Kanae Kocho's pretty face was full of amazement, while Giyu Tomioka was still expressionless, but there was a little more surprise in his eyes.

They all clearly felt that Mr. Aomura's aura had suddenly become much stronger.

It was no secret among the top members of the Demon Slayer Corps that Mr. Aomura could become stronger by devouring demons.

He had just devoured the Upper Rank Two, so it was normal for him to become stronger.

What shocked them was the extent to which Mr. Aomura had become stronger.

A thought suddenly popped up in Kanae Kocho's mind: "If he devours enough demons, can Mr. Aomura's strength surpass Muzan Kibutsuji?"

She was startled by her own thoughts, and her heartbeat accelerated a little, but she soon calmed down.

"Mr. Aomura is also a demon. It's unlikely that he can surpass the ancestor of demons...right?

However, demons become stronger by eating humans. I've never heard of a demon eating a demon to become stronger. Mr. Aomura is undoubtedly special. It's not impossible for him to surpass Muzan Kibutsuji..."

Found that Mr. Aomura seemed to have "digested" everything, Kocho Kanae put away her messy thoughts: "Mr. Aomura, what to do next?"

Aoki pondered slightly: "I plan to find a place to rest first, and then go to Tanjiro tomorrow."

The battle with Douma also consumed a lot of his energy.

The key is to use "Feast" twice.

For him now, this is an absolute big move.

The powerful power is exchanged for terrible consumption.

Even if we don't mention other things, just twelve "space shuttles" will consume a lot of physical and mental strength.

In fact, in order to break the cooling time limit of "space shuttle", the consumption of "feast" is much greater than the normal use of "space shuttle".


With the devouring of Douma, his physical strength has been restored. Rest is just an excuse. His real plan is to study the space mark.

Level 2 "Space Shuttle" is almost another skill.

He was full of interest and couldn't wait to experience it.

Anyway, Tanjiro's house is there, and he won't run away by himself.

One day earlier or later, it doesn't make much difference.

Tomioka Giyu nodded silently, agreeing without saying a word.

Butterfly Kanae pursed her lips and smiled: "Then Mr. Aomura, go and have a rest, just leave this to us!"

The Upper String Two was completely solved by Mr. Aomura alone.

Not to mention just wanting to take a rest, even if there are more excessive requests, she has no objection.

Aoki said again: "Miss Kanae, after I go back this time, I hope to meet with the head of the Ubuyashiki family."

"To meet the lord?" Butterfly Kanae showed some curiosity on her face, but didn't ask more: "I will tell the lord."

"Then trouble you!"

Aoki said.

After making an appointment with Tomioka Giyu for the meeting place tomorrow, he left alone.


Muzan Kibutsuji's long hair danced wildly, his face was ferocious, his veins bulged, and strips of whips stretched out from his back.

The earth was broken and the buildings collapsed.

The people around were terrified and fled away like crazy.

In the blink of an eye, the bustling streets became empty.


Muzan Kibutsuji said word by word, his voice was as cold as ice, and his killing intent was chilling.

The defectors and the Demon Slayer Corps were mixed together, and the death rate of demons increased dramatically during this period.

He had no feelings for his own kind, and he didn't want to increase the number of demons at all.

However, he needed demons to find blue red spider lilies for him and find the traces of the Ubuyashiki clan.

The death of a large number of demons made him extremely angry.

Now, even Douma is dead!

Although he doesn't like Douma, Douma is the second upper string he chose anyway, and the second strongest demon under his command.

The vacancy after the death of Jifutaro has not been filled yet, and now the upper string is missing another corner.

He feels that the system he has built is collapsing.

And all this is because of the defector!

Unlike the Demon Slayer Corps, or even the monster back then, the defector is a demon, and also has an endless lifespan.

If the defector is not dealt with, the threat he brings will never disappear.

"The defector must die! Moreover, all his secrets are mine!"

The ferocious expression of Muzan Kibutsuji gradually calmed down, but the murderous intent in his eyes increased, and his figure suddenly disappeared.

Infinite Castle.

Mingnu was sitting on a high platform holding a pipa, with long black hair hanging down from both sides, covering half of her face, revealing only a small nose and a delicate mouth.

The figure of Muzan Kibutsuji appeared beside him.

There are two missing upper strings, and they must be supplemented as soon as possible.

However, demons with the potential to become upper strings are very rare.

After the death of Jifu Taro, he has been looking for a replacement, and he has not met one that satisfies him until now.

No, there is still one.

Muzan Kibutsuji looked at Mingnu.

Mingnu is the demon he knows so far, who has the most hope of becoming an upper string.

As long as she can bear a large amount of his blood, Mingnu's strength will increase rapidly.

However, if she cannot bear it, Mingnu is likely to die.

Mingnu is in charge of the Infinite City, which is very important to him.

If an accident happens, Mingnu dies and the Infinite City collapses, it will be a huge loss for him.

Muzan Kibutsuji looked at Mingnu silently, his pale face without any expression, but the murderous intent and tyranny in his eyes became stronger and stronger.


He suddenly raised his palm and pierced Mingnu's forehead with his index finger, and a large amount of blood spurted out from his fingertips.

Muzan Kibutsuji's voice was without any emotion: "Mingnu, if you can hold on, I will let you be the upper rank."

If you don't solve the defector, the trouble will never go away, and it will even get worse.

And to solve the defector, you must first restrain the defector's ability to escape.

The last incident has proved that it is impossible to kill the defector without solving this problem.

Even if he does it himself.

He thought about it and the only way to restrain the defector's ability is the Infinite City.

The Infinite City is an independent space with a limited area and is under the control of Mingnu.

Once the defector comes in, he will become a mouse in a cage.

However, before that, it is necessary to strengthen Mingnu's power and strengthen the control of the Infinite City. At the same time, it is necessary to use Mingnu's ability to search for defectors.


Muzan Kibutsuji pulled out his fingers.


Mingnu screamed, her neck stiffened, and she looked up suddenly, her long hair scattered, revealing her true face under the cover.

Below her nose, she looked like a human, but above that, there was only one eye the size of an egg in the middle of her face.


Mingnu's body twitched constantly.

Blue veins spread outward from the single eye, gradually covering her entire face.

Her hair seemed to have become living tentacles, floating and swaying, blending into the wall behind her, and spreading outward continuously, forming a pattern full of twisted lines.


Infinite City seemed to have an earthquake, the building shook violently, and cracks appeared on the ground.

At the same time, Mingnu's aura became stronger and stronger.

I don't know how long it took.

Mingnu stopped struggling, and the movement in Infinite City stopped.

She raised her head, revealing a face full of blue veins, and in the single eye in the middle, there was a word "Lu".

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