Ghost Slayer: Please let me be a human being

Chapter 205 Aoki VS Navy Admiral (Additional Update 4)

Shampoo Islands, Area 23, there is a small boat parked in a hidden bay.

Reilly and Hancock waited silently.

"I didn't expect that the Navy really planned to use the Demon-Slaying Order on the Shampoo Islands."

Xia Qi sighed.

Rayleigh crossed his hands and rested his chin, his expression solemn.

"Aoki encountered the Heavenly Dragon's reverse scale."

Even the so-called Pirate Emperor, the Celestial Dragons and the World Government may not take him seriously.

Powerful pirates will appear every generation, but the Tianlong people still stand on top of the world, and no one has ever been able to threaten their rule.

To a certain extent, pirates are just pawns in their hands, used to force the participating countries to accept their rule.

However, what Aoki did really tore off their faces and threatened their lives.

Xia Qi glanced at Hancock, looked away, and lit a cigarette: "I wonder where Brother Aoki's signal came from?"

Reilly said: "Regardless of whether he sends a signal or not, once the demon-slaying order begins, we will leave immediately!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his eyes moved and he looked in the other direction.

The ferocious and majestic black dragon-man is suspended in the air.

"Is it him?" Akainu asked.

"That's right." Kizaru nodded and gave a positive answer. Among the three, he was the only one who had seen Aoki with his own eyes.

"Not on the island, or did you escape?"

Akainu's eyes were cold and stern, and his tone could not contain his anger.

Kizaru said: "I'm even more curious, why did he show up?"

Qing Pheasant said nothing and looked at the figure in the sky.

"Akainu, the target has appeared, what are you waiting for?"

A cold voice came from the cabin.

"Alicia Palace, is he within your ability now?" Akainu asked.

The voice in the cabin paused: "On the edge."

The expressions of the three Akainus were a little ugly.

How do they fight an enemy who can run away at any time?

It's impossible not to fight. If you fail, you will be criticized by the Tianlong people.


"Did you spot me? Let's start!"

Aoki opened his mouth slightly.

A bit of fire light condensed, expanded rapidly, and turned into a huge fireball with a diameter of nearly one meter, emitting terrifying energy fluctuations.


The fireball flew towards the warship where the three admirals were.

The blue pheasant jumped up, and the cold air filled the air, condensing into a huge ice shield.


The fireball fell above and turned into a huge fireball, but all the impact and heat were blocked by the ice shield.

At the same time, Kizaru turned into a golden light and shot toward the sky.

Boo hoo hoo.

Rays of golden light passed through, and holes appeared on Qingmu's body, but he didn't pay attention. He stared down, and a dark light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

"Soul shock!"

The spirit condensed into a long spear and stabbed downwards.

The golden light shattered, revealing Kizaru's figure, with a look of confusion on his wretched face.

Aoki didn't hesitate at all and punched down.

Although Kizaru was in a daze, his body was still rushing upwards, as if he was actively leaning his face against Aoki's fist.


Kizaru fell like a meteor, and when he was about to fall into the sea, his body turned into golden light again and flew back to the warship, with his palms in his trouser pockets.

"How terrible!"

"It's completely useless."

Aoki shook his head secretly.

To him, the three admirals were more troublesome than Whitebeard.

Fortunately, he didn't want to do anything to Kizaru and the others today.

"Is it time to start?"

Aoki looked toward the Shampoo Islands.

At his height, the people on the Chambord Islands were like ants.

Before, these "ants" were chaotically distributed all over the island. Now, as if they had received some signal, they began to run outside in a swarm.

A large number of ships began to go to sea.

The sound of artillery fire suddenly became intensive.

"The timing is pretty good."

Aoki sighed in his heart.

He has no agreement with these people.

But it's okay, they can be regarded as covering for Hancock and others.

At this time, waves of heat hit from below.

The red light dyed the sea red, and a stream of lava rose into the sky, as if a volcano had erupted.

Aoki looked amazed.

The visual impact of the light was not enough. At this time, Akainu took action, allowing him to truly see the terror of top natural ability users.

This is a true natural disaster.

No wonder the battle between Akainu and Aoki can permanently change the climate of an island.

Aoki opened his mouth and a huge fireball flew out.

With a bang, the fireball collided with the magma, and endless flames rolled, forming a sea of ​​​​fire in the sky.

The magma exploded like fireworks and turned into a huge flower, terrifying and beautiful at the same time.

Aoki was not in the mood to appreciate it.

Below was a sea of ​​fire and magma, but there was a chill coming from behind.

He flicked his tail without thinking.

Then there was a pain in the middle, and only half of the tail was left, with a faint frost remaining at the break.

Aoki didn't look back and waved his wings to leave.

At this moment, a dazzling golden light exploded, filling his field of vision.

A figure shining with golden light could be faintly seen.

"Soul shock!"

As soon as Aoki thought, invisible fluctuations spread to the surroundings.

Almost at the same time, two ice picks made of condensed ice and a long sword shining with golden light pierced his body.

The golden sword passed through his chest and pierced his heart, while the ice cone pierced his neck and back of his head.

With a flap of bat wings, Kizaru and Aokiji were repelled, and Aoki flew backwards.

Aokiji and Kizaru woke up.

Endless cold air spread, and dots of golden light condensed.

The invisible spirit spear swept past, and the two men's movements stagnated, the cold air solidified, and the golden light dissipated.

Aoki flew a hundred meters in one breath and turned back to look at the two.

"Two old comrades in their teens sneak attacked a young man like me, Aokiji, Kizaru, aren't you embarrassed?"

The two told him the answer with their actions.

A ray of extremely cold air and a ray of hot golden light attacked Aoki at the same time.

Aoki's figure disappeared silently and appeared hundreds of meters away.

Boom! Kizaru and Aokiji fell into the sea, and all the nearby seawater froze, forming a piece of land.

Aokiji exhaled a breath of cold air: "Ah, he's still alive, what exactly is his ability?"

He's not a natural ability user, but he won't die even if his head is pierced.

Kizaru put one hand in his pocket, looking at the sky, wondering what he was thinking: "It seems that this operation has failed again!"

"Let's stop here today, but we will definitely have a chance to meet again!"

Aoki waved at the two, looked at the warship again, and his figure suddenly disappeared.

The number of soul shocks today has been used up, which is his only ability that can affect Aokiji and the other two.

"Ultimate Form" has not yet cooled down, so I can't waste it.

Anyway, the mission has been completed, it's time to leave.

Aokiji and Kizaru returned to the warship and entered the cabin with Akainu.

A beautiful woman in a gorgeous palace dress looked back at the three people.


She flicked her sleeves and turned away.

The faces of the three people were not very good.

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