"Mom is dead too!"

An indifferent voice came from the sky.

"I thought you were going to try and save her!"

Aoki looked calm and looked up.

A young man in white clothes and white hair stood in the air. His long hair covered his left eye, and there was a spider web pattern under his robe.

Bottom line five, tired.

"Parents who cannot protect their children have no need to exist!"

There was no emotion in Tired's voice, and he looked at Aoki coldly.

This defector is indeed capable of killing ghosts.


Large snowflakes were flying, and two more ghosts fell from the sky.

On the left is a female ghost with long white hair simply tied up and a cute face. The ghost on the right is tall and muscular, with a huge spider head.

These two ghosts are Tired's "sister" and "father".

Aoki didn't pay attention to them, still looking tired.

This is a twisted guy.

Ghosts don’t live in groups.

According to Tamashi, it was because Tsuji Muzan was afraid that ghosts would gather and rebel against him.

It sounds ridiculous, but considering that he is Muzan Kibutsuji, it is really possible.

However, tiredness has privileges.

Because he and Kibutsuji Muzan had similar experiences during their lifetimes. They were both born frail and sick and needed to stay in bed for a long time. Kibutsuji Muzan gave him special care.

After becoming a ghost, Lei killed his parents with his own hands and frantically pursued the bonds of family ties, forming a false family in the hope of filling the emptiness in his heart.

Unable to understand human emotions, he only uses terror and strength to maintain his family.

Anyone who dares to disobey him will be tortured and exposed to the sun to death.

And as the fatigue becomes stronger, the memory of human beings is gradually forgotten, becoming even more empty.

Poor, pathetic, hateful, and ridiculous.

In a sense, this is the overall portrayal of ghosts.


Except for Ghost Dance Tsuji Muzan.

"Before I do anything, I want to ask a question."

Aoki said: "How are the six and four of the lower strings?"

"They did not do their job well and have been executed by the adults!" Lei Leng said.

Aoki couldn't help but frown.

Oniwu Tsuji Mukai is still as cruel as ever.

He didn't care about the life or death of the ghosts, but with two missing characters, his task suddenly became more difficult.

"Has Kibutsuji Muzan promoted new Shimogori No. 6 and Shimokori No. 4?" Aoki asked again.

"How dare you call the Lord by his first name?"

With an angry expression on his face, he shouted lowly and waved his arms.

Five transparent threads tore through the air, making a sharp explosion.

"Don't show off such trivial tricks."

Aoki's expression remained normal and he swept his arms.


The thread breaks.

"It seems that you have become a lot stronger during this time, so let me see what you are capable of."

Blood oozed from the tired fingertips and invaded the silk threads, turning the transparent spider silk into red.

"Don't hurt my family!"

Ghost Dad roared and rushed towards Aoki first.


Aoki whipped his leg with a high whip.

Ghost Dad raised his hand to block, but his neck was kicked off and he rolled and flew out.

"What a good opportunity!" Sister Gui's eyes lit up, she raised her palm and prepared to launch the spider web.

Suddenly, a pair of golden vertical pupils glanced at her, majestic, cold, and murderous.

She shuddered and found that there was an extra fist in her eyes, which quickly enlarged.


The head exploded, blood and flesh splattered.

Before killing the BOSS, clear the mobs first. This is the standard way of playing.

Aoki's eyes were cold and his hands were like knives.

Swish, brush, brush!

Sister Ghost's body was torn into pieces and turned into a pile of minced meat, scattered on the ground.

at this time.

Countless red spider threads suddenly appeared, surrounding the surroundings and covering all sides of the green wood.

The spider silk was woven into a web between his hands, and he looked at Aoki indifferently: "Vampire technique, killing eye cage."

"Aoki-ryu, storm!"

Aoki was like a violent tank, violently tearing open the bloodshot cage.

His fists were full of wounds, and his body was covered with bruises.

But in the blink of an eye, everything was healed.

Tired eyes were stern.

This defector has actually become so strong!

He waved his hands, and ten bloodshot streaks crisscrossed and were drawn towards Aoki.

Aoki smiled ferociously and reached out to grab it.


His left hand was cut off instantly and his right hand was cut in half, but he finally managed to grab two spider silks.

"Not good!" Lei's face changed slightly.

But before he could make any move, Aoki grabbed the bloody thread and yanked it hard.

Lei fell from the spider silk and flew towards Aoki uncontrollably.

Aoki bent his knees slightly, the snowflakes under his feet suddenly exploded, and his body rose into the sky.

The distance between the two disappeared instantly.

With a quick flick of his tired fingers, a simple spider web quickly formed.

Aoki ignored it and stretched his body into a long bow, his fists rising from top to bottom like cannonballs.


Tired half of his head exploded and flew out.

Aoki landed on the top of a big tree, knelt down, kicked off, and rushed towards Lei in an instant.

Lei Fei was flying in the air, his body lost his balance, but with the flick of his fingers, blood-colored spider threads flew around, pulling his body back quickly.

Qingmu fell from the sky and landed on a spider silk. With the elasticity of the spider silk, he suddenly jumped out and caught up with Lei.

This time the two sides changed directions, with Aoki at the top and Tired at the bottom.

"Aoki-ryu, death calamity!"

Aoki punched hard.

Death Tribulation is a combo skill. According to the enemy's counterattack, the attack method is adjusted. The offensive is continuous and the more you fight, the stronger it becomes.

Although Lei mainly relies on spider silk to fight, he is not completely ignorant of close combat.

The two fought frantically.

However, Aoki soon took advantage of his position and the exquisiteness of Death Tribulation.

After defeating Lei's defense, he changed his moves and changed to Storm.

Boom boom boom boom!

In a blink of an eye, Lei's body became broken and a lot of blood sprayed, dyeing the snow red.

Just as they were about to fall to the ground and Aoki was about to put an end to Lei, a shadow suddenly rushed out from the side.

"Don't hurt my family!"

Ghost Dad roared and hit Aoki fiercely, knocking Aoki out.

Lei took the opportunity to escape, and countless blood lines gathered in front of him, weaving into a giant vortex-shaped cocoon.

"Get out of here!"

Aoki stretched out his arms, broke free from the restraints of the ghost father, and grabbed his head, but did not attack immediately, instead he turned his head to look at Lei.

Lei's hair was disheveled, and his left eye with the words "Xiawu" engraved on it was full of anger.

Since he became a ghost, this was the first time he was so embarrassed.

"Blood ghost technique, engraved line rotation."

The vortex-shaped cocoon sprayed out countless blood threads, like a gorgeous blood rain.

Aoki threw the ghost father over.

The blood threads pierced through the ghost father and continued to fly.

He took a defensive stance and tried his best to break the blood threads, but there were still many unblocked ones, and there were many small holes on his body.

However, for him, this was not even a minor injury.

After all the blood threads disappeared, Aoki looked at Lei's previous position, but he did not see Lei's figure.

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