Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 136 Taking the Head Start

After Zhang Ji finished speaking, he looked at the three people present.

When he saw the frightened expressions of Pei Jin and Wang Feng, although he had expected it, he was inevitably disappointed when he saw this scene.

After all, no matter whether they are ready or not, they are already the top group of strong people among human beings.

If you are afraid and cower in the face of a strong enemy...

However, when Zhang Ji's eyes fell on Chen Dalong and saw his calm expression, he felt a hint of surprise in his heart.

"Major Chen, are you willing to take action on this matter?" Zhang Ji asked immediately.

"Of course, no problem!" Chen Dalong nodded quite simply and replied.

"Okay, okay! Regardless of whether there will be a spar next time, I will remember you for this matter."

After Zhang Ji praised him, he said: "Besides, there is a real competition. You just need to show your strength as much as possible. Winning or losing is not important."

"Understood!" Chen Dalong certainly understood what the other party meant.

Zhang Ji left quickly after finishing speaking.

Pei Jin and Wang Feng looked at Chen Dalong with a hint of admiration.

"Brother Chen, I was a little dissatisfied before, but now I am completely convinced." Wang Feng was the first to speak.

"Brother Chen, if things must be done, remember to surrender in time. We still have a bright future. Just because we can't compare to those mutated creatures now, doesn't mean we won't be able to in the future." Pei Jin also said at this time.

This is already considered a brief exchange of words.

Chen Dalong smiled and nodded, "Don't worry, you two, I won't pretend to be fat, and the probability of this happening is really low."

In fact, there will be no such thing as a discussion at all.

Because last night, when he received the notice from the military department, he immediately contacted Mr. Parrot and asked him if there was anything he should pay attention to.

Lord Parrot didn't have any special instructions, just let him behave normally.

Therefore, he felt that today's negotiation was not so empty-headed. The essence of the negotiation was probably based on interests.

The three of them waited for a while, and soon someone came in to inform them that they were ready to go.

At this time, armored vehicles had already parked at the entrance of the city guard department.

Chen Dalong took a look and saw that there were not many security personnel this time, only 300 people, but they were all carefully selected from the rapid response force and were absolutely elite.

The negotiators got on the bus one after another. These personnel were mainly divided into two parts, one was the military representative and the other was the think tank.

Needless to say, the military representatives, as for the personnel in the think tank, it is a bit complicated. The first is the experts sent from the capital.

Yes, this was the first cooperation between humans and mutated creatures. Even the top brass in the capital paid special attention to it. After receiving the news, they immediately provided support and dispatched a team of experts.

In addition to these experts, there are also representatives from various departments in Yangcheng City in the think tank.

With these representatives present, during negotiations, no matter what conditions the other party proposes, they can immediately start discussing and handling them.

Soon, Chen Dalong and others were placed on the armored vehicle at the front.

There were not many people in this armored vehicle. Even including the soldiers driving the vehicle, there were no more than ten people.

At this time, Zhang Ji was standing in front of a holographic projection, staring at the map of Dongjiang Wetland Park projected on it.

Chen Dalong stepped forward and took a curious look, then his eyes froze slightly.

Because this turned out to be a firepower distribution map, and the more he looked at it, the more it looked like... a trap?

"Captain Zhang, what is this?" Chen Dalong asked knowingly.

"It's just a defense map. Although we intend to negotiate, who knows what the other party thinks, so we must be prepared." Zhang Ji said.

Hearing this explanation, Chen Dalong felt inexplicably relieved.

"Please bring this communication headset with you. During the negotiation later, a specialist will communicate with you in real time and guide you on what to do." Zhang Ji said.

Chen Dalong listened and sighed secretly. This meant that even though he was one of the negotiators, he did not have any freedom at all, and he had little chance to help.

However, Pei Jin and Wang Feng had expressions of relief on their faces, and they immediately took the headsets and put them on. Seeing this, Chen Dalong could only do the same.

"Now that we are all members of the negotiation team, let me introduce each other to you."

Zhang Ji looked around at the people in the car and said, "Chen Dalong, Pei Jin, and Wang Feng are all celebrities now. I don't need to introduce them anymore. They are representatives of people with super powers."

"And I am the representative of the military, and this is Secretary-General Cao Guangzhi, a representative of the government department, and this is Deputy Director Xiao Hua, a representative of the Mutation Management Bureau."

"In addition, Deputy Director Xiao Hua was also one of the first people to investigate the mutant king cobra, and provided us with a lot of valuable information." Zhang Ji introduced to everyone.

After he finished speaking, everyone was polite to each other.

At this time, the convoy started to set off.

Chen Dalong looked out through the car window and was soon surprised to find that among the armored vehicles, there was actually a TV station's interview vehicle mixed in.

Chen Dalong took out his cell phone out of curiosity and opened Yangcheng City's official media.

Sure enough, I soon discovered that a live broadcast room appeared on the homepage at some point, and the host inside was introducing the team, as well as the far-reaching impact that this negotiation would bring.

"You actually dare to broadcast this kind of thing live. Are you really afraid of screwing up?" Chen Dalong couldn't help but muttered.

But he soon discovered that it was not all live broadcast, because the content of the screen was at least 10 minutes behind, which could very well avoid live broadcast accidents.

At this time, comments below the live broadcast room were already flying.

Jianhen: "If you don't understand, just ask, if this thing really happens, what will it mean? Which big shot can explain it!"

Yuetan Qingfeng: "It means that the status of human beings has declined, and they have become the same as animals. [Funny]"

Jingtingshan: "This is a live broadcast by the official media. Don't mess with the rhythm, or you will be banned! And at least from now on, if we really reach a cooperation, it will definitely be beneficial to us. We will reduce a powerful enemy. An ally."

"As for whether it will affect our human dominance in the future, it depends on the development of the situation. No one knows where the spiritual energy recovery will end."

Seeing Jingtingshan's comments, Chen Dalong wanted to reply: The end of spiritual energy recovery is the gods.

But considering that he is no longer the transparent person he used to be, and his words and deeds will attract special attention, he can only let it go.

At this time, Ye Feng on the other side was also making preparations.

Of course, his preparation is much simpler. He just needs to think about what to say later in order to get the maximum benefit for himself.

"The time is almost up, but there's no rush. I definitely have to make my final appearance before I can stand out."

Ye Feng murmured, while using the tree root to control the phone, opened the Yangcheng City official website, clicked into the live broadcast room and took a look.

He planned to wait until the other party arrived before setting off.

Another half hour passed in the blink of an eye.

When Ye Feng saw from the live broadcast room that the convoy was about to arrive at Dongjiang Wetland Park, he finally gave the order for the large troops to set off.

Ye Feng directed the giant panda to climb on the back of the mutant goshawk. At the same time, Ye Feng possessed the mutant parrot and stood up.

The mutated goshawk flapped its wings and began to take off.

Mutated black crows, mutated bats, and two mutated sparrows also took off together.

At the same time, their subordinates, 200 mutant black crows, 200 mutant bats, and 400 mutant sparrows, also followed closely behind.

All mutated birds take off directly from Sunset Valley.

Before, Ye Feng didn't dare to expose Sunset Valley, but now with his sudden increase in strength, he no longer cares.

At this time, a huge flock of birds flew straight towards Dongjiang Wetland Park. Under Ye Feng's command, the initially chaotic flock quickly became orderly.

The mutated goshawk is at the front, the mutated black crows and the mutated bats are arranged on the left and right, and the mutated sparrow group is at the rear. The entire team is flying forward in a herringbone shape, unhurriedly.

You know, the subordinates of these contracted animals have all been promoted to the second level with the help of Ye Feng.

The second-level mutant black crows and mutant bats have wingspans of five to six meters. Even the smallest mutant sparrow has a wingspan of nearly three meters.

More than 800 huge mutant birds appeared together, which can be described as covering the sky and the sun.

In terms of coordination, the mutant goshawk with a wingspan of 50 meters in front of the team was already full of momentum.

It’s also important to get a head start before negotiating.

If he weren't worried that the military would do something irrational, Ye Feng would even want to send the entire animal army there.

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