Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 191 Seriously Injured Ancient Beast

Ye Feng waited for a while, and soon saw two division commanders, Bai Yinghui and Dong Ming, approaching a middle-aged man in military uniform, about 40 years old.

Ye Feng took a brief look at the opponent's epaulettes, and a look of surprise appeared on his face, because this was actually a general.

Soon the other party came to the front, took the initiative to extend his palm and said: "Hello, Parrot Messenger, I am Fang Wei, Commander of the Provincial Military Region. Nice to meet you."

Ye Feng stretched out his wings and shook hands with the other person, and said the same: "I am also very happy to see you, and your strength is really surprising!"

Ye Feng was really surprised, because the Commander Fang Wei in front of him was actually a third-level superpower. This could be said to be the strongest superpower Ye Feng had ever seen.

"Haha, with my little strength, how can I compare with you." Fang Wei said with a smile.

At this time, Fang Wei was far more surprised than the mutated parrot.

Although he also knew something about the Dragon King's Palace, he always believed that the most troublesome person in the Dragon King's Palace was only the Dragon King. As for the other envoys, they could still deal with them.

But now after meeting him in person, he found that that was not the case at all.

In other words, the Dragon King Palace's improvement speed is really too fast.

Whether it was the mutant parrot in front of him or the dozens of huge mutant creatures not far away, they all brought him an unparalleled sense of danger.

There is no doubt that these animals have reached the fourth level in such a short period of time.

Mutated creatures that have reached this level are no longer able to be dealt with by ordinary conventional weapons.

But fortunately, there is no conflict between the two parties now, and the cooperation is quite close.

With some complicated feelings, Fang Wei quickly changed the topic to business after some polite exchanges with the mutated parrot in front of him.

"Parrot Messenger, we have shipped the nuclear weapons. Now the technicians are doing the final debugging. They can be launched within an hour at most."

"But before that, I hope to see the portal with my own eyes and use equipment to measure its parameters." Fang Wei said.

Although the data provided by Bai Yinghui was very detailed, he still had to confirm this kind of thing with his own eyes.

And this time, they brought many professional instruments, in addition to a group of experts in the field of deep space.

As long as the portal can be researched a little bit, technology will be greatly improved for humans. After all, this is an area they have never touched.

"No problem! Then I'll take you down now, and dig a passage by the way." Ye Feng nodded immediately and said.

Soon the group of people returned to the underground, and Ye Feng was not stingy and gave them each a life fruit just in case.

This time, not only Fang Wei, but also Bai Yinghui and Dong Ming couldn't help but follow.

In addition to them, there were five experts in the field of deep space who also followed with instruments.

"Is this the portal? It's incredible." Fang Wei took a stone and threw it forward. He watched it shrink and then disappear, and couldn't help but sigh.

As for Ye Feng, he ignored them and commanded the following Rat King and the rat army.

If you want to send a nuclear bomb to the underground portal, there must be a vertical passage downwards.

It is really not difficult for Ye Feng to dig such a passage.

The reason for this is that in addition to the army of rats, more importantly, there is a portal here.

Ye Feng only needs to let the mutated mouse dig up the soil and rocks, loosen the soil, and then fall directly into the portal. There is no need to bother carrying the soil.

1,000 second-level rats dug extremely fast. Everyone could see a steady stream of soil and rocks falling from above, then entering the scope of the teleportation gate, and then disappearing.

Of course, the only problem with this may be that the mutant rats can easily fall with the loose soil.

So Ye Feng also specially summoned 50 mutant sparrows. Their role was to fly over and catch the mutant mice when they saw them falling.

Only half an hour later, with the efforts of thousands of second-order mutant mice, this passage had been dug out.

At this time, the parameters on the military side have not yet been adjusted.

Ye Feng thought for a while and asked these mutant mice to continue to widen the passage from the original diameter of 10 meters to 20 meters, trying to reduce the probability of the missile touching the wall of the passage as much as possible.

An hour later, military technicians finally debugged all parameters and conducted multiple simulations to confirm that there were no problems and that it could be launched at any time.

"Parrot Messenger, are you going to launch nuclear weapons now?" Bai Yinghui came over and asked.

"Wait a moment, Lord Dragon King is going to investigate again. If the situation in the different space does not change, you will launch nuclear weapons immediately." The mutant parrot said.

"Okay, I'll trouble you." Bai Yinghui nodded quickly.

In fact, they wanted to suggest this before, but the Dragon King was injured after trying it once before.

Under such circumstances, if they still made such suggestions, it would easily lead to misunderstanding, so they forcibly suppressed them.

Now that the other party takes the initiative to bring it up, that would be great.

After Ye Feng finished explaining, he transferred his consciousness back to his body, then controlled a tree root and once again spread towards the inside of the restricted area.

Compared to before, Ye Feng was much more agile this time. The roots quickly entered the restricted area and then came to the portal.

Only then did he stop slightly.

He adjusted his position slightly, and then the tree root stretched in without hesitation.

In an instant, Ye Fengpian felt a terrifying spatial suction force coming from the roots of the tree. However, he was well prepared and did not suffer much impact this time.

He immediately stabilized his body and immediately transferred his consciousness to the tree roots in another space.

Ye Feng glanced around as quickly as possible, mainly to see if Qiongqi's position had changed relative to the entire space.

After confirming that the other party was really like a stone sculpture and had no movement, Ye Feng immediately cut off the roots of the tree.

The whole process takes less than two seconds.

Before Qiongqi, who was sealed in the distance, could react, Ye Feng had already left.

In fact, the last time Ye Feng came in, it was about 10 seconds before Qiongqi, who was in the sealed state, sensed his presence and absorbed the life force himself.

At this time, Ye Feng was a little surprised. To be honest, he didn't expect it to go so smoothly.

He was already prepared to be injured again.

Of course, even though Ye Feng was happy, he did not forget about business and immediately switched his possession state to the mutated parrot.

"I just received the notification that Mr. Dragon King has already investigated. There is no change in the location of Qiongqi in the different space. You can launch the hydrogen bomb now." The mutated parrot said to Bai Yinghui who was waiting aside.

After receiving such an answer, Bai Yinghui's face suddenly lit up with joy, and he immediately took out his communication device and reported the matter to his superiors.

Just 10 seconds later, an intercontinental missile loaded with a nuclear warhead shot straight into the sky.

At this time, this airspace had long been cleared by the mutant goshawk and its more than 500 men.

Even in order to ensure that no other mutant birds broke in during this process, almost the entire flight formation was dispatched to form a warning circle on the outside.

Under everyone's gaze, the intercontinental missile shot straight into the sky and into the clouds.

After adjusting the flight posture for more than ten seconds, he fell straight towards the tunnel that had been dug in the restricted area.

At this time, everyone was staring at this scene nervously, because during this process, if there was any problem and the nuclear bomb detonated early before entering the different space, then all of them would probably die here.

Don't talk about them at this time, even Ye Feng's heart is lifted.

Although his body is still 8 kilometers away, even if a nuclear bomb is detonated here, he will definitely survive. But the problem is that all his contracted animals are here. As long as there is a problem with the nuclear bomb, he will return directly in a wave. Before liberation.

But fortunately, the military's precise guidance was very powerful. The intercontinental missile followed the dug channel, flew in without hesitation, and hit the portal directly below.

Seeing this scene, Ye Feng breathed a long sigh of relief.

In the command vehicle, the mobile officers gathered in front of the screen couldn't help but burst into cheers when they saw this scene through the camera equipment.

In a different space, the eyes of the thousand-meter-tall stone statue of ancient ferocious beast Qiongqi moved.

Although this eyeball is like a stone, if you stare at it, it will give people a strange sense of agility, just like a real eyeball.

At this time, there was a trace of doubt in the other party's eyes.

Qiongqi even suspected that he had been self-proclaimed for too long and had hallucinations, because at this moment, he actually felt that a crisis was about to come.

But how is this possible?

Although it is in a self-proclaimed state, it is still clear about the degree of recovery of the spiritual energy from the outside world.

The world outside now can only reach level five at most. How could a creature at this level make itself feel in danger?

But at this time, the sense of crisis in its heart suddenly became stronger.

At the same time, intercontinental missiles flew out of the portal.

During the process of passing through the portal, not only did the speed of the intercontinental missile not slow down, but it suddenly accelerated due to the pulling force of space, soaring from the original 5 times the speed of sound to nearly 10 times the speed of sound.

At such a terrifying speed, it didn't take even a second for the intercontinental missile to pass through the space gate and arrive in front of Qiongqi.

The next moment, in this alien space, a small sun rose directly, and the temperature in the core area of ​​the explosion soared to tens of millions of degrees Celsius.

The terrifying high heat, the radiated heat alone, instantly turned dozens of kilometers of alien space into a high-temperature furnace of thousands of degrees.

And the Gobi Desert-like ground, under the terrifying shock waves and pressure, first bulged, and then cracked inch by inch.

Of course, the most terrifying thing is that the entire alien space is shaking violently, as if the entire space is about to collapse and shatter at any time.

It took a full 5 minutes for that devastating scene to gradually subside.

At this time, Qiongqi's huge figure, several kilometers high, had retreated several kilometers.

There were large cracks on the right side of its body, and many stones had even fallen to the ground, revealing the bloody flesh and blood inside.

Especially its right wing has disappeared, and black blood is still oozing from the wound.

At this time, it slowly moved its body, and all the stones on its body fell off. Its eyes were filled with anger and a hint of fear.

It couldn't figure out at all what it was that bombed it just now, and why it had no power of rules or even spiritual energy on it, but it could erupt with such terrifying power?

If not, it unlocked its body's ability to move at the last critical moment and used its wings and the power of rules inside to block the fatal attack. In its current weak state, it is really possible to die.


An angry roar filled the entire space.

However, although Qiongqi was angry, it had experienced countless life and death crises and still remained rational at this time.

It raised its right paw, which was full of blood, and waved it forward.

Suddenly, a mysterious and complicated formation appeared in the space around the portal. As the formation rotated, the nature of the portal suddenly changed.

At this moment, the portal has become one that can only be exited but cannot be entered.

Obviously Qiongqi is also worried that he will encounter such an attack again.

Then it opened its big mouth and began to suck in the corrosive energy in this space.

The corrosive energy that was originally a fatal threat to other creatures seemed to be a great tonic to Qiongqi.

As it continues to absorb corrosive energy, the wounds on its body are healing rapidly. Even the blown wings and the flesh and blood at the wound are growing at a terrifying speed.

In less than a minute, its body had returned to its original state.

However, Qiongqi took a look and saw that less than half of the corrosive energy remained in this space, but the anger in his eyes became more and more intense.

Of course, part of the corrosive energy was consumed in treating the body, but most of it was actually wiped away by the high temperature of tens of millions of degrees Celsius when the hydrogen bomb exploded.

How could it give up after suffering such a big loss?

He slapped the ground with both claws, and with it as the center, circles of ripples rippled outward, and the ground in the entire space began to tremble violently.


A bone claw protruded from the ground, followed by a head and a torso, and soon a skeletal creature made of bones climbed out of the ground.

Then came the second and third ones.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of thousands of skeleton creatures crawled out of the ground.

And these skeleton creatures are not only birds and animals, there are also many humanoid skeletons, and it can even be said that they account for more than half.

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