Okutama County, Mount Otake.

The moon was bright in the sky, the stars were like weaving, and the breeze blew, making the leaves rustle.


With the sound of light footsteps, a team of people came to the foot of the mountain.

The leader was wearing a dark blue uniform and a butterfly pattern feather knitting. He was tall, elegant and beautiful, and exuded a gentle temperament.

"Are you sure it's here?"

There was a bit of seriousness in the gentle voice of Butterfly Kanae.

The "Hidden" member said respectfully: "Yes, Master Huazhu, we found the believers of the Eternal Paradise. Through them, we confirmed that the founder of the Eternal Paradise is a young man with white oak hair and colorful pupils."

"Upper String Two, Douma!"

Butterfly Kanae muttered in her heart. She remembered this image very deeply.

God will not let down those who work hard.

After getting the information from Mr. Aomura, more than three months have passed, and finally found it.

Butterfly Kanae did not climb the mountain rashly.

She knew how terrifying Douma's strength was.

If she relied on herself, she couldn't even protect herself, let alone kill Douma.

She had to wait for support!

Hula la.

A burst of hurried footsteps sounded, and soon, a young man wearing two-color haori and expressionless figure landed lightly beside him.

"Mr. Giyuu, you're here!"

Kanae Kocho breathed a sigh of relief.

With two people, they could at least hold Douma for a while.

Even if something unexpected happened, they were not completely helpless.

"You're here too?" A hint of surprise flashed in Giyuu Tomioka's eyes: "Is the target this time the upper string?"

Kanae Kocho said concisely: "Upper String Two, Douma!"

"Upper String Two!" Giyuu Tomioka's eyes narrowed slightly: "Is anyone else coming?"

After sparring with Mr. Aomura, the pillars realized that it was difficult to defeat the upper strings with one person's strength.

Facing the upper string two, even if he and Kanae Kocho joined forces, it would probably be difficult to win.

He was not afraid of danger or difficulty, but he was worried about wasting this precious opportunity.

"Yes!" Butterfly Kanae nodded: "Mr. Aomura will come too."

Mr. Aomura?

That's no problem.

Tomioka Giyuu asked: "When will Mr. Aomura come?"

"I'm already here!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a familiar male voice sounded next to him.

Everyone looked in the direction of the sound.

A tall and straight figure appeared on the ground that was empty just now.

The captivating golden vertical pupils swept over, and Aoki's expression was slightly surprised: "Ms. Kanae, Mr. Giyuu, you two are here too, um... That means the target this time is likely to be an upper string, could it be Douma?"

The logic of this judgment is very simple, Douma is the upper string they are most likely to find at present.

Butterfly Kanae said: "Mr. Aomura guessed right, according to the investigation of 'Hidden', the Eternal Paradise Sect is on this mountain!"

"Finally found it!"

A flash of excitement flashed in Aoki's eyes.

It's really a big fish!

It came very timely.

He was worrying about the experience needed to reach level 15.

Tomioka Giyu looked at Aoki: "Mr. Aomura, there is news about the boy named Kamado Tanjiro you are looking for. His home is on Mount Kumotori, northwest of here."

"Double happiness!"

Aoki smiled: "Let's go, first deal with Douma, then find Tanjiro!"

He walked forward first, followed by Kocho Kanae and Tomioka Giyu.

The members of "Inari" did not leave, but followed the three people from a distance, ready to support at any time.

Walking on the rugged mountain road and passing through the dense forest, a luxurious temple appeared in front of everyone.

Lanterns were hung on the eaves of the temple, and the word "paradise" was written on each lantern.

"It seems we have found the right place." Aoki looked at the temple from a distance.

Mount Otake is a thousand meters high and covers a vast area.

Although there are many families living there and there are some villages at the foot of the mountain, Mount Otake is like other remote areas of this era, closed, backward, and rarely communicated with the outside world.

Douma and the Eternal Paradise Cult hid in Mount Otake, like a grain of sand on the loess, inconspicuous.

No wonder the Demon Slayer Corps took more than three months.

If he relied on himself, he might not be able to find this place in three to five years.


The door of the luxurious temple opened, and a middle-aged man holding a lantern came out. Seeing the three people, he was slightly stunned.

"I didn't expect someone to come so late. Do you want to join the church? Come with me, I'll take you to see the founder."

The three Aoki did not move, and the expressions of Butterfly Kanae and Tomioka Giyuu became very serious.

The middle-aged man waved at them: "Come here! Our founder of the Eternal Paradise is the son of God who is loved by the gods. He does not need to rest and can receive believers even at night."

Aoki said: "No need, your leader has come out to greet us personally."

The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, and suddenly looked up.

A young man with white oak hair and colorful pupils sat cross-legged on the roof of the temple, his palm supporting his chin, with a gentle smile on his face.

"I didn't expect you to find this place, it really surprised me!"

Tomioka Giyu quietly grasped the hilt of the knife, and his expressionless face became even colder.

"Is this the second upper string? Such a terrifying aura, no wonder Kanae is not his opponent, but..."

He glanced at Aoki next to him.

"I feel inferior to Mr. Aomura."

He felt extremely threatened by Shang Xian Er, but facing Mr. Aomura, he felt like he was facing an insurmountable mountain.

"It's really not easy to find you."

Aoki paused: "Besides, I have been looking forward to this day for a long time."

Ever since he defeated the prostitute Taro and the Fallen Princess, he has been looking for Tongmo.

It has been more than half a year now.

Tong Mo tilted his head, looked at Butterfly Kanae, his smile became brighter, and he waved the fan in his hand.

"Miss Huazhu, we meet again! I'm so happy to see you again!"

He covered his mouth with a fan and said, "I regretted not being able to eat you last time. I won't miss it this time."

Butterfly Kanae said seriously: "Me too, I won't let you escape this time!"

Tong Mo smiled and glanced at the three of them: "It turns out that the Demon Slayer Squad has really cooperated with the defectors. During this period, you have caused a lot of trouble, and Lord Wuhan is very angry!"

Aoki said: "Let him look away, the angry one is still behind! If he gets angry to death, I won't have the chance to take off his head myself!"

The smile on Tong Mo's face faded a bit.

"You are really annoying!"

Aoki's expression was slightly strange.

I'm told that I'm annoyed by the guy who's annoying everyone else.

Speaking of which, Giyuu in the pillars and Tongma in the ghost gather together. This is a scene that has never happened in the original work.

The last chapter was modified a little bit, the destination was changed to Dayue Mountain, and I went directly to find Tong Mo.

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