Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 135 Negotiator: Giant Panda

"Ding! Please choose the direction of strengthening."

Looking at the system prompt that popped up, Ye Feng saw, as usual, that the third thing to strengthen was the toughness of the tree roots.

With the selection completed, the 400 evolution points instantly turned into 400 special energy, which poured into all parts of the tree, starting a new round of improvement.

At the same time, thick fog began to form in Sunset Valley again, making it difficult for the outside world to see the situation here clearly.

In the blink of an eye, an hour passed.

The time came to 7 o'clock, and Ye Feng completed the breakthrough quite smoothly.

He immediately opened the system panel and looked at it.

Host: Ye Feng (World Tree)

Tree height: 585 meters

Trunk width: 29 meters

Root length: 3090 meters

Realm: Peak of the fourth level

Evolution points: 0/400 points

Special abilities: Devour, Capture, Evolution Fruit, Mental Power

Aura value: 0/5800 points

Bioenergy: 2500/5800 points

Power of Faith: 35000

Looking at the height of the tree, which was close to 600 meters, Ye Feng couldn't help but sigh. Now he was definitely the entire Yangcheng City.

It may even be the highest mutated plant in the entire Donghai Province.

It is absolutely no exaggeration to say that he stands out from the crowd. It is estimated that even if you scan the satellite image, it will be difficult not to find him.

What's even more frightening is that he directly climbed 200 meters in just one day. This kind of thing may make people even more vigilant.

According to Ye Feng's guess, the Mutation Management Bureau will directly raise his ranking to the top 20 on the dangerous list, or even higher.

Of course, Ye Feng has already thought of a way to deal with it. As long as the negotiations go smoothly, it will not be difficult for the Mutation Management Bureau to give up the idea of ​​his tree.

Moving his eyes down the system panel, the width of the tree trunk is close to 30 meters, which directly increases the aura value and bioenergy storage to nearly 6,000 points.

But these are not very important. Ye Feng glanced at them and directly ignored them, looking at the length of the tree roots.

The length of 3090 meters also means that the diameter of Ye Feng's territory can reach 6 kilometers.

At this time, his main root can already extend to any place in the Sunset Valley. This can be said to be his real base camp.

Of course, as the length of the tree roots increases, the amount of spiritual energy he can harvest per hour will naturally increase.

At this time, the breakthrough was completed, and exactly one hour had passed, so Ye Feng immediately harvested a wave of spiritual energy impatiently.

In less than two minutes, the aura value column in the system panel changed.

Aura value: 4635/5800 points

"I'll go! Just now I thought the width of the tree trunk was not important, but I was immediately slapped in the face!"

"As the scope of my territory continues to increase, I will not harvest spiritual energy even once in the future, and the storage capacity will be overflowing!" Ye Feng couldn't help but muttered.

He once again realized what the troubles of happiness are.

Of course, you can never have too much spiritual energy. If he doesn’t use up all the spirit energy, he can give it to the contracted animals. If the contracted animals are not used up, there is also an entire animal army!

He can even use it to cultivate mutant fire ants and mutant bumblebees. With these two groups around, they can swallow no matter how much spiritual energy they have.

After looking at the system panel, Ye Feng immediately felt the scope of his control over the world. Just as he expected, he could expand an additional 5 kilometers with each small level he gained.

Now with him as the center, the area that controls the world can reach 25 kilometers.

This also means that Donglin Street, where his home is located, is completely within the scope of controlling the world.

If something happened again, he would be able to protect the safety of his family himself without having to borrow help from others.

"Not only that, my warning range has been expanded to 25 kilometers. If we can't come to an agreement this time, I can even prevent the opponent's missiles from flying outside the Yangcheng City." At this moment, Ye Feng definitely felt full of security. .

Especially now, when his power of faith reaches as high as 35,000 points.

After looking at the system panel, Ye Feng began to test his combat ability.

Breaking through to the peak of level 4, it means that he has strengthened the tree roots three times at the level 4 stage.

These are strength, flexibility and toughness.

At this time, the strength of his tree roots has increased from 2 tons to 4 tons.

If all the tree roots were gathered together and exploded together, he could explode with a maximum force of 1616 tons. Not to mention flesh and blood creatures, even steel creations could be beaten into scrap metal.

Ye Feng brought in the Siberian tiger and Asiatic lion, which had reached the late second level, for sparring.

He just used a tree root to send these two kings of the hunting world flying around.

After all, the huge force of 4 tons is not so easy for the second-level mutant creatures. Every blow can make them bruise their muscles and bones.

Moreover, the speed at which the roots of the leaf maple tree are whipping at this time is beyond their imagination. A single root can wave whip shadows all over the sky. If they really let go and hit them, the Siberian tigers and Asiatic lions will be killed before they can react. Severe injuries.

So Ye Feng just practiced his skills, suppressed their unruly character, let them go, and then found the big yellow dog.

The big yellow dog that broke through to the third level is still so compact.

Its size has not increased much, with a height of only 2 meters and a body length of only 3 meters.

This size is similar to that of a first-order mutant wild wolf.

Of course, the combat power is limited to one sky and one earth.

Swish, swish, swish!

Facing the big yellow dog, Ye Feng's tree roots swung with all his strength without any scruples.

In just a moment, he pulled out more than a dozen times.

But all attacks failed.

The big yellow dog's figure seemed to turn into a streak of yellow lightning, shuttling through the dense forest, dodging all attacks quite easily.

The big yellow dog's ultimate speed may not be the fastest among third-level mutant creatures, but its ability to move and dodge in a small area is terrifying.

Many of its movements even violate the laws of physics. For example, one moment it was rushing forward with all its strength, but the next moment it could directly ignore inertia and retreat directly.

For other animals, that would be impossible.

It is precisely because of this that the big yellow dog's dodge ability is completely unpredictable. Unless it is crushed with absolute speed, it is really difficult to hit it.

Ye Feng tried for half a minute, but after finding that he couldn't touch the big yellow dog at all, he gave up fighting with one root and instead directly pulled out 5 roots.

Bang bang bang!

After a while, the big yellow dog was beaten to pieces.

"The speed of the big yellow dog is definitely no less than that of a fourth-level mutant creature. And the reason why it can evade my attack is because of its small size."

"A normal fourth-level mutant creature is at least as tall as five or six floors. With such a large size, it is impossible for me to miss it."

"So, my biggest weakness: speed, at least in terms of attack speed, through unremitting efforts, I have not only made up for it, but also reached the top level." Ye Feng judged in his heart.

After testing strength and flexibility, the next step is toughness.

Ye Feng took out the shotgun, controlled it with his mental power, and fired two shots directly at the roots of the tree.

This time all he used were armor-piercing bullets.

But even an armor-piercing bullet could only leave a shallow pit on the surface of the tree root, and did not even penetrate the outermost bark.

And the pit that appeared returned to its original state in the blink of an eye.

"Now the defensive power of my tree roots is estimated to be able to match the hardest alloy. With so many tree roots for defense, firearms no longer pose any threat to me."

"Even a heavy machine gun can only break a layer of my skin at most. Even an anti-material sniper rifle cannot penetrate my tree roots."

"Even these tree roots like mine can probably withstand the attack of the 'Reaper' missiles." After Ye Feng judged the defensive power of the tree roots, he became more and more excited as he thought about it.

Now he is only at the fourth level. After breaking through to the fifth level, he may not even be afraid of "Sky Survey" missiles.

After Ye Feng finished sighing, he also tested the recovery speed.

Although the recovery speed has not been enhanced yet, he has reached the fourth level and is definitely much stronger than the third level.

Soon, he called the mutant wolf king, and then merged the tree roots together to form a wooden wall, allowing the opponent to attack with all his strength.

When the third-level mutant wolf king exploded with all its strength, more than ten tons of huge force gathered on its sharp claws, it could only carve a 10 cm deep wound on the root of the tree.

And this wound, which was 10 centimeters deep and more than 1 meter long, healed in less than three seconds.

This recovery speed is simply astonishing. Even if Ye Feng leaves the tree roots motionless, with this recovery speed, no matter how much the mutant wolf king attacks, the other party will not even be able to break a tree.

After Ye Feng thought for a while, he called the big yellow dog over and asked the opponent to attack with all his strength.

But then, a scene that surprised Ye Feng appeared.

The big yellow dog took one bite, and a gap the size of a bowl appeared on the tree root, which was as hard as alloy.

Moreover, the big yellow dog's mouth was biting wildly without stopping, which frightened Ye Feng and pulled the tree root back instantly.

He had no doubt that his roots would be chewed off in less than two seconds.

"What kind of attack power is this?" Ye Feng had to re-examine the big yellow dog's ability.

However, his eyes soon fell on the root of the tree again. The wound the size of a bowl was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

With sufficient spiritual energy support, such a large wound was completely healed in less than 20 seconds.

"Tsk tsk! When I break through to the fifth level, I choose to strengthen the root repair speed, and I won't have to worry about any attrition war."

"As long as the other party can't break my tree roots at once, and if I'm injured, I can recover in a few seconds, so what can the other party use to fight me?"

After reviewing his own combat effectiveness, Ye Feng expressed considerable satisfaction.

Of course, he is not without weaknesses. If an enemy gets close and attacks his tree body, it will still be very dangerous.

However, if the opponent can break through the layers of blockade of more than 400 tree roots and directly attack his tree body, then he can probably crush him head-on in terms of strength. Then, it doesn't make much difference whether he has this weakness or not.

Ye Feng looked at the time and found it was already 7:30 before he knew it. There was only one hour left before the agreed negotiation time.

He immediately summoned all his contracted animals.

Ye Feng's eyes swept over them one by one, and he was thinking about which representative should be sent there.

Mutated King Cobra is definitely not possible, because in the eyes of humans, the opponent is probably a big boss.

Solving the mutant king cobra is equivalent to solving all the problems. In this case, the military will inevitably have no ideas.

As for the remaining mutated creatures, Ye Feng looked around and landed on the giant panda sitting next to him, chewing bamboo.

"It's up to you." Ye Feng made the decision without much hesitation.

After all, pandas have a special status in the hearts of Chinese people. In addition, giant pandas look a bit silly and cute, so the impression points can be increased instantly.

Ye Feng felt that as the party's representative, the success rate of the negotiation could be increased by at least 30% in an instant.

When Ye Feng's side was selecting representatives, Yangcheng City's side seemed more nervous and cautious.

As early as two days ago, the staff department started making plans.

Last night, a three-hour meeting was held for today's negotiations to finalize all the details.

After all, this is probably the first time humans and mutated creatures have cooperated, so no matter how cautious you are, you can't be too cautious.

Chen Dalong arrived at the city security department early in the morning. At this time, with the assistance of the etiquette lady, he was changing into the military uniform of an honorary major.

Beside him were Pei Jin and Wang Feng.

The top three superpowers were invited to become one of the delegations for this negotiation.

Of course, Chen Dalong was wearing the military uniform of a major. As for Pei Jin and Wang Feng, they were only wearing the uniforms of a second lieutenant, which was not even the slightest difference.

However, there was no dissatisfaction on the faces of the two. After all, the strength gap between the two sides was there, and Chen Dalong was an honorary captain before, which they could not compare with.

Just as the three of them were getting dressed, Zhang Ji opened the door and walked in.

"Captain Zhang!" The three of them stood up quickly and gave a military salute.

"How are you preparing?" Zhang Ji asked after coming in.

"No problem, I'm all dressed and ready to go." Chen Dalong said immediately.

Pei Jin and Wang Feng both nodded.

"I'm not asking about your clothing, but about your psychological development."

"You guys should also know that calling you over this time is just to support the situation. It means that there are strong people among us humans, at least there are strong people in the future."

"Therefore, there is no guarantee that the other party will test your strength, so you must be prepared for battle." Zhang Ji said in a deep voice.

Although according to the estimates of the staff, the probability of this happening is low, no matter how big or small, they will do their best to perfect every detail.

As soon as he said these words, the expressions of Pei Jin and Wang Feng changed slightly. They looked at each other and saw the fear in each other's eyes.

After the mutant creature crisis ended, they naturally found time to understand the whole process of the Yangcheng Zoo incident, and they knew exactly how terrifying that group of mutant creatures was.

Especially those mutated creatures that have reached the third level. If they really want to take action, they will probably be trampled to death with one kick.

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