Ghost Slayer: Please let me be a human being

Chapter 81 Recovering Strength (Subscribe please!)

Demon Slayer Headquarters.

"What? Everything disappeared?"

Ubuyashiki Yaoya's usually calm face also showed signs of confusion: "Are you sure?"

Immortal Kawa Saneya opened his chest, two more scars were added to his body, and his tone was low and powerful.

"Sure, all the eyeballs disappeared overnight!"

Ubuyashiki Yōya murmured: "The eyeballs disappeared. Could it be said that the ghosts have found what they want? What are they looking for?"

Quack quack!

Suddenly, a crow swooped down and plunged into Ubuya Shiki Yoya's arms. His face changed slightly: "Hachu Taro? What's wrong? What happened to Mr. Aomura?"

The crows have great wisdom, and most of them have their own names.

Even the team members may not know the name of his own bird, but he remembers the names of all the team members and their bird.

The crow gasped, flapped its wings, and explained anxiously.

Ubuyashiki Yōya's expression was solemn: "Disappeared? You mean, Mr. Aomura was walking on the road, and the third one suddenly appeared, and then they disappeared together?"

Immortal Sakawa Saneya's expression was serious: "Could it be that he used his own ability to leave?"

Without waiting for the crow to explain, Ubuyashiki Yaoya said: "No! Mr. Aomura's ability cannot directly transport the enemy!"

Immortal Kawakawa Saneya thought for a while: "He must not have been killed. No one can kill him silently, not even Kibutsuji Mukai!

The blood ghost technique on the third string is not the type of transferring people. It is certain that there must be other ghosts involved in this matter. "

Ubuyashiki Yōya said slowly: "Shiya, do you think it's possible that the eyeballs were looking for Mr. Aomura?"

Immortal Sekawa Saneya's face changed slightly, and after thinking about it carefully, this possibility really existed, and the possibility was not small.

During this period, Qingcun killed many ghosts, including Shang Xian Er.

He can also become stronger by eating ghosts.

The ghosts will definitely regard him as a thorn in their side and a thorn in their flesh.

There aren't many targets that would make a demon spend so much effort. If it weren't for their demon slaying team, the remaining options would be...

"This is a remission of my duty."

Ubuyashiki Yōya sighed.

Because Mr. Aomura made it clear that he did not want the Demon Slayer Squad to get involved, he did not let anyone inform Mr. Aomura about the eyeballs out of the desire to avoid suspicion.

More importantly, he did not expect that with Mr. Qingcun's strength, an accident would really happen.

"My lord, there is no need to blame yourself. No one expected that such a thing would happen."

Immortal Mikawa comforted him, and then said: "If this is really a conspiracy against Aomura, then what he faces is definitely not just as simple as one or two ghosts. This operation is likely to be carried out by Onimusuji Muzan himself. Planned!”

Ubuyashiki Yoshiya also understood this truth and said categorically: "We must find a way to support Mr. Aomura!"

"I'll go!"

Immortal Kawa Saneya said.

During this period, Qingcun has proven to be a qualified ally.

Since we are allies, there is no reason to sit back and ignore it.

"I'm afraid it's not enough for Saneya alone!" Ubuyashiki Yoshiya said.

Immortal Mikawa Saneya said: "Tomioka Giyuu should be nearby, let him go with us!"

"It can only be the."

Ubuyashiki Yoshiya nodded. The pillars were scattered in various places. For a while, it was impossible to gather them all.

"Shiya, you and Giyuu remember to focus on finding Mr. Aomura's traces and providing support, don't act rashly!"

"I understand, my lord!" Immortal Kawa Saneya responded.

Although they are very unwilling to do so, as of now, with their strength, it would be difficult even to deal with the upper string, not to mention Muzan Kibutsuji.

He and Tomioka Giyu joined forces and probably could only barely protect themselves.

In this case, Qingcun will be even more important.

Infinite City.

Large areas of buildings collapsed and turned into ruins. Infinite City seemed to have been devastated by a Category 12 typhoon.


This was not caused by Aoki.

It can even be said that most of them have nothing to do with Aoki.

The one who contributed the most was Muzan Onimushuji, followed by Heishimou, Hantengu and the others.


A thorn whip was whipped over, but Aoki couldn't avoid it. With a hiss, a huge gash was torn open in his waist, and a large amount of blood spurted out.

Before the next attack came, Aoki activated the "space shuttle" in time and distanced himself from Oniitsuji Muzan.

Oniwu Tsuji Muzan glanced at the wound on Aoki's waist and sneered: "It seems that you don't have much energy left!"

Aoki didn't refute.

He did have very little physical strength left, and the speed of wound healing had slowed down a lot.

The fighting had been going on all night.

Except for the beginning, he has been consciously controlling his consumption.

No longer use "Transparent World", "Space Shuttle" can be saved as much as possible, and after being injured, it can be repaired and will not regenerate.

However, even if he intended to control it, he was already close to the limit.

Fortunately, not even Ghost Dance Tsuji Mumei could cause substantial damage to him, and he only consumed some physical energy.

But similarly, he didn't cause much harm to Wu Ke and the others.

Faced with the siege from Onimusuji Muzan and numerous upper strings, he was almost always on the run for his life, with few opportunities to fight back.

In addition, as the dominant side, Black Death Mou and Yiwo Zuo have not continued to fight, and their physical strength is still very abundant.

And Oniitsuji Mumei is still in his prime.

Muzan Kibutsuji has five brains and seven hearts. This special body structure gives him an extremely abnormal recovery speed and almost unlimited physical strength.

"Mouse, then prepare to meet your death!" Seeing victory in sight, Muzan Kibutsuji no longer hesitated, quickly approached Aoki, and pulled out two thorn whips.


Aoki "space shuttled" away, and a red pill quietly appeared in his palm, which he swallowed quickly.

It melted in his mouth with a faint fragrance and a hint of sweetness.

It tasted really good!

Since he became a demon, he has never tasted anything other than wine.

This was the first and only time.

But before Aoki could taste it carefully, the pill melted quickly like ice and snow, and then a stream of warm current flowed from his chest to his limbs, and his originally exhausted physical strength quickly recovered.

That's right.

He just ate the Qi and Blood Pill.

He gave one to Butterfly Kanae before, and he had two left.

It came in handy again.

Fortunately, I didn't eat it as a snack before.

At the same time.

All the wounds on Aoki's body healed instantly.

Muzan Kibutsuji was slightly stunned, with a look of doubt on his face: "What's the matter with this recovery speed? Isn't his physical strength almost exhausted? Why did the recovery speed suddenly become faster?"

The faces of the upper rankers also showed a trace of astonishment.

Aoki looked at them: "It seems that I can't die for the time being, come on, let's start the second round!"

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