Xu Zi'an's side.

I want to have a battle with my ancestor without reservation.

This is the case.

It immediately attracted a lot of onlookers.

Even Uncle Chen and others were curious.

So for the time being, the girls stopped training and came to watch.

And the daughters came.


Even if they and Xu Zi'an are teammates.

But actually!

They have never really seen how powerful Xu Zi'an's full force is in the full sense.

If you want to say that you are not curious, it is absolutely a lie.

But except for these people at the scene.

There was no one there.

Even the burly man cut off the communication of the light brain watch.

The reason is simple.

Xu Zi'an is so important!

And Xu Zi'an's entire strength is also the highest top secret among the highest top secrets of the universe human race.

There must be no possibility of leaking out.

Because once it leaks out.

The end result......

It's sure to be targeted by the Zerg and Inhumans!

This is something they absolutely do not want to see.

"Alright, you kid don't grind. "

"Let me see, to a few pounds and a few taels!"

Shi Zu waved his hand and said.

Then he flew towards his own starship.

This is the twenty-seventh time that Xu Zi'an has expressed his amazement and shock at these annihilation ships in front of him.

Annihilation ship.

Limit length –

10 million meters.


10 million meters!!

And the diameter of the earth is less than 13 million meters!

Other words......

A starship.

its length.

That's the diameter of an earth!

What a horrible behemoth!


And how many weapon systems can be carried?

Have you ever seen a 10,000-meter-diameter megacannon?

This cannon went down 923......

A large galaxy will be wiped out!

Just watching.

It has already plunged people into deep despair.


Xu Zi'an: No!

He was excited.

Fight against the peak powerhouse of the Annihilation Level!

And he is also one of the strongest in the Annihilation Level.

This kind of opportunity is not a rare one.

The most important thing is that you can still show your full strength.

Since the ancestors have said so......

Xu Zi'an, of course you won't be polite.

No more hesitation.

Piloting the Brilliant Ship.

Went into combat readiness.

The so-called combat readiness.

It is to directly enter the state of multi-dimensional space overlap!

Brilliant ......

On the basis of the original, the performance is directly enhanced several times!

Opposite side.

Shi Zu also drove his starship over.

Xu Zi'an's brilliant number, 10,000 meters long.


Compare with the ancestors.

It's like the difference between an elephant and an ant.

And at this time.

Shi Zu also said in the communicator: "Okay. "

"If you're ready, attack at any time. "

"In addition, I will strike you with anti-aircraft guns. "

"Pay more attention to yourself. "

Shizu still reminded.

"Until the ancestor. "

Xu Zi'an naturally responded.

Took a deep breath.

The excitement in his eyes was instantly replaced by coldness.

This moment.

He was instantly in a state of battle!

And one goes into combat mode.

Xu Zi'an.

Then he headed towards the ancestor Wanzhong Mountain.

Fired its own cannonballs!

Facing the cannonballs fired by Xu Zi'an.

Shi Zu's face did not change at all.

Just curious, let these shells attack your own starship!

But the next second-

He suddenly frowned, and he sighed in disbelief!

But see!

The energy shield of his starship was attacked by Xu Zi'an.

There was a small ripple fluctuation!


His astral crystal light brain shows.

His energy shield.

0.02 percent damaged!

He couldn't help but be a little shocked.

To know......

He, but the Cosmic Terran, one of the most powerful annihilation ships!

It is also one of the most powerful annihilation ships in the universe!

Invincible in eternity is no joke.

It's truly invincible!

Let's just put it that way......

Even if it's the Zhenyu ship here.

I'm afraid that the damage caused to him is almost like this!

Other words......

Xu Zi'an.

A mere immortal ship.

Actual attack power.

It has reached the level of approaching the Zhenyu ship?!

"Good boy, sure enough, there are two hits!"

Wan Chongshan praised it, and immediately said, "You have to be careful next." "

"I'm going to attack you!"

The voice was full of interest.


He also looked forward to Xu Zi'an's true strength.

In fact, all the shells on his starship are of the type of empty cartridges.

In fact, it is not very lethal.

But after all, it has a certain lethality.

For an annihilation ship, the lethality of an extremely slight is also a very huge lethality.

If you don't get one right, you can just blow up a Void Ship!


An anti-aircraft gun on his starship immediately aimed at Xu Zi'an-

The next second.

Launch Now!!

Its angle is so tricky that ordinary people only look at despair.

It's just a hit.

Its unimaginable Star Wars experience is undoubtedly displayed.


What shocked him even more was yet to come.

Xu Zi'an.

It was just a little bit of a move to the side.

The anti-aircraft shell, which was extremely tricky at this angle, was immediately dodged.

Wanzhongshan's eyes lit up!

The annihilation-level powerhouses who watched the battle also had their eyes lit up!

As soon as the so-called connoisseur makes a move, he will know if there is one.

Just Xu Zi'an's dodge.


All of them give them a faint feeling of facing opponents of the same level!

Of course.

It's just a faint feeling. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And it's just about Star Wars techniques.

But even so.

Enough too!

It's enough (cfbj) to show Xu Zi'an's strength!

The most important thing is.

Dodge at the same time.

Xu Zi'an's starship shells began to output wildly!

Shells by shell.

Also at a tricky angle that is not too bad, it is launched towards Wanzhong Mountain.

"Good !!"

Wan Chongshan's interest was completely mobilized, and after a praise.

Start making a real shot!


is still just an anti-aircraft gun, striking at Xu Zi'an.

But this time!

He's got a little bit of bio-energy!

After bringing in bioenergy.

You will be able to use your mental power to control the angle of attack and the trajectory of the shells.

To put it simply.

Artillery warhead, after being injected with bioenergy. []

It's equivalent to the most accurate guided weapon!

In this case......

People in general.

Few people have been able to hide from the past.


Xu Zi'an.

It's like a loach.

It seems to be thrilling, but it is actually easy to dodge.

The cannonballs of the Brilliant are constantly firing and counterattacking.

Every attack.

They can easily attack the energy shield of Wanzhong Mountain!

And Wanzhong Mountain......

Dodge has also begun!

After all.

He is here to test Xu Zi'an's true strength!

So Xu Zi'an's shooting accuracy and shooting prediction.

Naturally, it was also within the scope of his test!

I just didn't use all of my dodge abilities.

And because of that!

Manzhong Mountain was surprised to find.


The dodge rate is only 50 percent!

Half at most!

Not even half of it!

This time.

Wan Chongshan was really shocked.

And around......


"This ...... World-destroying Star Wars?!"

"It's definitely reached, it's definitely a world-destroying Star Wars ability!"

"No! It's exceeded!

"I remember that Xu Zi'an had received the lifelong experience and skills of a Zerg world-destroying powerhouse, but ...... Isn't that at most only three-tenths or four-tenths of the way to comprehend?

Look at Xu Zi'an's fighting skills......

Not only is this fully understood, but it is slightly beyond ???"

"It is worthy of being the most talented Tianjiao of the human race over the years, and it is worthy of being eternal and brilliant!"

"We must teach them well! Such seedlings must not be delayed!"

The annihilation-level teachers around them were also excited.


Xu Zi'an's true strength.

Far beyond their imagination!

"Good! very good!"

Wan Chongshan couldn't help but praise loudly: "However, next, you have to be careful!"

After speaking.

This time.

It turned out to be directly aimed at Xu Zi'an with ten anti-aircraft guns on the starship!


The firepower of attacking Xu Zi'an directly increased by a full tenfold!


Wanzhongshan is also planning to use some real skills!


I really can't measure Xu Zi'an's true combat effectiveness!


A bio-infused anti-aircraft cannon.

began to attack Xu Zi'an!

Shells by shell.

At unimaginably precise angles.

Start shooting.


He also began to intercept Xu Zi'an's shells at a larger angle!

In the beginning.

Xu Zi'an dodged a lot.


The last few shells.

I can't hide from anything.

Just be bombarded on.

Exploding is unlikely.


It is an inevitable consequence that more than 50% of the damage is directly affected.

Seeing that these shells are about to attack the Bright.

And it's the kind that can't be avoided.

Wan Chongshan couldn't help but smile on his face.

He's stopped.


He thought to himself.

Xu Zi'an's strength has been completely tested.


Absolutely world-destroying Star Wars skills!

And the kind that is completely and thoroughly comprehended and achieved!


They have all made plans for how to formulate an exclusive training plan for Xu Zi'an.

Uncle Chen is a teenager with them.

He smiled slightly.

It's just that......


Or the next second!

Including Manju Mountain.

also includes Uncle Chen, the young man, and them.

The same goes for women!

All of them suddenly looked stunned.

Then there was a look of bewilderment!!。

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