Ghost Slayer: Please let me be a human being

Chapter 207 Sea Kings and Daughter Island

The bright sunshine shines down, shining on the body, warm.

The blue sea is like a huge gem, clear and calm, without a trace of waves.

Qingmu was stunned for a moment and looked back.

Not far behind him, dark clouds piled up, dividing the sky into two, and the dense rain curtain was like an extremely huge curtain, blocking the view.

Lightning and thunder, howling wind.

Black and white, movement and stillness, formed a sharp contrast in this small place.

Xia Qi said: "We are in the doldrums!"

Hancock and the other two looked a little excited.

Amazon Lily is in the doldrums, this is the environment they are familiar with.

"It is indeed the doldrums!"

Qingmu looked up.

The doldrums are the belt-shaped areas on both sides of the Grand Line. There is no wind or current inside, separating the Grand Line from the four seas.

"This kind of environment can't be formed naturally, right?"

Qingmu glanced at Rayleigh.

During the blank hundred years, a huge disaster occurred, the sea level rose by 200 meters, most of the land sank into the ocean, forming the current world structure.

And that disaster was suspected to be caused by the king.

The Calm Belt was probably also man-made.

The Roger Pirates arrived at Raftel and should have known the truth of history.

Rayleigh looked calm, as if he had not heard anything.


At this moment, everyone's face changed.

Two cow-like creatures emerged from the water, revealing extremely terrifying bodies.

"Sea King?"

Aoki's mind was shaken.

The Calm Belt is a forbidden area for humans.

There are two main reasons.

One is that there is no wind or current in the Calm Belt. Most ships in this era are wind-powered sailboats, and they will break down when entering the Calm Belt. .

The second is the Sea King.

The Calm Belt is the nest of the Sea King.

His ultimate form is already very terrifying, two hundred meters high, like a hill.

But compared with the sea kings, it is still just a tiny thing.

The super-large sea kings can be more than 5,000 meters in size!

The exposed parts of these two cows alone are more than a thousand meters.

It was as if two mountains suddenly appeared on the sea surface, and the light suddenly became dim.

With such a large body, no other abilities are needed, just moving is a natural disaster.

No wonder ancient weapons are said to have the ability to destroy the world.

He didn't know what the situation was between Uranus and Pluto, but he had already seen the tip of the iceberg of the power of the sea king.

It is absolutely worthy of the evaluation of "Destruction Moment".

"This doesn't seem to be good news for me."

Aoki's mouth twitched.

You know, Uranus is suspected to be in the hands of the Celestial Dragons.

The stronger the ancient weapons, the harder it is for the Celestial Dragons to kill?

Use other ancient weapons to fight Uranus?

He knows the whereabouts of the other two ancient weapons.

The sea king is the contemporary mermaid princess Shirahoshi, who should have just been born now.

Pluto is in Wano Country, but Wano Country is occupied by the Beast Pirates.

"Get out of the way!"

Rayleigh instantly came to the figurehead, a red light flashed in his eyes, and an invisible wave spread out.


A dull thunder sounded, purple lightning flashed, a strong pressure filled the air, and the air was distorted.

"Domineering color domineering?"

Aoki was refreshed and looked at it intently.

Domineering color entanglement may be the strongest skill in this world.

As the right hand of the Pirate King, will Rayleigh do it? Is there a chance to see it this time?

There was a stalemate for a moment.

The two sea kings slowly retreated and sank into the sea.

Rayleigh put away the domineering color domineering, and the oppressive atmosphere around him disappeared.

"What a pity."

Aoki looked at Hancock next to him and asked, "Do you feel anything?"

Hancock shook his head blankly.

Aoki didn't care.

He was sure that Hancock had the domineering color domineering, but just needed the opportunity to awaken.

No hurry.

In any case, the domineering color can't be strengthened through practice.

Rayleigh returned to the deck: "We have to leave as soon as possible. There may be other sea kings coming soon."

Xia Qi pointed: "We are ready!"

Aoki turned his head and looked: "Is this why you chose a small sailboat?"

There are three more oars on each side of the boat.

There is no wind, no current, and the sailboat can only rely on manpower to move in the doldrums.

"Not bad!" Xia Qi nodded.

They may be attacked by sea kings at any time, so everyone rowed immediately without any nonsense.

It is still a long way to Amazon Lily.

Fortunately, everyone's physical strength is very good.

The physical strength of the strong in the pirate world is very abnormal. Once they fight, it will take several days and nights.

There is no need to say more about big guys like Rayleigh.

The weakest Sanda Sonya and Marigorud on the ship are both animal-type ability users, and their physical strength is also very strong.

Relying on manpower to row is even faster than riding the wind.

However, the road is not peaceful.

Sea kings continue to attack them.

Most of them would be forced back by Rayleigh's domineering aura, but there were a few who were stubborn.


A huge gray-skinned toad with a body size of more than 100 meters and bumps all over its back lay in the sea water, staring at the figure in the air with turbid yellow eyes, cold and without any emotion.

Aoki gently flapped his wings and floated in the air.


The gray-skinned toad opened its mouth, and its tongue flew out like lightning.

Aoki's figure flashed and entered its mouth directly.


The gray-skinned toad noticed something strange and wanted to close its mouth. At this moment, an extremely condensed fireball exploded in its mouth.


A large amount of flames came out from the mouth and eyes. The gray-skinned toad's mouth was completely blown to pieces, and its upper body was burnt black and lifeless.

Aoki appeared behind the gray-skinned toad, with a black tail sticking out from behind and a sharp bone knife at the tip.


The tail flicked, a cold light flashed, and a huge thigh fell down.

Aoki held up the toad's legs and flew over.


The toad's legs fell, the ship swayed, and the entire deck was occupied.

"Your Majesty Pluto, how about this one?" Aoki said.


Rayleigh patted the toad's leg and nodded with satisfaction: "Despite its ugly appearance, this sea beast is an excellent delicacy. We will..."

At this point, he stopped and turned to look.

A black spot appeared in front of it, and as it approached, it quickly turned into an island, with a huge word "Nine Snakes" written on the mountain peak.

Amazon Lily has arrived!

This place is also called Daughter Island because the residents on the island are all women and belong to the fighting nation, the Nine Snakes.

Hancock stopped rowing, ran to the bow of the boat, and looked at the island in front of him, looking a little excited.

After three years, they finally returned to their hometown.

Xia Qi slowly walked up to a few people, lit a cigarette, and there was a bit of nostalgia in her eyes.

After decades of absence, this was her first time back.

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