Wan Chongshan in his head.

has already begun to think about Xu Zi'an's next training plan.


I saw a scene that made everyone present stunned.

Seeing those shells - about to hit the Brilliant Horn.

This distance, this angle.

When the gods come, they can't dodge - in the past.


At this critical moment!!

The 10,000-meter-long Bright Horn.


That's it!

in front of their eyes!!


Nothing, vanished, lost!!


Disappear into thin air!!

It's the kind that really disappears out of thin air, and it's definitely not the kind of visual disappearance of optical stealth!

Optical stealth has long been no longer a high-end technology.

It's just a very ordinary piece of technology.

A large number of instruments, some have a sixth sense.

can be easily locked.

The most important thing is.

Optical stealth is just visual stealth.

It doesn't mean that after entering optical stealth, the shell will not hit!

Hit it, hit it!


What did they see???

Even if the Brilliant disappeared into thin air.

The point is!

Those shells!

Unexpectedly, just like that, it penetrated straight through the position where the Brilliant had just been without hindrance!

There was nothing in that area!


Wan Chongshan was stunned.

The annihilation level teachers were stunned.

The women were equally stunned.

Teleportation ???


What kind of black technology is this???

What is this—What is this Nima!!

And then.

Before they could recover from their confusion.

Everyone's hearts moved.

Followed by.

More bewildered discovery......

I don't know when.



It has appeared behind the Wanzhongshan starship!

It's crazy output behind Wanzhong Mountain!

Shells by shell.

Hit the starship of Wanzhong Mountain.

There were ripples.

It's true.

It's a real cannonball!

Cannonballs with power!

It's not such a thing as virtual projection!

The Brilliant ......

It's real!


It's also true!

But also because it's real.

It's even more confusing to them!


Is this teleportation???

You tell me......

in this world.

It's so outrageous that it's been researched to teleport?!

What is teleportation?

It's teleportation!

No matter how far away.

can instantly appear in another area!

It's called teleportation!

Wormholes, though they allow the distance between two points to be reached faster.

But teleportation is not a concept at all!


The Brilliant disappears, even if it is a wormhole.

It can't be so fast!

It really appeared instantly!

The most important thing is.


Didn't see a wormhole.

I didn't feel the fluctuation of the wormhole even more!



There is only one explanation for teleportation.

Wan Chongshan's mouth opened wide.

Even if it's him.

He has lived countless years and read countless times.

At this moment.

I was completely stunned.

was completely stunned by Xu Zi'an's methods.

What the hell is this!!

Xu Zi'an, can teleport???

Feeling the energy shield of his starship, it was falling rapidly at a speed of 0.00 tenths of a second.

Wan Chongshan's bewildered face.


Extreme excitement, extreme surprise!

For the time being, I don't care if Xu Zi'an is teleporting.


Let's take a look first.

Xu Zi'an.

How the hell did it disappear.

And how did it appear!


Again, the muzzles of the ten anti-aircraft guns, aimed at the Brilliant and fired!!

Same hard dodge.

The same last few shots could not be dodged.


A familiar scene has appeared!


Disappeared again!

Almost at the same time!

The Brilliant appeared in another area.

Facing Wanzhong Mountain, continue to go crazy!

This time.

Wan Chongshan didn't say anything.

Keep getting started!

That's it......

Among Uncle Chen, the boys, and the others, as well as the women, the Bright Bright went through several rounds of teleportation, but it was unscathed, but it was the starship of Wanzhong Mountain, and the energy shield actually dropped by two percent.

Wanzhong Mountain.

Finally stepped up!

Now that it has been confirmed that Xu Zi'an has this weird and magical ability that I don't know if it's teleportation.

Wanzhong Mountain.

Don't worry that Xu Zi'an's starship will be damaged!


Anti-aircraft artillery, all activated.

will not attack Xu Zi'an's location alone.

Began to shoot in all directions and angles, and launched a covering shot!

How many anti-aircraft guns are there on an Annihilation-class starship?

I don't know.

Anyway, the thief Gildo.

The result is.

Shells of these anti-aircraft guns.

It has almost formed an airtight global surface.

Shoot strands past at all angles.

this density.

Wherever the Brilliant appears, it seems to be ......

I can't bear it.





All of them!!!

They were all shocked and shocked!!


It still continues to disappear.

But when it comes back up......

"What !!!!!"

Even as calm as a mountain, he couldn't help but let out an exclamation in disbelief!

Then he raised his head and stared at the ...... with a pair of eyes, dead, incredible, and hell-eyed.

The Bright Horn in front of you.

Stare at.

Inside the cockpit of the Brilliant Ship.

Xu Zi'an, who was smiling and waving at him.


Full of confusion.


Xu Zi'an.

Directly give him Wanzhongshan, and he is at a loss!! (read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)


Very simple.

Just because ......

This time.

The location of the Brilliant reappearing.

Not anywhere else.


In front of the Ten Thousand Mountains.

More precisely!

It's the Ten Thousand Mountains, the inside of the Starship Energy Shield!!


Xu Zi'an.

This time, it directly entered the starship energy shield of Wanzhong Mountain!!

And the energy shield of the Wanzhong Mountain Starship was intact, not even a ripple!

Wanzhong Mountain.

At this moment, he looked at Xu Zi'an in a daze.

I can't say a word anymore.

in the head.

Blank and blank.

Surrounding...... []


"What's the situation with this, this Nima???"

"Xu Zi'an, this ...... How do you do that!!"

"Hiss!! my God, haven't I woken up yet??? am I still dreaming???"

"This ...... He...... I ......"

Uncle Chen, the young man and other peak powerhouses.

Completely blinded, dumbfounded, and dazed.

This scene in front of me.

It's so weird that ......

Make them wonder if they're even dreaming!

Grow so big.

I've never seen a weirder scene than this!

That's the Annihilation Ship's energy shield!!

Xu Zi'an......

How the hell did you get in!!

And the women ......

One counts as one.


It's the same hellish expression.

Stupidly watched.

The ability that Xu Zi'an is showing now.

It's far beyond their imagination.

"You, you're ......"

Wan Chongshan opened his mouth and subconsciously opened his mouth to ask something.


Waiting for him.

But it's the massive cannonballs of the Brilliant Ship!

It's all already close to the face.

Of course, Xu Zi'an will not be polite.

It's just a fierce launch and it's over.

It's all close to the face, and there is no deviation.

Only for a moment.

The cockpit of the Wanzhongshan starship was covered by countless firepower.

And Xu Zi'an.

He drank tea leisurely, while distracting himself a little, to control the attack of the Bright Horn.

In fact......

Don't talk about them in Wanzhong Mountain.

Even Xu Zi'an was a little shocked by this ability.


It was only just now that he discovered the stealth ability of the multidimensional space......

In the end, to what extent has it been against the sky?

He just found out.

After the Brilliant went into stealth.


There is no longer any barrier in the universe.

Or to put it more simply!


In front of him.

It has completely lost its meaning!!

Positive universe.

It is also a fixed space.

No matter how strong the annihilation ship is, no matter how strong the energy shield is.

After all, it is a product of the positive universe.

No matter how much you break the cow......

It's impossible to block the entry of a bright ship that is not in the same space, right?


Xu Zi'an discovered.

Multi-dimensional space stealth ability.


It's like a ghost in this world.

There's nothing in the way, it's easy.

Entered the energy shield of Wanzhong Mountain.


Xu Zi'an himself was frightened.

This ability.

It's somehow outrageous.


Xu Zi'an said he was very happy!

Very cool!

Because of the discovery of this feature......

Also represented.

He goes in and out of the positive and negative universes.


There's no longer a need to look for space barriers.


Spatial cracks, spatial turbulence.

In front of him.

It will also be useless!

Why is it that even Xu Zi'an is actually cautious when entering the anti-universe, and he must be fully prepared before he dares to enter?

That's because there is an unstoppable element of spatial turbulence.

And the turbulence of space will blow his bright trumpet to any place in the anti-universe.

That's the hardest part.


After this ability was thoroughly developed.

The multi-dimensional stealth ability itself does not exist in any dimensional space such as the anti-universe and the positive universe.

Naturally, the spatial turbulence could not affect him.


Go wherever you want!

Leave that aside for now.

Just talk about the present.

After Xu Zi'an fired a round at the cockpit of Wanzhong Mountain, he suddenly had a whim.

Immediately took control of the Brilliant in the stealth state of the multi-dimensional space, and tried to see if it could directly enter the location inside the Shizu Starship......

All right.



The enthusiastic Xu Zi moved with peace of mind.

People, disappear again.

The Brilliant also disappeared in place immediately.

At the same time.

Xu Zi'an appeared in the other Bright Ship.

And that Brilliant ......


In the ...... of the Shizu Wanzhong Mountain Starship

In the cargo hold.

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