Ghost Slayer: Please let me be a human being

Chapter 80 Infinite City (Please subscribe!)

"Is Akaza crazy?"

This was the first thought that came to Aoki's mind.

There was no way Akaza didn't know that he killed Douma.

Even if Akaza hated Douma, he should know Douma's strength.

What's the difference between attacking him and seeking death?

However, Aoki quickly remembered his eyeballs and suddenly thought about it.

Akaza's eyes were full of murderous intent, and he punched Aoki in the face.


Aoki caught Akaza's fist steadily, and when he was about to fight back, his feet suddenly became empty, the solid ground disappeared, and a strange city appeared under him.

"Infinite City, as expected!"

Aoki quickly formed the general outline of the current situation in his mind.

Mingnu should be looking for him, and he is at least one of the targets.

Akaza is the bait, and the Infinite City is the battlefield.

This is probably another trap prepared for him by Muzan Kibutsuji.

Aoki's eyes moved, and he let his body fall into the Infinite City.


Aoki landed steadily on a platform and looked up.

Buildings intertwined and connected to form a strange city.

Infinite City is a different space.

"Space shuttle" can only reach the place you can see with your eyes. It is indeed impossible to leave Infinite City with "space shuttle".


Aoki felt the space mark in his mind and observed the surroundings calmly.

If he was trapped before killing Douma, it would be a bit dangerous.

But now.


A sharp sound of breaking through the air suddenly came from behind.

Aoki turned around and punched out.


The two fists collided and a wave of air exploded.

Aoki did not move, but Akaza flew out, turned over and landed, and his golden pupils could not hide his solemnity.

The defector was able to kill Douma, so his strength must have improved a lot.

However, the power of the defector was still far beyond his expectations.


The air was cut open, and a black shadow-like whip fell from the sky and lashed down.

Aoki's figure suddenly disappeared.

Crack, crack!

The building under him just now split in two from the middle.

Aoki turned his head to look.

A young man with a pale face and plum-red eyes walked out slowly.

His two arms turned into long thorn whips, and the whips were covered with sharp and ferocious hooks.

"Muzan Kibutsuji!" Aoki said calmly.

After going through so much trouble, how could Muzan Kibutsuji not take action himself?

Before entering the Infinite City, he thought that he would face Muzan Kibutsuji.

"Defector, this time I'll see how you escape!" Muzan Kibutsuji said in a cold tone, with murderous intent rolling in his eyes.

On the left, a pot suddenly appeared, and a strange ghost with a mouth in the place of eyes and eyeballs in the mouth came out from it. The words "Upper String" and "Five" were engraved in his eyes, and his mouth opened and closed, making a weird laugh.

On the right, a short demon with curved horns on his head and five drums with the word "zō" written on his back walked out slowly, with "Upper String" and "Si" engraved in his eyes.

In front of him was the murderous Muzan Kibutsuji, and behind him, Akaza was staring at him.

"Wait, there are two more?"

Aoki felt something and looked down.

There was a platform diagonally below, and a woman holding a pipa was sitting on the platform, with her long black hair spread out, and the single eye on her face was particularly eye-catching.

Next to her stood a man wearing a purple and black kimono, with long crimson hair in a high ponytail, and a long sword on his waist. The most eye-catching thing was that he had six eyes on his face, and the two middle eyes were engraved with "Upper String" and "Ichi" respectively.

The new Upper String Six, Naruto!

And the strongest man second only to Muzan Kibutsuji, Upper String One Kokushibo.

Okay, now they are all here.

However, did Muzan Kibutsuji send Kokushibo to protect Naruto?

He thought it through very well.

So thoughtful that he didn't seem like Muzan Kibutsuji.

Aoki looked around: "These are all the upper ranks, right? I didn't expect that they all came. Am I the first opponent to have the Demon King and the upper ranks go out together?"

"Rat, this game is over!"

A flash of cruelty flashed across Muzan Kibutsuji's face, and he swung his arm and whipped Aoki with a whistling whip.

With such speed and power, it's no wonder that even Yoriichi Tsugikoku felt a chill down his spine.


A huge wooden skink emerged from the right.

Countless sharp-toothed slimy fish spewed out of the pot on the left, flying towards Aoki like a river, and all the sharp-toothed slimy fish had bloodthirsty desires in their eyes.

Akaza did not launch an attack, staring at Aoki, like a wild wolf that would pounce at any time.

In the transparent world, Aoki had already discovered their attack.

However, these attacks were terrifying, and he did not dare to take them head-on.

There was no need to take them head-on.

With a flash of his figure, Qingmu disappeared from the encirclement of the four ghosts and appeared out of thin air above Mingnu's head.


Mingnu plucked the pipa, and a wooden board suddenly appeared, lying between the two of them.


Qingmu punched down, and the wooden board broke into pieces.

But what appeared in his vision was not Mingnu's head, but a strange long sword with eyeballs all over the blade, handle, and hilt.

"One form, dark moon, palace of night!"

The strange long sword slashed, leaving a large number of irregular small moon-shaped blades.

Qingmu did not dodge, but punched forward.

"Qingmu style, judgment!"


Kuroshibo took two steps back, and Aoki remained motionless. There was a deep wound on his fist, but it healed in an instant.

With a flash of his figure, Aoki appeared on the other side of Naruto.

A blade grew out of the blade of Kokushibo's long sword, and slashed down diagonally: "Eighth Form, Moon Dragon Wheel Tail!"

A huge slash surrounded by countless crescent blades instantly enveloped Aoki.

"This attack power, this range, worthy of being one of the upper strings!"

Aoki did not dare to let this attack fall on him, so he had to give up attacking Naruto and smashed down with both fists.


The slash broke, and his fist was also cut open with a huge gash.

At this time, the building under him suddenly rose, and whips whistled down from the top of his head.

The attacks of other ghosts also arrived.

Aoki's figure disappeared and appeared dozens of meters away from the battlefield.

"So many people are besieging me? Do you dare to fight me in single combat?

Kokushibo, where is your dignity as a swordsman?

Muzan Kibutsuji, don't you claim to be invincible? Don't you feel ashamed to besiege me with your little brothers?"

No one paid attention to his provocation.


Two thorn whips crossed and basically blocked all possible escape routes.

Aoki's figure disappeared again.

Muzan Kibutsuji said in a cold tone: "Mouse, run as much as you can. The moment you run out of energy, you will die! From the moment you were locked up in the Infinite City, your fate has been determined!"

"You made a good calculation." Aoki said.

"Space Shuttle" consumes a lot of energy.

Although his physical and mental strength have greatly increased compared to when he first learned it, it is impossible to use it infinitely.

According to the frequency of use just now, he can't even last a day.

But the premise is that he can really be trapped here.

Aoki looked at Mingnu and his figure disappeared again.

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