it also has the advantages of fast fire rate and easy movement."

"Of course, there are also disadvantages, and that is the terrifying recoil, which requires an evolved person wearing exoskeleton armor to be able to withstand it," Fang Wei introduced.

After listening to the introduction, Bai Yinghui and Dong Ming felt like their saliva was drooling.

what does that mean?

This means that there are a full 1,000 weakened versions of main battle tanks in the field!

"What's the rate of fire of those Destroyer hand cannons?" Bai Yinghui asked.

After all, how much damage a weapon can cause, in addition to power, attack speed is also crucial.

Hearing this question, Fang Wei raised the corner of his mouth slightly. He had said before that compared to main battle tanks, the biggest advantages of the Destroyer hand cannon are that it is easy to move and the other is its fast attack speed.

It is easy to understand that it is easy to move. After all, no matter how fast the main battle tank is, it is not much faster. Even when adjusting the muzzle to aim at the target, it seems a bit slow.

But it's completely different for Evolvers holding hand cannons. Even in this kind of dense forest combat, they can go wherever they want. As for adjusting the muzzle and aiming at the enemy, it's faster.

As long as you are strong enough, you can aim wherever you want.

Therefore, the flexibility of the two is not at the same level at all.

As for attack speed.

Fang Wei introduced with a smile: "You can see the Destroyer hand cannon. It has a magazine. Although it can only be loaded with ten bullets at most, the theoretical rate of fire can be one bullet per second."

Upon hearing this answer, Bai Yinghui and Dong Ming inhaled slightly, and both saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

You must know that the average main battle tank takes about 6 seconds to load shells, which means that it only fires 10 shells in one minute.

But this kind of Destroyer hand cannon can theoretically fire 60 bullets per minute!

Even including the time to change the magazine, it can shoot about 50 times a minute. This shooting speed is much faster than that of a main battle tank.

The bullets are not powerful enough, so they can be made up by quantity.

If it were not necessary to target fifth- and sixth-level creatures, let these 1,000 evolvers engage in a head-on battle with 1,000 main battle tanks.

It is estimated that the Evolvers can completely defeat the main battle tanks.

"Commander Fang, have these Destroyer hand cannons begun mass production? Can we buy them?" Bai Yinghui asked eagerly.

This is definitely a great weapon against those mutated creatures!

It might be a little difficult to fight against level 5 and 6 mutated creatures, but he felt that fighting against level 3 and 4 mutated creatures would probably be able to severely damage them with one shot.

"Well, mass production has begun. If you want it, a batch should be available within 10 days. After a month, it can be used to arm various troops on a large scale."

"The main reason is that this thing is relatively simple to make. The difficulty is that the threshold for use is high. We have even developed the second generation of Destroyer hand cannons. They are loaded with the same 125 mm shells as main battle tanks."

"But unfortunately, it cannot be deployed on a large scale, because it requires at least a second-level evolver to withstand the terrifying recoil."

"Even as long as our evolvers can handle it, the caliber of the next few generations can be larger and larger, and this does not require too much technical content and can achieve rapid iteration." Fang Wei even added the Destroyer to The prospects for the use of hand cannons were also discussed.

Bai Yinghui and Dong Ming's eyes became brighter the more they listened.

Only then did they realize that this was definitely a broad road, a perfect combination of weapons and evolutionary paths.

Even Ye Feng, who was eavesdropping outside, couldn't help but fall into deep thought at this time.

He also had to admit that the emergence of this kind of destroyer hand cannon was a big threat to the Dragon King Palace.

Under normal circumstances, one of these fourth-level animals he cultivated can contain a group.

But if it is an Evolver equipped with this kind of Destroyer Hand Cannon, anyone can pose a threat to them. After all, as long as they are hit, they will probably be seriously injured.

However, Ye Feng thought for a moment and realized that if he really fought with these elite troops, there would be no need for him to send his contracted animals to fight.

The best way to deal with them should be to dispatch the Zerg army.

Tens of thousands of mutated bumblebees and mutated fire ants rushed over, and then they would really hit the insects with cannons.

As long as they are approached by bumblebees and fire ants, these first-order evolvers will be quickly eliminated.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng's mood suddenly felt much better, and now that the enemy is facing the enemy, the military's strength is naturally better.

At this time, half of the 100 armed helicopters started to return after dropping off the 1,000 soldiers. It was obvious that they were continuing to transport troops.

This not only made Ye Feng look forward to it, but also how many good things they could come up with when the military got serious.

After the first batch of reinforcements from the Provincial Military Region arrived, the support troops from Yangcheng City were about to arrive.

Infantry fighting vehicles, main battle tanks and armored vehicles were driving rapidly along the road this way.

Ye Feng used his mental power to sweep through and quickly found out that there were a total of 500 infantry fighting vehicles, 300 armored vehicles and 200 main battle tanks.

In fact, it wasn't just what they saw. As they arrived at the battlefield, batches of evolvers came down from the armored vehicles.

Ye Feng counted carefully and found that Yangcheng City had brought almost all the evolvers over.

There are nearly 3,000 evolved people, and of course people with superpowers are among them.

In addition, nearly 5,000 heavy machine guns, more than 3,000 high-pressure flamethrowers, and 10,000 rocket launchers were also transported from the armored vehicles.

It can be said that with the arrival of this batch of reinforcements, the soldiers on the defense line once again cheered.

In fact, the evolvers and the equipment they brought are secondary. The most exciting ones are undoubtedly the main battle tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and those armored vehicles.

Each of these is definitely a killer weapon when placed on the battlefield.

Not to mention the main battle tank, when combined with armor-piercing bullets, it can easily penetrate a 1000 mm steel plate. Even for level six ferocious beasts, it is definitely a fatal threat.

The second is the infantry fighting vehicle. The power of the vehicle-mounted machine gun is not comparable to that of the heavy machine gun, and it can definitely pose a fatal threat to fifth-level skeleton creatures.

Moreover, the vehicle-mounted machine gun has a fast rate of fire, and can perfectly cooperate with the main battle tank when necessary. Use the infantry fighting vehicle to first suppress the firepower of the sixth-level ferocious beast, and then use the main battle tank to kill it.

Even the armored vehicle used to transport troops has five heavy machine guns installed on the top. In addition, the firing port on the side of the armored vehicle can also place five heavy machine guns.

In this case, each armored vehicle is a mobile firepower point, and fire support can be rushed to any section of the front where it is needed.

With these heavy weapons, coupled with the large number of heavy machine guns, high-pressure flamethrowers and rocket launchers transported, the military's combat power can be doubled.

Just when everyone was excited, the alarm suddenly sounded again.

The reconnaissance drone that went deep into the ground saw another creature teleporting over after an interval of 10 minutes.

The first ones to appear were still skeleton creatures, and this time, they were all flying skeleton creatures. After they came out, they flapped their bone wings and quickly flew into the sky.

It is worth mentioning that the bony wings of these flying skeleton creatures are basically composed of flat and wide bones. The lift generated when flapping is no more than that of normal bird wings. How much smaller.

At this time, the senior executives in front of the screen looked at the skeleton creatures flying into the sky, and quickly thought of the opponent's commander's method to deal with their thermobaric bombs.

These huge skeletal creatures are actually "bone shields". It is obvious that they use their own lives to intercept thermobaric bombs.

As long as they can successfully intercept one or two waves of thermobaric bombardment and allow those sixth-level ferocious beasts to rush into the military defense line, the situation of the war will change.

Seeing this scene, Fang Wei was the first to react. He immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and directly ordered: "Let the armed helicopters form a formation immediately and use air-to-air missiles to shoot them down."

Then he turned to look at Bai Yinghui and asked, "How long will it take for your air defense troops to be sent over?"

Bai Yinghui immediately replied: "The second wave of support will arrive in 15 minutes, but they have already set off. I can ask the air defense troops to come at full speed first. They should arrive within 5 minutes."

The reinforcements sent by Yangcheng City cannot be just these evolvers. The headquarters is just letting the most important ones come first.

The second batch of reinforcements not only included various weapons and equipment, but also a larger number of heavy machine guns and high-pressure flamethrowers. Because the number of weapons dismantled from the defensive city walls exceeded 10,000, the first batch of reinforcements were urgently needed. On the way, I only carried part of it.

In addition, there is a third batch of reinforcements. Of course, rather than reinforcements, they should be more appropriately called logistics troops, because they will be responsible for the subsequent ammunition supply work.

Fang Wei nodded after hearing this, "Okay! Then I will also contact the Provincial Military Region and ask them to send all the fighter formations over. It will probably arrive in about five minutes."

"However, it is not that easy to clear out those skeleton creatures. At least the ground troops must be delayed for more than 10 minutes to effectively weaken the opponent's air power and reduce their probability of intercepting thermobaric bombs."

Bai Yinghui nodded repeatedly after hearing this and quickly gave the order.

As for Dong Ming, who was standing aside, he could only worry at this time. Due to the distance, it would take at least half an hour for his first batch of reinforcements to arrive here.

Just as a few people were making arrangements, the battle quickly reached a fever pitch.

The 50 armed helicopters still left here were the first to move.

They approached the edge of the restricted area, quickly locked onto the skeleton creatures, and then launched air-to-air missiles to bombard them.

In addition, the 30mm caliber cannon installed on the nose of the aircraft was also spitting out tongues of flame crazily.

Huge tungsten steel armor-piercing bullets fired at skeletal creatures like these.

The power of the machine gun is not comparable to that of the heavy machine gun. Every tungsten steel armor-piercing bullet can crack the bones of these fifth-level mutant creatures.

Although the scope of the collapse is not large, the problem is that the cannon fires quickly! Bullets fell like rain, causing no less damage than air-to-air missiles.

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