Ghost Slayer: Please let me be a human being

Chapter 79 Discovering Aoki (Please subscribe!)

One day, two days passed in a flash.

Qingmu looked up at the sky.

The light gray clouds covered the sky, and the raindrops like cow hair fell from the sky, and the air was filled with a faint fragrance of soil.

It was raining.

And, judging from the weather conditions, it should rain in the next three days.

The day with the strongest sunshine this year is over.

The blue red spider lily did not bloom.

"It seems that we can only wait until next year." Qingmu stood up.

Because he was mentally prepared, he was not particularly disappointed.

He did not waste these days.

Because the blue red spider lily only blooms during the day, he ran around at night and practiced "space mark shuttle".

After seven days, he was basically able to use it freely.

There were also a few more space marks.

Qingmu took a last look at the weed-like blue red spider lily and prepared to leave.

As for moving them away, he never thought about it.

The blue red spider lily has extremely high requirements for the growth environment. There may be only a few of them in the whole world, and it is almost impossible to transplant them.

If there is no other impact, according to the development of the original plot, these blue flowers will not be destroyed within two hundred years, so there is no need to do this.

"Mr. Aomura! Mr. Aomura! Mr. Aomura!"

A familiar shout came from outside the flower field, and Aoki turned his head to look.

A pair of boys and girls were standing outside the flower field waving at him, with sunny and innocent smiles on their faces.

It was Tanjiro and Nezuko.

This was the third time Tanjiro had come in the past seven days.

It was said that because of the money, the family's life was no longer tight, and they wanted to teach him the God of Fire Kagura as soon as possible.

This was also what Aoki mainly did during the day in the past week.

For now, it is not very optimistic.

With his control over his body, he still did not feel any effect after seven days.

Of course, it may also be that he is not suitable for the Breathing of the Sun.

Aoki walked outside and soon reunited with the Kamado brothers and sisters.

Tanjiro asked, "Mr. Aomura, are you ready to leave?"

Aoki said, "Yes, the strongest sunshine this year has passed, and the blue flowers of the other shore have not bloomed yet. We can only wait until next year."

Nezuko looked up at him, her eyes curved into crescents: "It's just right. We went down the mountain yesterday to buy a lot of food. Mr. Aomura, please stay for dinner!"

The three of them walked back while chatting, and returned to Tanjiro's hut in the evening.

Aoki declined Tanjiro's family's request to stay for dinner.

Aoi Kamado said, "Mr. Aomura, are you in such a hurry to leave? It's not safe in the mountains at night. Why don't you wait until dawn before going down the mountain!"

"No, I have something urgent to do and must leave immediately!"

Aoki said, "But don't worry, Madam, I will come to disturb you often in the future. I hope you won't be annoyed by then."

He also has to learn the God of Fire Kagura, and will definitely deal with Tanjiro's family often in the future.

However, he was not lying when he said he had something important to do.

He wanted to send the blood of Tanjiro's family to Miss Tamayo, and let her study it. He wanted to leave some space marks everywhere to serve as teleportation points.

He also had to discuss with Ubuyashiki Yoya how to make full use of "space mark shuttle" to kill demons quickly.

In short, he still had a lot of important things to do.

If the blue red spider lily did not have a fixed opening time, it would not stay here for so long.

Aoi Kamado smiled: "How could it be? You are welcome to come anytime."

Aoki waved at Nezuko.

"Mr. Aomura."

Nezuko trotted over.

Aoki took out a jade token. On one side, silver lines outlined a complex diamond pattern, which looked beautiful and mysterious.

"This is a talisman I made myself. I give it to you. You must wear it on your body and smash it when you encounter danger."

"Thank you, Mr. Aomura." Nezuko took it with both hands, her face flushed.

Aoki waved at them and turned away.

The Kamado family watched him leave.

After Aoki's back disappeared, they swarmed around.

"Sister, what did Mr. Aomura give you? Let me see it!"

"Wow! This is so beautiful."

"I want to see it too! I want to see it too!"

Nezuko looked nervous: "Be careful, don't break it!"

Kamado Aoi looked at her with a smile: "Mr. Aomura seems to really like Nezuko."

She didn't think much about it.

First, the age gap between the two was too big. Second, Mr. Aomura was not only good to her eldest daughter, but more accurately, he was particularly close to her eldest son and eldest daughter.

"Yes!" Tanjiro smiled.

Kamado Aoi shouted: "Okay, stop playing, get ready to eat, there's a lot of meat today!"

Hearing that there was meat to eat, the little radish heads' attention was diverted and they gathered around Kamado Aoi.

Because Tanjuro Kamado was in poor health, their family had always been in a difficult situation and rarely had meat.

Nezuko carefully put away the jade card, and a smile appeared on her fair and pretty face.

"Nezuko, come and eat!" Tanjiro waved.

"I'll be right there!"

Nezuko jumped over.

Aoki was very fast, taking several meters in one step, and soon left Kumotoriki.

Coming to the town that I passed by before, it was still quiet here, and there was no light.

"I wanted to buy some wine."

Aoki showed a regretful expression and was about to leave when he suddenly stopped.

There was light rain falling in the sky, and the night was particularly dark tonight.

However, relying on the ghost's excellent dark vision, he clearly saw that a strange eyeball appeared out of thin air on the streets of the town.

"This is?"

Aoki felt a strong sense of déjà vu in his heart.

The next moment, her eyes turned around and happened to meet his gaze.

The huge word "LU" in the middle of the eyeball is clearly visible.

"Is this, Narume? Six? Six on the string?"

Aoki's pupils shrank.

Did Tsuji Muzan promote Naruto to the sixth rank of the upper string?

So what's going on with the Demon Slayer Squad now?

Couldn't he have been destroyed during his period of seclusion?

at the same time.

In the infinite city.

Naruto suddenly raised her head.

"Master Wuhan, we found the defector!"

Ghost Dance Tsuji Muzan, who was sitting calmly on the chair, stood up, and a powerful aura erupted from his body.

"Very good! Finally found it! Go according to the original plan!"


Narume responded while playing her lute.


Thinking that the Demon Slayer Squad might have been destroyed, Aoki's heart skipped a beat, but he quickly dismissed this speculation.

It wouldn't be difficult for the Demon Slayers to find him.

If the team was really going to be wiped out, there was no way no one would notify him.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared.

His body is covered in sinner tattoos, and he has pink hair and golden eyes.

"Yiwo seat?"

Aoki said in surprise.


Yiwozuo rushed towards Aoki without any hesitation.

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