Lei controlled the spider silk and cut off the flesh near the wound on his head. The suppressed regeneration ability was restored and the wound healed quickly.

"How can it be so strong?"

His eyes were filled with anger.

The last time he saw Master Muzan, he vowed that as long as he saw the defector, he would help Master Muzan capture him.

As a result, he fled now.

Of course, in terms of strength, he did not think he was inferior to the defector.

But this was an unfair battle.

He hit the other party, but it didn't hurt, but the other party hit him, and every blow was to the bone.

How to fight this?

"Where are you going?"

A faint voice sounded in his ears.

Lei's face changed, and he swung his arms without looking back.


Five blood-colored silk threads broke through the air.

However, he judged from the sound that he did not hit the enemy.

Lei stopped suddenly and looked at Qingmu in front of him, his eyes full of confusion and shock.

"Why did he go ahead of me?"

This is not a matter of speed, the sound was clearly behind him just now.

Aoki looked at Lei, whose wounds were almost completely healed, and shook his head secretly.

He had known for a long time that the regeneration ability would be restored by removing the flesh and blood around the wounds caused by the "Demon Swallower".

To fight against the Lower Strings, who have strong recovery and physical strength, it is necessary to destroy their resistance in one breath, otherwise, even with the "Demon Swallower", it is still possible to fall into a protracted war.

Aoki raised his palm and pointed it at Lei's head: "I wanted to play with you for a while, but I didn't expect you to escape. Forget it, anyway, the strength has been tested almost, so I'll finish you off in one breath."

"Solve me in one breath? Don't be so arrogant!" Lei said coldly, and at the same time secretly alerted.

Lord Muzan said that the defector seemed to have mastered the blood demon technique that could enhance strength in a short period of time.

Aoki smiled.

Lei is good at using spider silk to attack, and is poor at close combat. When fighting with Lei, the most important thing is to close the distance.

And this is actually what he is best at.

"Are you ready?"

Aoki asked, and then disappeared out of thin air.

Before Lei could react, a big hand pressed on his face.

"Look, I caught you!"

An annoying voice sounded, and at the same time, a great force fell down.

He screamed, his neck was twisted, his head was deformed, and he was almost forced into his chest.

"Get out of here!" Lei's fingers shot out bloody threads.

But the person in front of him suddenly disappeared again.

He had an epiphany: "Is it similar to the ability of the Infinite City Naruto?"

Knowing doesn't mean there is a way to deal with it.


A sharp sound of breaking through the air sounded behind him, and Lei only felt a pain in his neck, and then his vision rolled up.

"Aoki Style, Storm."

Aoki didn't hold back, and no one came to save Lei this time.

When his head fell to the ground, his body had been torn into pieces, and the flesh and blood at the broken end were wriggling, unable to heal or regenerate.

But he still didn't lose consciousness, and was about to grow a pair of arms on his head.

But the next moment, a big foot fell from the sky.


The broken body stopped struggling, leaving only the instinctive twitching of flesh and blood.

Aoki didn't hesitate and directly absorbed him with "Demon Swallowing".

[Kill the Lower Moon Five and gain 600 experience points. ]

[Congratulations, you have leveled up. ]

"The rewards for the Lower Moon are so generous!"

Aoki raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Before, the ghost father gave him 180 experience points, and the other three ghosts gave him 209 experience points.

Total, the Lei family gave him 989 experience points.

This is not counting the benefits of "The End of the Lower Moon".

As expected, killing elite monsters is the best way to level up.

Of the 2 free attribute points, Aoki first added 1 point to the constitution to balance the attributes.

Then he added the other 1 point to the strength.

The free skill points are still saved first.

[Name: Aoki]

[Strength: 14]

[Constitution: 13]

[Intelligence: 13]

[Agility: 13]

[Occupation: Hunter, White Walker]

[White Walker]

Quality: ★★

Level: lv7 (394/700)

Skills: Demon Blood III, Space Shuttle, Transparent World (not yet learned), Devouring Demons

Quest: The End of the Lower Moon (1/3)

Free Skill Points: 2

Looking at the system panel, Aoki showed a satisfied expression: "With another 300 experience points, you can learn level 4 'Demonic Blood'."

Kanae Kocho stopped and looked up at the mountain in front of her.

"Is this the Nada Spider Mountain?"

A crow stood on her shoulder, flapped its wings twice, brushed off the snow on its head, and nodded: "Yes! It's here!"

"Then let's go up the mountain quickly!"

Kanae Butterfly looked back at the members of "Hidden" and waved: "Everyone follow me!"

Under the leadership of the crow, they soon arrived at the place where Aoki and the spider ghost had fought before.

"It seems that the battle was not fierce, and the strength gap between the two sides is very large."

Kanae Butterfly looked around, and the traces of the battle had not been covered by the snow.

"Found it! Found it!"

A member of "Hidden" ran over with a human-headed spider.

Kanae Butterfly's expression immediately became serious, not caring about the terrifying appearance of the human-headed spider, and carefully examined it.

After a while, she raised her head, her face a little ugly.

"It can still be treated, but it should be difficult to recover, and there is a high probability that sequelae will be left."

The member of "Hidden" did not speak. In his opinion, this was already amazing.

Master Huazhu is not only powerful and gentle, but also has superb medical skills. He is the object of admiration of everyone in the Demon Slayer Corps.

After arranging the treatment, Butterfly Kanae stood up.

"You treat the wounded here, I will go to search for the traces of the demons."

According to the crow, there is more than one demon on this mountain.

Moreover, it saw with its own eyes that after the fight, one of the demons with golden eyes killed another demon.

For the Demon Slayer Corps, this is completely beyond cognition.

It is common for demons to fight with demons, but the only way for a demon to kill another demon is to use sunlight, and no other methods have been heard of.

In fact, the Demon Slayer Corps can only kill demons with the Sunwheel Sword.

Butterfly Kanae is very fast, like a beautiful butterfly shuttling through the jungle.

However, she did not find any trace of the demon.

Suddenly, Butterfly Kanae stopped and looked at the messy ground in front of her.

The sharp blade cut into several trees, the pitted ground, and the snowflakes stained red by blood.

"Another battlefield, and the fighting is much more intense than the previous one."

Butterfly Kanae felt something and looked up suddenly.

There was a figure on the crown of the big tree in front. Judging from the breath, it was undoubtedly a ghost.

Aoki also looked down at the same time.

A familiar yet unfamiliar figure appeared in his vision.

The same uniform and haori, similar hair accessories and face, the difference is that the girl in his memory is short, while this girl is tall and straight.

"Is she Butterfly Kanae?"

Aoki sighed in his heart.

This gentle breath like water is really comfortable.

Nodding gently to the girl, Aoki activated "space shuttle" and the figure disappeared instantly.

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