Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 190 Using the Ultimate Weapon

Hearing what the mutated parrot said, everyone couldn't help but widen their eyes with horror.

The amount of information given by the mutated parrot is too great.

Is the ancient ferocious beast Qiongqi? This actually exists?

Can the Dragon King be injured even when the opponent's strength can only be used at one tenth?

So how terrifying will its strength be in the penalty area?

If the other party breaks the seal, what level of strength will it reach?

Thoughts appeared in everyone's minds, making their hearts sink to the bottom.

They didn't know how terrifying Qiongqi's real strength was, but everyone had seen the Dragon King with their own eyes, freezing hundreds of millions of mutated insects with one move.

If that move were used against their soldiers, it would be easy to kill 20,000 to 30,000 people with one move.

Under this situation, they felt trembling in their hearts when they briefly inferred Qiongqi's strength.

Ye Feng glanced at everyone's expressions and continued: "Of course, although the ancient ferocious beast Qiongqi is terrifying, it is now sealed. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for us."

"Get ready, pull all the cloud explosion bombs over, and give it a hard hit. Thousands of cloud explosion bombs will hit it. I believe it can be killed."

Bai Yinghui immediately cheered up after hearing this, but soon his brows furrowed slightly, "It's not a problem to release the cloud bomb, but it will be very troublesome to lock the target across a different space."

Ye Feng thought for a while and said, "If I can provide the accurate topography inside, can you guys lock it in?"

Bai Yinghui was immediately delighted, "Yes, if there is an accurate map, we can just adjust the algorithm at that time."

Ye Feng nodded, and then he didn't talk nonsense. Under everyone's gaze, the thick fog began to roll, and gradually formed a huge map about 10 meters.

In the process, Ye Feng used his mental power to restrain the dense fog, which directly made the originally blurry map clear, and the objects inside also became lifelike.

Finally, Ye Feng released the power of freezing, turning the dense fog into ice sculptures, and a three-dimensional map appeared in front of everyone.

Although this was not the first time Bai Yinghui had seen this scene, he still couldn't help but marvel.

But when he looked at the huge Qiongqi in the map, he couldn't help but said: "Is this map a 1:1 restoration?"

"Yes, Qiongqi is at least a thousand meters high. Also, I don't know how big this space is, because it was blocked by haze and I couldn't see the end." Ye Feng said.

Bai Yinghui suppressed the throbbing in his heart and nodded, "It doesn't matter if you don't have a complete map. This information is enough."

The map given by Ye Feng included the distance between the portal and Qiongqi, as well as some sand dunes, mountain cols, and cliffs as landmarks. This was enough for them to lock their target, and they could even do more.

Soon, Bai Yinghui asked someone to come over to take photos and model. At the same time, he called the officers beside him and began to discuss tactics.

"Our goal is to kill Qiongqi. If you have any good ideas, you can mention them," Bai Yinghui said.

"Although the target is large, it is impossible to accommodate the bombardment of too many thermobaric bombs at once. My suggestion is to divide the artillery shells in our hands into five waves and invest them separately to maximize the damage." Regiment Commander Gao Duguang, The first one offered an opinion.

"I don't think it's appropriate to do this. Didn't you hear the message given by the parrot messenger? It's just sealed, not dead, and can still attack. We may only have one chance to make a surprise attack." Zhang Ji shook his head in denial. road.

"Then what can you do? If you pile all the thermobaric bombs in one place, not to mention accurate detonation, it will be a big problem. If they are superimposed and exploded, they will affect each other. The effect of 1+1 is definitely less than 2."

"The effect of detonating thousands of thermobaric bombs at the same time will probably be similar to 200." Gao Duguang immediately retorted.

Soon the discussion among the generals turned into a dispute.

Ye Feng just listened for a while and ignored it. This kind of discussion would not produce any results for a while.

He turned his consciousness back to his body, and while healing his wounds, he thought about whether there was any way he could deal with the ancient ferocious beast Qiongqi.

However, the more he thought about it, the more desperate he felt.

The gap in strength between the two sides was too huge. If the other side wasn't in that strange state of petrification, he wouldn't be able to sustain even one move from the other side.

Moreover, Ye Feng had no idea what kind of methods Qiongqi had. The other party released a strange force with a simple look, which almost made him overturn.

"Don't say that I am only at level 5 now. Even if I reach level 6 or even level 7 in the future, I may not be able to win!" Ye Feng was quite distressed.

He has even begun to think about how, if he can't deal with the other party, he can try his best to delay its awakening.

Not only this restricted area, but other restricted areas must also find ways to delay it.

If, as he guessed, every restricted area has an ancient beast sealed, as long as one of the ancient beasts truly recovers, it will definitely be a disaster for all creatures on the earth.

Time passed quietly in this somewhat dull atmosphere.

Half an hour later, Ye Feng transferred the possessed state back to the mutated parrot.

Because at this time, the military seemed to have negotiated the results, and Bai Yinghui came over.

"How is it? Have you discussed a solution?" Ye Feng asked expectantly.

"I do have some ideas." Bai Yinghui nodded first, and then continued: "But there are some situations that we are not very clear about yet, and we would like to consult with you."

Hearing what the other party said, Ye Feng nodded and said, "Okay, if you have any questions, just ask them. I will answer them as long as I know."

"That's right, we want to know how Qiongqi was sealed in ancient times? How much strength can it exert after it is sealed? Does Qiongqi have any special abilities? In the sealed state, it can dodge us Attack?" Bai Yinghui started asking questions one after another.

However, when Ye Feng was asked, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

He also wanted to know the answers to these questions.

Looking at the other party's expectant eyes, Ye Feng really had a headache at this time. It was all because of his previous talk about the reincarnation of a real dragon. Now that the other party took it seriously, what should he say?

More importantly, he can't talk nonsense now, otherwise it will affect the other party's judgment and the situation will only get worse.

After pondering for a while, Ye Feng said slowly: "Let me tell you this! Lord Dragon King has been reincarnated in the early stage of the War of Gods. In fact, he doesn't know much about these beings who can survive to the later stage of the War of Gods."

"I don't know how Qiongqi was sealed."

"The only thing that is certain is that it cannot move casually in its petrified state. At least it needs to pay a certain price before it can move."

"In other words, if you bomb its body, you may really only have one chance."

After hearing such an answer, Bai Yinghui said that he was not disappointed, which was definitely false. The information he got was too little.

Of course, it can't be said that there is no chance. At least Ye Feng has clearly told him that there is only one chance.

Thinking of this, he took a deep breath and said: "Since there is only one chance, let's not conduct any tests or anything like that, and just use the ultimate weapon!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng looked expectant and asked quickly: "What ultimate weapon?"

Bai Yinghui slowly uttered two words, "Nuclear weapons!"

These two words seemed to have magic power. Ye Feng even felt an electric current running up his tailbone.

He asked in surprise and excitement: "You actually have nuclear weapons in Yangcheng City?"

Bai Yinghui shook his head, "We don't have it in Yangcheng City, but the Provincial Military Region does."

The Provincial Military Region is the place with the strongest military strength in the entire Donghai Province, with a full 500,000 troops stationed there.

It is also the superior department for troops stationed in various cities in Donghai Province.

Of course, the task undertaken is also very heavy, that is, maintaining the stability of the entire Donghai Province.

Like the mutant insect crisis that broke out before, Ye Feng only helped 6 cities after a few days of busy work. What about the rest? Naturally, the provincial military region sent troops to help.

After Bai Yinghui explained the situation of the Provincial Military Region to Ye Feng, he continued: "The country has already had a plan. If an emergency occurs in the restricted area, we have the right to apply for the deployment of nuclear weapons."

"Obviously, this is an emergency situation. But..."

"But what?" Ye Feng asked quickly.

It was already here, and he didn't want anything else to happen.

"But the Donghai Provincial Military Region stores conventional nuclear warheads, and we only have one chance. I'm worried that we won't be able to kill the opponent." Bai Yinghui said with a frown.

Hearing that this was the reason, Ye Feng breathed a sigh of relief and asked curiously: "How powerful is a conventional nuclear warhead?"

"As far as I know, the conventional nuclear warhead in the provincial military region is a hydrogen bomb, with an explosion power equivalent to 5 million tons of TNT."

Hearing this answer, Ye Feng couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

He wanted to ask, isn't this powerful enough?

You know, the "Little Boy" bomb that bombed Hiroshima was only as powerful as 13,000 tons of TNT.

In other words, the conventional nuclear warheads Bai Yinghui mentioned are equivalent to 384 "Little Boys."

However, considering the rapid changes in technology nowadays, perhaps the equivalent of 5 million tons can really only be used as a regular model!

After all, nuclear weapons are city-destroying weapons.

So Ye Feng thought for a while and asked: "So, can you still mobilize unconventional nuclear weapons?"

Since there is only one chance for bombing, Ye Feng naturally hopes that the greater the power, the better.

"Given the special circumstances of the restricted area, I feel it should be possible to apply to the higher authorities."

"But you also know that nuclear warheads with larger yields are larger and cannot be transported by conventional missile vehicles. They all need to be launched from missile silos."

"If it was before the revival of spiritual energy, it would be easy. Our intercontinental missiles can go anywhere, but now there are so many mutated birds, and something may happen if they fly such a distance."

"So if we really want to do this, we will have to build a new missile well near here, which will probably take a long time." Bai Yinghui explained the situation.

Now the second-level mutant birds, especially the various types of eagles, can even fly to an altitude of tens of thousands of meters at the second level, and can completely touch intercontinental missiles in flight.

Although this possibility is very small, as long as there is a one in ten thousand chance, they don't dare to try it casually!

If it is a conventional warhead, it will explode in the air and cause some economic losses. However, the nuclear pollution caused by nuclear warheads is no joke.

Therefore, if you want to launch nuclear weapons, you must transport them here to ensure that they can be sent into a different space without any accidents.

"Then if you want to build a missile silo, how long will it take?" Ye Feng continued to ask.

"I'm not sure about this. It depends on the level of support provided by the higher authorities, but I feel that at the fastest it will take half a month, and at the slowest it will probably take a month." Bai Yinghui thought for a while and said.

After hearing that it took such a long time, Ye Feng gave up the idea immediately.

In a month, no one knows how much changes will occur. Instead of doing this, it is better to give the other party a hard blow now.

What's more, it was really hard for him to imagine anything that could withstand the power of a 5-million-ton nuclear bomb.

"Then please contact the Provincial Military Region. When will we be able to take action?" Ye Feng asked.

Bai Yinghui looked at his watch, and it was already 9 o'clock before he knew it. "If it's fast, it should be delivered before noon. If it's slow, it will definitely arrive in the afternoon. After all, in this special situation, the process can be simplified directly."

"Okay!" Ye Feng nodded.

What follows is a long wait. After all, no matter how simplified the process is, it is still the use of nuclear weapons, and there is still no way to skip the required review procedures.

Bai Yinghui reported to the Provincial Military Region, and the Provincial Military Region had to continue to apply to high-level national officials. This kind of thing must be approved by the central government.

It's just that what happened in the restricted area was really weird, especially the portal that appeared, which was beyond the scope of what today's technology can understand.

Originally, the country was extremely vigilant about restricted areas, but now that something like this happens, there is nothing to say. It directly meets the requirements for activating an emergency plan.

So when the time came to noon, and the soldiers of the major armies had just had lunch, a large army came on the road in the distance.

Ye Feng flew into the air to take a look, and he couldn't help but be a little surprised when he saw the huge convoy stretching for several kilometers.

After a little calculation, he could figure out that the number of people in this team was no less than 20,000 to 30,000.

Obviously, the Provincial Military Region was probably worried too and sent a team over personally.


Happy New Year to everyone! In the new year, all the best and smooth sailing!

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