Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 196 The Power of the Destroyer Hand Cannon

Fifty armed helicopters, firing with full force, actually killed hundreds of fifth-level skeleton creatures in less than a minute.

This is the power of heavy weapons. It is simply not comparable to conventional weapons. Even mortars and high-explosive bombs cannot do this.

Of course, it's not that the power of these two types of artillery shells is weak, but that their hit rates are too low and their actual lethal effects are limited.

However, the air-to-air missiles on the armed helicopter can directly lock on the enemy, and the effective killing effect is almost full.

As for the cannon above, although it cannot lock the enemy, the size of the fifth-level skeleton creature is too big.

They are at least ten meters tall, and some larger ones are even forty or fifty meters tall. For an experienced machine gunner, it is difficult to miss.

However, it was impossible for those fifth-level skeleton creatures to just be beaten without fighting back. After suffering a wave of violent attacks, they quickly began to fight back and quickly approached the armed helicopters in the sky.

Everyone knows that in front of these skeletal creatures, the armor of an armed helicopter is no different from that of paper. As long as it is approached, the aircraft will be destroyed and everyone will die.

Faced with this situation, the armed helicopter could only retreat quickly while counterattacking.

But at this time, the attack intensity of the armed helicopters has been weakened a lot.

The main reason is that helicopters are limited in carrying missiles. Even if the suspension device has been modified, in order not to affect maneuverability, each armed helicopter only carries 8 anti-tank missiles and 8 air-to-air missiles.

In the wave of fire just now, almost a third of the empty missiles had been released.

If they continue to fight as before, it will take less than two or three minutes for the ammunition to be exhausted. But now they must support the air defense force or the fighter formation to arrive on the battlefield before they can land on the ground to replace the ammunition.

But facing the crazy counterattack of the skeleton creature, even for a few minutes, it is not so easy to sustain.

Fortunately, they are not alone.

When they started to retreat, the soldiers below with rocket launchers began to shoot at the skeleton creatures in the air.

Five hundred rockets soared into the sky, but unfortunately, the skeletal creatures in the sky were very flexible. Only one tenth of this round of rockets hit the target.

The effect of one round of bombing can be said to be minimal.

However, the military had already made corresponding plans, and soon, precise orders were conveyed to the machine gun team in the position below.

Every machine gun team immediately knew which skeleton creature they needed to attack.

Soon the hundreds of heavy machine guns below quickly adjusted their targets and focused their firepower on the 20 skeleton creatures among them.

Although heavy machine guns cannot inflict fatal damage to them, the bullets that continuously hit them can greatly suppress their flight speed.

At this moment, the soldiers holding rocket launchers had finished loading their shells, and more than 500 rockets took off again, heading straight for the 20 skeleton creatures.

Boom boom boom!

This time, almost 90% of the rockets hit the target. Under such intensive fire bombardment, of the 20 skeleton creatures that were focused on the fire, only two with relatively strong defenses were still alive.

But with their weakened aura, even flying is a problem, let alone posing a threat to armed helicopters.

It can be said that in this round of attacks, the advantages of information warfare have been fully utilized.

Seeing this scene, Ye Feng was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the military, with such weapons and equipment and the advantage of unified dispatch and concentrated power, could kill nearly 20 skeleton creatures in one go and quickly stabilize them. situation.

He originally thought that if the military couldn't hold on, he would take action himself.

Yes, facing these enemies who were at least level five, the Dragon King Palace was no longer strong enough, so he planned to take action personally from the beginning.

But now it seems that we can still have a steady hand.

However, although the military's combat power exceeded expectations, Ye Feng was not very happy, because it was obvious that there was no serious action in the restricted area!

At this moment, Ye Feng's expression changed slightly. As more than 500 skeleton creatures were released, sixth-level ferocious beasts finally began to appear in the portal.

The atmosphere in the venue suddenly became tense.

Because everyone knows that the sixth-level ferocious beasts are the real main force.

And these sixth-level ferocious beasts did not rush out immediately after they appeared, but gathered near the portal.

As the sixth-level ferocious beasts came out one after another, hundreds of them soon gathered near the portal.

Until then, as if they had received some order, all the ferocious beasts charged in one of the directions.

Not only them, but the skeleton creatures that had been teleported before. Except for those in the sky, all the ones on the ground converged towards the sixth-order ferocious beasts, and quickly formed a torrent, as if to crush them. The force broke through the military's defense line.

This kind of fighting method is different from before, but such a simple change of strategy immediately made the military panic.

Because their troops were almost evenly distributed around the entire restricted area.

In this case, if the opponent concentrates its attacks on a certain point, it can easily break through the fire blockade and rush into the defense line.

Faced with this situation, the first person to react was not the military command, but Ye Feng.

He immediately controlled the mutated parrot and said: "I will ask the flying troops to help you transport troops, and let your soldiers cooperate."

Bai Yinghui and others, who were still anxiously thinking of a solution, were overjoyed when they heard this.

"Then I'll trouble you, the Dragon King Palace. We'll send an order immediately to ask them to cooperate." Bai Yinghui said immediately.

After the communication between the two parties ended, Ye Feng immediately commanded the flying troops to take action.

The first is the mutated sparrows, which are the largest in number, with a total of 2,000 second-order mutated sparrows.

Although it is only a second-level mutant sparrow, it is not very big, and its wingspan is only three or four meters, but with its second-level physical fitness, it can still carry a soldier.

As for the main force, they are naturally the second-level mutated black crows and mutated bats.

With their size, they can easily carry a thousand kilograms of weight. If desperate, transporting a ton of weight in a short period of time is not a problem.

So heavy machine guns and the like also rely on them to be transported.

As for one of the military's most important trump cards, the Evolutionary soldiers equipped with Destroyer hand cannons are transported by more than 500 mutated goshawks.

Not only are they fast, they also have the strongest load-bearing effect. They can carry those soldiers, including the 1,500-pound Destroyer hand cannon, and even ammunition boxes.


Boom boom boom!

At this time, the battlefield has entered a white-hot state.

Thousands of heavy machine guns, spitting out tongues of flame at the same time, formed a firepower network that covered almost everywhere in the direction of the forward movement of these ferocious beasts.

It is impossible to hide in this situation, but the bullets of ordinary heavy machine guns cannot even break through the defense of a sixth-level ferocious beast.

Of course, this does not mean that it is ineffective. Bullets cannot penetrate their skin or scales, but the impact is real.

One or two bullets may not matter, but when thousands of bullets fall on the body, the impact is extremely huge, and even these sixth-level ferocious beasts cannot ignore it.

Now they are like ordinary people, walking forward against the rushing river water. It is simply impossible to walk as fast as flying.

In this case, the hit rate of rockets from subsequent vaccinations will naturally rise sharply.

As for mortars or high-energy bombs, the power of these things is not comparable to individual rockets, especially high-energy bombs that can cause damage to sixth-level ferocious beasts.

Therefore, these sixth-level ferocious beasts, according to the old method before, directly release spiritual energy to attack and detonate these shells in advance.

Suddenly, a sixth-level ferocious beast that looked like an ape suddenly stopped in its forward momentum. It lowered its head and looked at its chest. I don't know when a series of bullet holes appeared there, and blood bulged from it. come out.

Its eyes were a little confused, followed by anger, and its eyes quickly locked on the vehicle-mounted machine guns on the infantry fighting vehicles outside the restricted area.

The vehicle-mounted machine gun can fire 30mm-caliber armor-piercing bullets or armor-breaking bullets. No matter which type it is, it can break through the defense of these sixth-level ferocious beasts and tear out a wound the size of a bowl on their bodies.

But for a sixth-order behemoth that can easily reach hundreds of meters, a wound the size of a bowl is actually no different from being bitten by an insect.

However, although the wound is not fatal, or even just a scratch on their skin, the pain will not be reduced.

That's why it's angry. How can you not be angry if you are hurt by some little bugs?

It let out an angry roar, its spiritual energy surged, and its forward speed suddenly accelerated.

However, before it took two steps forward, it stopped again. This time it didn't stop on its own initiative, but was stopped abruptly.

At this time, there were more than a dozen basin-sized wounds on its chest, abdomen, legs and even forehead.

And this time the wound was not just as simple as breaking the skin, it was half a meter deep.

Even for its size, it was impossible to ignore such a wound. It was really injured.

Boom boom boom!

The ferocious ape beast hadn't recovered yet, and there were more than a dozen washbasin-sized wounds on its body.

The powerful impact made it take a step back. At this time, it was angry with a hint of fear.

The super-strong sensing power allows it to instantly locate the source of danger.

When it saw that those little reptiles with weak breaths could inflict such injuries on it with an "iron rod", it was really shocked and angry.

This time, it didn't just accept the attack stupidly, but also rushed forward.

Instead, he bent down and grabbed several boulders from the ground. Using his arms, these boulders weighing hundreds of kilograms were like cannonballs, flying directly towards the little reptiles who dared to fire at them.

One of the soldiers who was targeted had just completed a round of shooting with the Destroyer hand cannon. The powerful recoil made his body feel slightly numb.

Seeing the boulder suddenly thrown towards him, his legs felt a little weak. Moreover, the speed of the boulder was so fast that he had no time to react before it was already in front of him.

At this moment, this elite soldier felt that he was dead this time. Even if he was an evolutionist, there was no way he could withstand this kind of boulder attack that carried more than ten tons of impact force.

But at this moment, his vision blurred, and a huge figure blocked his face.

That was a second-order mutated buffalo.

The next moment, a dull crashing sound was heard, and the huge mutated buffalo was directly lifted away for more than ten meters.

Its body was covered in blood and flesh, and you could even hear a crackling sound as it flew upside down, which was the sound of bones breaking.

With just one blow, and from a distance of more than 1,000 meters, this second-level mutated water flow, known for its defensive power, was already on the verge of being seriously injured and dying.

However, even with such serious injuries, the mutant buffalo only turned over and stood up directly.

The bloody wounds on its body were healing at an incredible speed.

After it stood up, a tree root underneath the ground was retracted by chance.

At that moment, Ye Feng had already injected a life force into the mutated buffalo.

This vitality is enough to restore more than half of the mutated buffalo's injuries. As for why it is not fully restored, it is naturally to save spiritual energy and bioenergy.

After all, Ye Feng didn't know how long this battle would last. It was enough for him to keep these mutated creatures fighting. As for the rest, he would wait until after the war.

The elite soldier who was rescued looked at the mutated buffalo's wounds that were visible to the naked eye. He was stunned and breathed a long sigh of relief.

If the mutant buffalo in front of him died trying to save him, he would really feel guilty.

Seeing that the mutated buffalo was fine, he immediately turned around, quickly changed the magazine of the Destroyer hand cannon, and once again aimed at the ape-like sixth-level beast.

He made a lunge with his legs, then pressed the butt of the gun against the leakage point of the power armor, and then pulled the trigger in his hand.


A sound like the roar of a cannon sounded, and an 80 mm diameter tungsten steel armor-piercing projectile was fired at a terrifying speed.

As for the figure of this elite soldier, under the powerful recoil, his legs left two deep ravines on the ground, and he forced himself back half a meter before stopping.

But he didn't care about any of this. Even in the process of retreating, he had already started to aim. When his body was stable, he pulled the trigger again.

The whole process went smoothly without any stagnation.

It only took him 10 seconds to empty a magazine.

A soldier next to him quickly handed over a loaded magazine.

In order to allow this group of elite soldiers to exert their maximum combat effectiveness, the military leaders assigned two soldiers to each of them to specifically load bullets.

The purpose is to maintain the rate of fire of the Destroyer hand cannon at the most efficient state.

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