Aoki put away his distracting thoughts and said: "Miss Kanae, Mr. Giyu, you can deal with other issues and leave the child grinding to me."

Butterfly Kanae looked at him with her beautiful eyes: "Mr. Aomura, are you alone?"

"That's enough." Aoki said.

They have never joined forces to fight against the enemy, and there is no tacit understanding at all.

More importantly, what if they really cut off Tong Mo's neck?

This kind of elite monster is a precious resource. It takes more than half a year to encounter one, and it still won't be refreshed.

He would rather work harder on his own than take the risk of being robbed of monsters.

Butterfly Kanae and Tomioka Giyuu looked at each other.


They didn't waste any time and rushed towards the temple immediately.

"Vampire technique, lotus leaf ice!"

Tong Mo waved his fan, and the mist full of ice crystals dispersed, and ice crystal lotus flowers condensed.

"Flower Breath, Two Types, Mikage Plum!"

"Breath of Water, Three Forms, Flowing Dance!"

The pink sword and the blue sword flashed, the ice crystal lotus shattered, and the ice mist was blown away. Tomioka Giyu grabbed the middle-aged man who was paralyzed by fear, and Butterfly Kanae entered the temple without looking back.

Tong Mo waved his fan and was about to attack again.

"Your opponent is me!"

Aoki's figure emerged from behind, his fist clenched, like a spear, suddenly thrust out.

"Aoki-ryu, Judgment!"

This is a new move he created.

Concentrate all the power on one point to cause devastating damage. While the attack power is powerful, it is also easy to connect with other moves.

Around Tong Mo, an ice crystal lotus suddenly bloomed.

But the next moment, with a "bang", the ice crystal lotus shattered and turned into countless ice shards. Tong Mo fell from the roof like a meteor and hit the ground heavily. His left shoulder, left hand, and half of his chest disappeared, and his flesh and blood squirmed. It just can't be healed.

"His strength has become stronger!"

Tong Mo didn't hesitate at all.

"Vampire magic, Water Lily Bodhisattva!"


An ice crystal Buddha more than ten meters high rises from the ground.

He felt it last time. The defector's attack carried a special power and caused great harm to the ghost.

Having to avoid getting hurt by the defectors, "Water Lily" is the only option.

This is not enough.

Tong Mopan sits on the lotus flower on the right shoulder of the Buddha, waving his fan continuously.

"The art of blood ghosts, the royal son of crystallization!"

Groups of ice crystals flew out, and after landing, they turned into an iceman with the same appearance as him but two sizes smaller in physique.

Tong Mo's body slowly merged into the ice crystal Buddha, with a soft smile on his face: "I have helpers too!"

The ice people didn't hesitate at all and immediately launched an attack.

Lotus leaf ice, vine lotus flower, scattered lotus flower, cold white princess, cold winter icicle... one after another ice attack hit Aoki, and the power was not inferior to the blood ghost technique used by Tong Mo himself.

The surrounding temperature suddenly changed, as if it had suddenly entered the cold winter of December 9th from the dog days of summer.

Tomioka Yoshiyuki looked grim.

"This is the power of the second string!"

Not to mention the ice crystal Buddha, not to mention the Second String itself, it was these ice men. He felt that it was not easy for him to deal with them.

"How will Mr. Aomura respond? Do I want to help?"

Just when Tomioka Giyuu was thinking, Aoki's figure suddenly disappeared.

next moment.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang!

Six voices sounded almost at the same time, and the six ice men instantly shattered to the ground. Ice shards flew and fell to the ground, forming clusters of white flowers.

Aoki's figure appeared where it was before, as if it had never moved.

Aoki-ryu, feast!

This is another move he created, which combines "space shuttle" and "combat intuition" to maximize power and speed and break through the limit of the cooldown time.

The only drawback is that it consumes a lot of money.

"All destroyed?"

Tomioka Yoshiyuki's eyes froze, and he subconsciously thought, if they encountered this move when they were sparring with Mr. Aomura, could they have blocked it?

He shook his head secretly, feeling not optimistic.

"How could you take out Miko so quickly!"

Tong Mo's eyes flashed and his figure merged into the giant Buddha.

At the same time, the Ice Crystal Buddha raised his palm and slashed towards Aoki.

It was as if a nerve in Aoki's mind was touched. His body automatically avoided the knife and struck horizontally with his right elbow.

With a bang, the Ice Crystal Buddha's palm and forearm were shattered.

After learning the "Martial Arts Heart", his moves became more precise and concise, while the "Combat Intuition" improved his fighting instincts, and his fighting consciousness and fighting skills improved a lot.

Hoo ho ho!

A gust of cold wind came.

Aoki felt that even with his current physique, if he was hit by a blow, his body would become stiff.

He turned sharply to avoid the cold wind, and then used "space shuttle" to get close to the Ice Crystal Buddha, brazenly engaging in close combat with the Ice Crystal Buddha.

While maintaining the giant Buddha, Tong Mo emerged from various locations and attacked Aoki with the vampire technique.

After settling the matter within the Eternal Paradise Sect, Butterfly Kanae hurried outside and watched the battle between Aoki and Tongmo, her beautiful eyes filled with brilliance.

"Mr. Aomura has become stronger!"

Tomioka Giyuu nodded slowly.

The strength of the second string is very powerful.

His previous thoughts were not wrong.

It was impossible for him and Kanae to defeat Kamejoji.

However, in front of Mr. Aomura, such a powerful Shangxian Er was almost powerless to fight back.

Neither of them spoke again, watching the battle nervously.


Half of the Ice Buddha's body was shattered, and Douma glanced at Aoki indifferently.

After becoming a demon, he had the thought that he might die for the first time in his mind, but he still had no fear in his heart.


The ice spread, and the Ice Buddha's body recovered as before.

The body condensed by the blood demon art was not affected by the "devouring demon".

However, Aoki noticed that the repair speed of the Ice Crystal Buddha had dropped significantly, and the body had become much rougher.

It was obvious that Douma's physical strength was running out!

The physical strength of demons is very strong, but it is definitely not infinite.

Under the influence of various conditions, even Muzan Kibutsuji's physical strength would be exhausted.

"Water Lily Bodhisattva" is such a terrifying move, and it consumes a lot of energy. It is very scary to be able to maintain it for so long after it is constantly broken and reorganized.

In comparison, Aoki's physical strength is still very abundant.

He has always been very restrained in using "space shuttle" and "transparent world".

"It's time!"

Aoki dodged Bingfo's knife and his eyes became sharp instantly.

"Aoki style, feast!"

Bang bang bang...

Bingfo suffered six attacks in an instant, and his body was torn into pieces, but there was no Douma inside.

"Mr. Aomura, he's running away!"

Kanae Kocho's anxious voice came.

Aoki's eyes turned and immediately locked onto Douma who was fleeing quickly.

Kanae Kocho and Giyu Tomioka chased closely, but their speed was obviously not as fast as Douma.

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