Ghost Slayer: Please let me be a human being

Chapter 206: Retreat and Calm Belt

The streets were full of people, bustling and bustling.

Everyone wanted to leave, but couldn't find a way, and the atmosphere of panic continued to spread.

Life in the Shampoo Islands is not easy. As the end point of the first half of the Grand Line, pirates arrive every day, and they are all powerful pirates who conquered the first half of the Grand Line.

Danger is always around, and conflicts and killings are commonplace.

However, no one thought that they would suffer the Demon-Slaying Order.

A young woman holding a child mixed in with the crowd, her face full of fear.

The swaddled child was calm and looked at its mother with its big black eyes.

Suddenly, a huge noise exploded in the crowd.

The young woman suddenly tensed up: "Has the demon-slaying order begun?"

At this time, a voice full of surprise sounded.

"The troops are withdrawing! The navy is withdrawing!"

The crowd fell silent for a moment, then started to roar even louder.


"Did the Navy really withdraw its troops?"

"It's absolutely true! If you don't believe me, just take a look!"

An image of the phone bug is projected onto the wall next to it.

In the picture, dozens of warships turned around and slowly sailed into the distance.

Many people cried with joy.

"What's going on? Hasn't the navy already decided to launch the demon-slaying order?"

"It is said that the Dragon King appeared, fought with three admirals, no matter the outcome, and finally left calmly.

The navy's target is the Dragon King. With the Dragon King gone, there is no reason to continue to launch the demon-slaying order against the Chambord Islands. "

"The Dragon King fights three admirals alone?"

"Isn't this normal? The Dragon King is a super vicious man who dares to kill the Celestial Dragons and has a bounty of 5 billion."

"Wow, wow, great! Fortunately, there is a Dragon King!"

"Hey! Did you make a mistake? He was the one who attracted the navy!"

Listening to the discussion around her, the young woman lost strength in her legs, collapsed on the ground, hugged her child, and started to cry.

The swaddling child stretched out his white and tender hands and touched his mother's hair.

Aoki flapped his wings gently and floated in the air.

"There is still a gap!"

The two-and-a-half-star "White Walker King" at full level and the four-star "Infinite Dragon Beast" at level 19 are already over level 40 in total.

But strength is obviously not calculated this way.

Aoki had an idea, opened the system and looked over.

Infinitydramon is already at level 19, one step away from level 20.

He originally planned to find a few monsters to kill in the Shampoo Islands.

Although there is a huge difference in intensity between the first half and the second half of the Grand Line, the Chambord Islands have concentrated the essence of the first half, and are still somewhat elite.

I didn't expect the world government and navy to move so quickly.

Plan ruined?

I have just received a mission, and it is impossible to destroy the naval fleet just now.

We can only look for the target later.

However, this task is not difficult.

More ships does not necessarily mean strength.

For example, the Creek Pirates in the East China Sea are a super fleet with more than 50 ships.

But he was chopped to pieces by Hawkeye alone.

"It's time to go find Hancock and the others!"

Aoki turned off the system and his figure suddenly disappeared.

A sloop sailed quickly on the sea.

Xia Qi put down the phone bug.

"The navy has withdrawn. Brother Aoki showed up and had a fight with Akainu and the three of them, and then left safely."

Reilly smiled: "It seems we don't have to move."

He still liked the Chambord Islands.

When you have no money to buy wine, you can sell yourself for money.

More importantly, the Chambord Islands were the end point of the first half of the former Grand Line and the bridgehead to the New World.

If a pirate who inherits the captain's will appears, he will definitely pass through here.

Xia Qi lit up a cigarette and took a puff: "I wonder how Brother Aoki escaped from the Shampoo Islands without a trace?"

Others may still be wondering whether Aoki escaped from the Shampoo Islands or was originally outside the island, but they know the truth very clearly.

Just as Rayleigh was about to say something, his expression suddenly changed, and he quickly walked to the cabin and opened the door.

Aoki turned around and nodded slightly: "Your Excellency Pluto, Ms. Xia Qi."

"Today's young people are really getting more and more amazing!" Reilly said with emotion.

His Seba Qi didn't feel the middle process, didn't find any precursors, and suddenly there was a powerful aura in the cabin.

Xia Qi walked over from behind and looked at Qingmu in the cabin, with surprise on her face.

"Brother Aoki, how did you find me here?"

"I left a little mark on Hancock."

Aoki said.

Xia Qi glanced at him and smiled: "Fighting against three admirals alone, I didn't lose at all. Brother Aoki, you are in the limelight again today."

Aoki was stunned: "Who said that?"

Xia Qi said: "Who needs to say this? Many people on the Shampoo Islands have witnessed the battle between you and Akainu!"

"It's just a couple of simple hand-to-hand fights. I'm fighting against three admirals alone. You think so highly of me!"

Aoki shook his head.

In its ultimate form, the Infinity Dragon Beast can resist due to its rough skin and thick flesh.

In his normal state, he couldn't even defeat a naval admiral.

Not intending to dwell on this matter any further, Aoki changed the subject.

"Do you know how to get to Amazon Lily?"

"Do not worry!"

Xia Qi nodded and took out a permanent pointer, with a slightly emotional look in her eyes.

Since she left Amazon Lily, she has never returned. Decades have passed in a flash.

I thought this record pointer would always be a souvenir, but I didn't expect that there would be a chance to use it.

"How long will it take?"

"At least seven days!"

Qingmu thought for a while and said, "I have nothing to do these days, how about starting the domineering teaching?"

He can also take the opportunity to learn about it.

"I am planning to do that."

Xia Qi looked at Hancock.


Hancock nodded without thinking, she also wanted to become stronger as soon as possible and go to sea with Qingmu.

In a blink of an eye, six days passed.

On the deck.

Two figures are fighting quickly.

Qingmu stood in the middle, motionless as a mountain, allowing Hancock to attack.


Suddenly, dark clouds floated in the sky, the wind was howling, and silver snakes shuttled.

In a blink of an eye, raindrops as big as beans fell.

"Let's stop here today!"

Aoki put away his posture.

This is a small activity they started in the past two days. It can not only increase Hancock's combat experience, but also help him control his strength.


Hancock wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Rayleigh praised: "Very powerful boxing. Not to mention strength, your boxing skills are rarely matched in the world!"

"I have been honing it for a long time."

Aoki was not modest.

He also has a career as a martial artist.

Unfortunately, as his body became more and more inhuman, the moves he had worked hard to research and create were no longer applicable.

"Stop chatting!"

Xia Qi shouted: "Raise the sail quickly!"

Aoki walked towards the mast, grabbed the rope, and was about to untie it.

At this moment, the wind and rain suddenly disappeared.

The world became peaceful.

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