"You are just imitating Muzan Kibutsuji." Aoki was not panicked at all.

Just kidding.

The last time Douma ran away, it was because it was daybreak.

This time, there is no such condition.

Aoki's figure disappeared silently.

Douma tried to run away.

The dignity of a samurai was like waste paper to him.

He was not afraid of death, but he didn't want to die either.

A figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

Douma reacted very quickly and waved his fan: "Blood Demon Art, Scattering Lotus!"

Under the moonlight, the tiny ice petals fluttered, like a dream, but the edge of the flower was as sharp as a blade, and it could easily harvest the life that touched the petals.

Aoki narrowed his eyes slightly, and "Transparent World" and "Battle Intuition" were used to the limit. He instantly found a path and approached Douma almost unscathed.

Bang bang bang! The collision was rapid and violent.

A group of black shadows flew over.

Kocho Kanae and Tomioka Giyuu subconsciously dodged, and only after the black shadow landed did they realize it was Douma.

Then, another figure appeared, and his fist smashed down with a mighty force.


The earth rolled and cracked.

Kocho Kanae and Tomioka Giyuu took a few steps back, looking at the dying Upper String Two, and gradually felt relieved.

Only then did they realize that they were too concerned.

With Mr. Aomura's ability, how could the enemy escape?

Douma lay on the ground, with a huge hole in his chest, blood constantly flowing from the corner of his mouth, the wound squirming, but not recovering.

His physical strength was exhausted, his regeneration ability collapsed, and he was on the verge of his limit.

"I didn't expect that I would die in the hands of a demon."

Douma's face was calm and indifferent, with no fear, no unwillingness, no despair, and no emotions in his eyes.

"At this time, is it a good thing to have no feelings?" Aoki shook the blood off his hands.

Douma glanced at him indifferently: "Defector, don't be too proud, the master will definitely..."


His head exploded like a watermelon.

"Open your mouth, Muzan, shut up, Muzan, I didn't expect you to be so loyal!"

Aoki muttered to himself, retracted his feet, and stretched out his palm.

An invisible vortex appeared, and Douma's body twisted and disappeared, as if swallowed by an invisible big mouth.

Kocho Kanae and Tomioka Giyuu watched intently.

They all knew that Mr. Aomura could become stronger by swallowing ghosts, but this was the first time they saw the specific process.

Unlike what they imagined, the whole process was not terrifying, just a little weird.

[Constitution +1. ]

[Free skill points +2. ]

[Kill the second upper string and gain 2000 experience points. ]

[Congratulations on your upgrade! ]

[End a battle and gain 42 experience points. ]


Aoki sighed with satisfaction.

It has to be an upper string.

This experience, this reward, is really comfortable.

The previous gains that barely broke through double digits were simply unbearable to look at!

"Martial Artist" also gained 42 experience points.

Not bad.

A lot of gains.

Without paying attention to the butterfly Kanae and Tomioka Giyuu next to him, Aoki directly opened the system.

[Name: Aoki]

[Strength: 19]

[Constitution: 19]

[Intelligence: 19]

[Agility: 19]

[Occupation: Hunter, White Walker, Martial Artist]

[Free attribute points: 2]


[White Walker]

Quality: ★★

Level: lv15 (813/1500)

Skills: Ghost Blood IV, Space Shuttle, Transparent World, Devouring Ghost II

Mission: The Last Days of Upper Moon (2/3)

Free skill points: 5


[Martial Artist]

Quality: ☆

Level: lv3 (53/300)

Skills: Heart of Martial Arts, Combat Intuition, Body Control (Not Learned Yet), Unyielding Will (Not Learned Yet)

Gained 1 point of constitution, and the attributes were just balanced.

According to the previous idea, Qingmu first allocated 2 free attribute points to strength and intelligence.

The former can directly increase attack power, while the latter has many benefits including enhancing mental strength.

After the attribute points are arranged, the real focus is here.

The last upgrade saved 2 skill points, the "ghost swallower" got 2 extra skill points, plus the 1 skill point obtained from the upgrade.

A total of 5 free skill points, and one more skill can be learned.

Qingmu's eyes stayed on the level 5 "ghost blood" and the level 2 "space shuttle".

The level 2 "transparent world" prompts that the prerequisite skills are insufficient, and it should wait until the "ghost blood" is upgraded to another level before learning, so don't consider it for now.

According to his previous idea, he planned to learn the level 5 "ghost blood" first.

Not only can you get 4 attributes, so that all attributes can reach the 20-point mark, but you can also break through the bloodline limit and overcome the weakness of death by decapitation.

And the level 2 "space shuttle" can only increase the speed of travel, which is not very helpful for combat effectiveness.

However, the painful experience of these three months made him change his mind.

At present, his combat effectiveness is enough.

Douma has died in his hands.

Kokushibo is at most on par with him. If they fight to the death, he will definitely be the final winner.

The only one who threatens him in this world is Muzan Kibutsuji.

However, the gap between him and Muzan Kibutsuji now cannot be made up by 4 attributes.

As for the weakness of being afraid of being beheaded by the Nichirin Sword, it also has no effect.

Now he and the Demon Slayer Corps are allies, and they have been getting along well for the past few months. It is basically impossible for the Demon Slayer Corps to harm him.

If he really encounters danger, he can just run away.

After reaching level 15, it is obvious that the experience gain will be reduced again.

But with the level 2 "Space Shuttle", his travel time will be greatly reduced. In the future, the only thing that restricts his upgrade speed is the speed of the Demon Slayer Corps obtaining intelligence.

It's a long story, but in reality, Aoki's mind just turned over the thought, and it took less than a second to make a decision.

"Learn level 2 'Space Shuttle'!"

As for "Demon Blood", I can only say sorry.

Although it came first, "Space Shuttle" is more important now.

This upgrade was uneventful. A piece of information appeared in Aoki's mind out of thin air, and then it ended.

The only change of level 2 "Space Shuttle" is that it can make space imprints.

Transmission through space imprints is not limited by distance, and the consumption is very small.

After Aoki carefully felt it, a sense of déjà vu rose in his heart.

"Isn't this the Flying Thunder God?"

Generally speaking, the two are indeed very similar, but there are still differences in details.

First, the space mark cannot be engraved on a living body.

Secondly, if you are not proficient in the power of space, it is almost impossible to erase the space mark, but if the carrier is destroyed, the space mark will automatically collapse.

"This feature is not entirely a disadvantage." Qingmu wiped his chin.

The collapse of the space mark is a process. Before the structure completely collapses, it can still be transmitted.

Although he has not tried it yet, he should be able to feel this change.

Using this feature, you can make a "summoning prop".

Of course.

It may also be used by the enemy, so you must be careful when making a space mark.

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