Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 134 Breaking through two realms in one day

After deducing how much power of faith was needed to eliminate these strange powers, Ye Feng couldn't help but sigh.

"It seems that there is no solution for the time being."

Unless he can get the power of faith from more than 5 million people in Yangcheng City, he will not be able to solve the problems here at all.

"If the negotiations go well tomorrow, we can directly tell the military in Yangcheng City about the matters here to see if they can handle it with the help of technology."

As for now...

Ye Feng thought for a while and immediately issued an order.

Soon, the animal army hidden in the Sunset Valley began to move towards Xiaofeng Mountain with the help of the cover of the dense forest.

Although it cannot solve the problem of the restricted area, it can at least slow down the expansion of the restricted area.

And what he has to do is very simple, that is, drive away all the mutated creatures around him.

As long as the restricted area is not allowed to absorb mutated creatures, the outward expansion rate can only reach 240 meters per day at most, which is barely within his acceptable range.

While Ye Feng was busy here, Chen Dalong on the other side could be said to be in high spirits.

At this time, he glanced at the people behind him. All 108 combatants were armed with guns.

A heavy machine gun has been placed on the top of the three modified trucks.

If a battle breaks out, where fire support is needed, 2 heavy machine guns and 5 rocket launchers can be immediately dispatched.

With such a firepower configuration, even if they encounter a large group of mutant animals, as long as the number of the opponents does not exceed 1,000, they can form absolute firepower suppression.

In addition, Chen Dalong specially equipped the two sharpshooters Liu Wenhua and Xie Guanzhong with sniper rifles.

As long as you hit it accurately and use armor-piercing bullets, even if you encounter a second-level mutated animal, it is not impossible to kill it with one shot.

Of course, these are not the most important. He took out his mobile phone and took a look at the text message that Mr. Parrot replied.

"The Wolf King's envoy will personally lead the team to assist you in completing this mission. Don't worry, there will be no mutated animals above the second level to attack you."

This is Chen Dalong's real confidence. This is the mutant wolf king that ranks second on the dangerous list!

With it around, he would definitely be walking sideways within the confines of Yangcheng City.

Of course, preparations must be made. After all, there are no second-order mutated creatures, which does not mean that there are no second-order mutated insects.

He may not be afraid, but other people in the security company may be bitten with a bloody hole if they are not careful.

"Boss, the equipment and ammunition have been inventoried, and we are ready to leave at any time." At this time, Li Huosheng came over, performed a military salute, and reported loudly.

"Okay!" After he responded, he looked at Qin Yaowen and a group of people from Obsidian Security Company who were waiting not far away.

"Brother Qin, let's go! Let's go to the Red Star Technology Office now. In addition, this mission will inevitably encounter danger. I hope you can cooperate well." Chen Dalong walked over and said.

"Brother Chen, from this moment on, the command of our Obsidian Security Company will be handed over to you. If you point east, we will never go west." Qin Yaowen said immediately.

Soon the two teams merged together, and the six modified vehicles drove toward the Red Star Technology Office in a mighty manner.

After receiving Sha Weiping, the representative of Red Star Technology, the team drove non-stop to Yunshang.

To be honest, everyone except Chen Dalong was quite nervous about this mission.

It would be okay if it was normal, but now the second spiritual energy recovery has just ended, mutated animals have appeared on a large scale, and mutated insects have even broken through to the second level.

Under such circumstances, one can imagine how dangerous the wild environment is.

This is still under the condition that the area around the Dongling Mountain Highway has been cleaned up. Otherwise, without military escort, normal teams would not dare to pass there.

But even so, the Dongling Mountains are definitely more dangerous now than before.

"We are about to enter the Dongling Mountain Range. Everyone, please be vigilant." Chen Dalong shouted loudly on the intercom.




Answers rang out from the communication channel.

But this made Chen Dalong secretly shake his head. If it was a well-trained army, the answer would not be so disorganized.

"There is still a long way to go before we can train a fighting force!" Chen Dalong couldn't help but muttered.

"Boss, there are mutated insects ahead." Li Huosheng, who was in charge of the investigation, said at this time.

Chen Dalong nodded, picked up the walkie-talkie and ordered: "There are mutated insects ahead. Prepare strong insecticidal water. After spraying, we will rush over directly. Don't stop and entangle."

"Yes!" Soon the answers came from the communication channel one after another, and at the same time they were making preparations.

Chen Dalong's vehicle took the lead and rushed straight towards the mutated insects that appeared on the road.


The high-pressure water spray gun specially installed on the car instantly sprayed powerful insecticidal water on the mutated insects that were rushing towards the convoy.

In an instant, some mutant insects with relatively weak defenses, such as mutant moths, mutant butterflies, and mutant dragonflies, fell to the ground one after another.

Even if they didn't fall to the ground, their speed would drop sharply after being sprayed with powerful insecticide water.

As for the convoy, the speed did not slow down and they crashed directly into it.

At this time, the windows were closed. The walls of the trucks they had modified had been thickened, and they were also equipped with bulletproof glass and explosion-proof tires. Although their defense capabilities were not as good as those of armored vehicles, they were still more effective when placed among ordinary vehicles. Absolutely top-notch.

At this time, they crashed into these mutated insects, and even if they couldn't be killed, they were knocked away, and the convoy passed easily.

Although during this process, there are some mutant insects, such as mutant mantises, mutant sandflies, and mutant carabid beetles, which have good attack power and can scratch scratches on the walls of the carriage.

But none of these could affect the progress of the vehicle, and they quickly rushed out of the area.

"Very good, just keep this state and cross the Dongling Mountains as quickly as possible." Chen Dalong's voice sounded in the communication channel again.

After experiencing this wave of mutant insect attacks, the group of members felt relieved when they saw that these mutant insects were unable to break through the truck's defense.

On the next road, basically everyone who encounters mutated insects will first greet them with powerful insecticidal water, and then rush past them.

Only when you encounter those mutated creatures will you be slightly delayed, but it will only be delayed for a few minutes at most.

After all, the firearms in their hands are not simple. Even if they encounter large animals such as mutated wild boars and mutated buffaloes, they can be solved with a shot of bullets.

As for the smaller ones, they pose even less of a threat.

"This journey is much easier than I thought!" Chen Dalong couldn't help but muttered.

He didn't even have a chance to take action.

However, his words made many people secretly roll their eyes. After all, in terms of hard power, no security company can match them now.

Ordinary security companies can pass through safely as long as they don't encounter large second-order mutant creatures, let alone them.

As for the Kuanglong Security Company, with the mutant wolf king escorting them all the way, there would be no problem.

At this time, Ye Feng didn't pay attention to Chen Dalong's affairs at all. After giving the order to the mutant wolf king, he ignored it.

If the other person can't even do this little thing well, he will just find another person to support him.

At this time, Ye Feng was commanding the animal army, driving away the mutated creatures around Xiaofeng Mountain, while quickly adding points.

After breaking through to the middle stage of the fourth level, he can now harvest 2,500 points of spiritual energy in one hour.

Ye Feng planned to use 500 points of spiritual energy every hour to improve the strength of his key training subordinates. As for other subordinates, he would hold off.

And for the remaining 2,000 points, all are added to myself.

In this case, in 10 hours, you can accumulate 20,000 points of spiritual energy to make a breakthrough.

He can even advance to two minor realms in one day, breaking through to the fifth level as quickly as possible.

The appearance of the restricted area made Ye Feng feel extremely uneasy, so at this moment he could no longer care about anything else. Even if he would attract the attention of the military, he planned to improve his strength as quickly as possible.

At each level, there will be a qualitative improvement in strength. Things that cannot be solved at the fourth level may be solved at the fifth level.

On this day, the residents of Yangcheng City were all excited and joyful, because all the mutated creatures in the city had been cleared away. They can all go home.

Social order has been restored, and after a crisis, everyone burst out with unprecedented enthusiasm.

But what no one knows is that the crisis has quietly arrived.

In the evening, Ye Feng had completed adding points and successfully broke through to the late fourth level.

During this process, he only paid attention to Chen Dalong.

After seeing that everything went well with the opponent's mission, he once again devoted himself to adding points.

Finally, around 6 a.m. the next day.

Ye Feng looked at his system panel, reaching the full evolution point again, and couldn't help but smile on his face.

"Very good, we will be able to break through to the fourth level peak soon. After the breakthrough is completed, we can send representatives to negotiate with the military."

"No matter what the outcome of the negotiation is, I should be able to break through to level five tonight, and then we'll see if we can solve the trouble in the restricted area." Ye Feng muttered, and without hesitation clicked the breakthrough button on the system panel.

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