Ghost Slayer: Please let me be a human being

Chapter 30 Nada Spider Mountain

The strong wind slapped the treetops, and the snowflakes danced with the wind.


Aoki walked on the rugged mountain road, but it was as smooth as walking on flat ground, leaving a long string of footprints in the snow.


Next to the footprints, a piece of grass covered with snow shook slightly, and a monster with a human head and a spider body came out. It stared at Aoki's back faintly, its eight legs were slightly bent, and it pounced forward.

Aoki suddenly turned around and slapped him.


The human-headed spider screamed, flew out, and hit a big tree heavily.

After seeing clearly what was attacking him, Aoki couldn't help but frown.

These human-headed spiders looked weird and scary, but he knew that they were originally humans, and they became like this because they were poisoned by ghosts.


Suddenly, a large number of human-headed spiders came from all directions and surrounded Aoki.

Aoki ignored them and looked up.

A wooden house was suspended in the air by transparent silk threads. Hanging on the silk threads connected to the trees next to it were several people with shrunken bodies who were transforming into spiders.

Click click click.

A monster slowly climbed out of the suspended wooden house. It also had the head of a human and the body of a spider, but it was larger than an ordinary human being.

There are a total of five ghosts in Natian Spider Mountain, namely Xiexian Wulei and the four ghosts pretending to be his family members.

This spider ghost is Tired Brother.

Also the culprit behind those human-headed spiders!

"Why is it a ghost?"

The spider ghost looked disappointed and opened his mouth: "You..."

Aoki suddenly appeared above the spider ghost and stepped down.

Bang bang bang!

The spider thread broke, the wooden house collapsed, and the spider ghost was stepped on by Aoki and fell like a meteor.


The spider ghost's body was severed from the middle, spitting out a large mouthful of blood, and turned to look at Aoki, his expression suddenly horrified.

"You're a defector!"

The regeneration that can restrain ghosts, the one who can kill ghosts, the defector who is more terrifying than the Demon Slayer Squad!

"Don't talk to me, you disgusting thing, your only value is to die quickly!"

Aoki frowned, raised his foot, and dropped it heavily.


The spider ghost's head exploded, but his body did not hesitate and ran away frantically.

The defectors are coming to Natian Spider Mountain.

I have to get tired!

You can only deal with him if you are tired!

The air fluctuates, outlining Aoki's figure.

The headless spider ghost didn't realize it and bumped into it.

Aoki raised his feet.


The spider ghost flew up.

Aoki caught up, his palms flying, and the spider legs fell down. When the spider ghost fell to the ground, only one body was left.

"It's a little disgusting."

Looking at the ghost on the ground, Aoki had the feeling of "not wanting to kill" for the first time, and the thought of swallowing this thing gave him goosebumps.

Sighing, Aoki stretched out his palm.

Now is not the time to be picky.

The spider ghost's body began to twist and soften. At this moment, Aoki suddenly turned his head and looked in the other direction of the jungle.


A plump female ghost with white clothes and white hair, who looked like a ghost with a layer of white powder all over her body, sat on the ground with a look of fear on her face.

She quickly got up and ran away as fast as she could.

"Is that tired 'Mom'?"

Aoki did not chase her immediately, but looked up at the sky.

A black crow stood on the top of the tree, looking around curiously, looking harmless.

Suddenly, their eyes met.

The black crow's feathers exploded and almost fell from the treetop. Without hesitation, it flapped its wings and flew towards the sky.

As the land and trees became smaller and smaller, it relaxed.

"There are actually ghosts here, and there are more than one. We must do it as soon as possible..."

The black crow suddenly opened his eyes.

It felt a huge force restraining its body, and out of the corner of its eye, it saw what seemed to be a palm.

Before it could figure it out, its vision turned dark and it found itself back on the ground.

"Is this the Demon Slayer's Dark Crow?"

Aoki looked at the crow in his hand with interest.

The crow is the messenger for the Demon Slayer Corps to transmit information and communicate with each other. It has great wisdom. Each member of the Demon Slayer Corps has a crow partner.

"It's over, it's over! My life is at stake! How did he catch me?" The black crow wailed in his heart.

Aoki threw the crow upwards vigorously.


The black crow was stunned for a moment, then quickly flapped its wings and flew into the sky, but did not leave immediately. It looked at Aoki warily and suspiciously.

What happened to this ghost?

Why let it go?

Its little head can no longer turn around.

Aoki had no intention of explaining.

"Go ahead and call someone over. Those human-headed spiders should still be saved."

The black crow glanced at him, no longer hesitated, flapped its wings, and flew away quickly.

Things are so exciting today.

It was just passing by here and saw a ghost fighting, so it took a curious look.

Unexpectedly, this sight almost killed it.


The black crow recalled the key information collected, used up all its energy to feed, and flapped its wings a little faster.

the other side.

The ghost mother ran as fast as she could, constantly recalling the scene of the spider ghost being killed and devoured in her mind.

"The rumors about the defector are true! He can really kill ghosts!"

Suddenly, she felt her legs getting cold, her body lost balance, and she fell forward uncontrollably.


After rolling several times, she finally stopped, her body covered with snow, but the ghost mother didn't care about it at all. She looked back in horror, but she saw nothing.

Before she could breathe a sigh of relief, a strange male voice came into her ears.

"In my hometown, there is an old saying that it is better to live a miserable life than to die a good death."

The ghost mother's body stiffened and she turned her head slowly.

On a stone in front, there was a figure sitting, with a pair of golden vertical pupils that were particularly eye-catching.

Qingmu looked at the ghost mother calmly: "But if you have already embarked on the wrong path and are living a particularly painful life, giving up is actually a good choice, what do you think?"

Should ghosts die?

From a human perspective, most ghosts deserve to die.

Eating people is an absolute taboo for humans.

If he were a human, he would definitely agree to exterminate ghosts.

But to some extent, ghosts are also very pitiful things.

Not every ghost turns into a ghost on their own initiative. In the beginning, many ghosts were victims.

Many ghosts will forget their memories of being human and turn into monsters with only a few obsessions such as eating people, becoming stronger, and staying alive.


The ghost mother opened her mouth and suddenly felt a burst of darkness coming, and her consciousness slowly sank into it.

"Aoki Style, funeral."

Aoki's figure appeared beside him: "All the previous things are written off, go with peace of mind!"

"Ah, so peaceful."

The ghost mother glanced at Aoki and slowly closed her eyes.

"Then let's end it like this!"

Funeral, a move created by combining "space shuttle", is characterized by being swift and sharp, and ending the enemy silently.

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