When the explosion sounded in the cargo hold of the Wanzhongshan starship......

The people of Wanzhong Mountain are numb!!

Although the cannonballs of the Brilliant are missed, even if the cannonballs are missed.

It is also impossible to reduce the damage rate of other starships to 70 percent or less.


As long as you are ruthless, you can fire with all your power, and then let the shells and missiles explode outside his starship.

The energy generated by the explosion alone was enough to detonate the Brilliant One.

After all......

At the level of the Annihilation Ship, it's all dark matter weapons!

And dark matter ......


Of course, the premise is that Xu Zi'an does not enter the multidimensional space.

In a word.


Xu Zi'an......


In fact, it is already an invincible existence.

It's just that others can't kill his invincibility.

Will he be able to take out the enemy......

That's another story.

Other than that......

The universe is so big that there are no surprises.

Multidimensional space stealth is not invincible in the absolute sense.

No one can guarantee that in this world, there is really no means or technology that can kill Xu Zi'an.


Wan Chongshan really went all out, and directly used dark matter weapons to blow up this large area of stars. "Five-nine-seven" then let this star field be in a state of super huge space rift at any time.

Unless Xu Zi'an can stay in the multidimensional space all the time, and then leave this star field slowly.

Otherwise, under the blockade, Xu Zi'an will die as long as he comes out.

Other than that.

In a multi-dimensional space, it can only be exercised at a normal and uniform speed, and it is impossible to jump in space.

In a word......

Invincibility is simply invincibility in a broad sense.

Not absolutely invincible in the true sense of the word.

But even so......

They also directly silenced Wanzhong Mountain and this group of annihilation-level powerhouses.

Wanzhong Mountain.

There was silence for a long time.

Suddenly, he took a deep breath, and his voice was a little astringent: "Okay......"

"Come out. "

With his words.

Almost synchronous.

He could clearly sense that inside the ship, the Brilliant was gone.


The Brilliant Ship appears.

Even if I've seen this teleportation ability many times.

Under the eyes of Wanzhong Mountain, he couldn't help but have a complicated look.

Look at the bright number in front of you.

and in the cockpit of the Bright One, Xu Zi'an grinned at himself.

Wan Chongshan, for a while, didn't even know what to say.

stared at Xu Zi'an for a long time.

Wan Chongshan suddenly shook his head and smiled: "That's it." "

"I don't ask about those things. "

"I really didn't expect it......"

"But with all of this. "

"At least you're safe, I don't have to worry about it at all. "

"I'm afraid ......"

Speaking of this, Wan Chongshan's voice was full of exclamation and incredulity: "I'm afraid it's the ...... of the ancient ship."

"Under normal circumstances, there is nothing you can do. "

As he spoke, Wan Chongshan's expression suddenly froze, and he solemnly admonished: "Although I don't know how you did it. "

"I don't know...... Is this kind of you really invincible? "

"And there's no way I'm really going to test you with all my might. "

"But there's one thing, you have to listen to me!"

"You must not think that because you are strong, no one will be able to do anything about you under normal circumstances. "

"You think you're really invincible!"

"It's a big world!"

"The strength and means of the super strong are far beyond your imagination!"

"Once I have the iron heart to kill you, I don't even need an eternal-level ......"

"Maybe the annihilation level, or even the extinction level!"

"It's possible to kill you!"

"Therefore, you must not rely on this ability to risk my life!"

"You are the hope of my human race, the greatest hope of whether my universe human race can unify the universe in the future!"

"So, give me everything to be careful and careful, cautious and cautious, do you hear me!"

Wan Chongshan spoke to Xu Zi'an in such a serious tone for the first time.


He was worried and scared, after Xu Zi'an had this invincible means, he went everywhere to wave and go to the waves without any scruples.

He is the ruler of the cosmic human race.

Until this world, there are too many incredible means and technologies existing.

After all......

The universe is so big, and billions of races have existed for so many years.

Technology has evolved over countless years.

No matter how slow the development of science and technology is!

I don't know how many strange methods have accumulated.

Xu Zi'an's expression was also solemn, and he nodded: "Knowing the ancestor, I will keep it in mind." "

A smile suddenly appeared on Wan Chongshan's face.

The joy in his heart could no longer be suppressed, and he looked up and laughed: "Good boy!"

"You really gave me a huge surprise this time!"

"That's it...... Hahaha, I'm relieved, I don't believe it, Inhuman Zerg, how can I kill you in this situation!"

"Good, good, very good!"

In the laughter, you can see the heartfelt happiness of Wanzhongshan.

"Yes, you really can!"

"This method, I believe that whether it is the strong man of the Inhuman race or the Zerg race, he will have to be confused, right? Hahaha......"

"Don't be confused! Once Xiao An is a little stronger, such as to the vertical level, or even the Zhenyu level, or the supreme level, at that time, even if it is an annihilation-level assassination, it will not be an assassination at that time, but a counter-killing!"

"This is reasonable!! no, no, no, I even suspect that as long as he reaches the Vertical Star, Xiao An can use this method to forcibly kill a World Destruction Level, or even the Annihilation Level!"

"That's impossible! I'm not saying that Xiao An's strength is not enough, but people are not stupid, they can't beat and run!"

"Well, that's right. "


These annihilation-level powerhouses expressed their inner amazement and joy one by one.

are all happy for Xu Zi'an.

In fact, after reaching their level......

The future of the human race is in the first place. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Because they've all made it to the top!

Life is limitless.

The strength can be called the top.

The right has reached the top.

Eternal ......

That's unattainable.

Therefore, no matter how miraculous and rebellious Xu Zi'an's ability is.

As a matter of fact.

None of them will covet it in the slightest.


These things are no longer attractive to them.

The only way to make the human race unify the universe and make the human race the most powerful race.

It's the only thing they think about.

Of course......

Let's not say that they don't covet it.

Even if there is......

When he saw Xu Zi'an's miraculous abilities, that bit of covetousness disappeared completely.......

You can't kill people at all, what do you covet people?


As for asking Xu Zi'an to hand over this means...... []

I didn't think about it at all!

First of all.

can share it, Xu Zi'an must share it first.

Over the years, no one will doubt Xu Zi'an's innocence towards the human race.


Even if Xu Zi'an really took the initiative to contribute, they would definitely refuse!

The reason is simple.

This ability.

It's so special!

Such a rebellious ability......

Who can be sure that it will not be passed on?

Once it spreads, let the Inhumans and Zerg know about it.

The consequences are unimaginable.

Look at the women.

They were completely numb.

Don't want to ask anything.

I don't want to think about anything!


No matter how much Xu Zi'an is against the sky.

They didn't bother to care.

In this life.

Just follow him.

The crowd was amazed for a while.

Wan Chongshan coughed lightly, and couldn't help but say with a little embarrassment: "That...... Xiao An. "

"That's right, what about you, wait and collect these magical powers of yours!"

"With your normal strength, come and fight me. "

"After all, it's to test your true combat power, although these are also part of your strength. "

"However, if you want to see your shortcomings in Star Wars from these aspects, I'm afraid you can't do it. "

"So if you want to improve, let's fight normally!"

The words of Wanzhong Mountain.

Uncle Chen couldn't help but chuckle a few times.

They all felt so embarrassed for Wan Chongshan.

Before you begin.

Wanzhong Mountain is called a self-confidence!

Say anything to let Xu Zi'an come, it's no problem at all.

It's good now.

Xu Zi'an did let go.

But what about the result......

But Xu Zi'an is completely helpless!

There is one thing to say.

This is a little 1.4 slap in the face!

After all......

He's an annihilation-level!

And it is an invincible existence of annihilation!


But he was stunned and couldn't help but have a small immortal level......

Laughing and laughing.

Uncle Chen's expressions couldn't help but freeze.

It seems like......



Replace them with them.

And there is no way?


It seems that even an immortal level can't be dealt with?!


So what am I laughing at?!

That side.

Wan Chongshan's expression also revealed helplessness.

What could he do?

He doesn't want to do that!

Who would have thought of it......

An immortal level.

There is no way to let him even be annihilated?

Shame is shame......

But this is our grandson!

This is the future and hope of our human race!

The more he rebels, the happier I am with the old man!

Come to think of it.

A smile resurfaced on Wan Chongshan's face.

Even looking at Uncle Chen, the young man had a little smugness in his eyes.

As if to say-

Are you too embarrassed to laugh at me?

This is my grandson.

Do you have one?!。

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