Ghost Slayer: Please let me be a human being

Chapter 204 Two abilities and new tasks

"Get out of the way! Don't block the way!" A tall figure squeezed out of the crowd roughly.

Amid the shoving, a young woman holding a baby lost her balance and fell backwards.

In the critical moment, a hand reached out and supported her shoulders.

The young woman hugged the child tightly and looked back in shock.

"Thank you, thank you, sir."

"You're welcome."

Aoki had an inconspicuous face.

The young woman hesitated for a moment and whispered: "Sir, it is said that the navy is preparing to launch a demon-killing order against the Sabaody Archipelago. Find a way to escape as soon as possible!"

"Demon-killing order?" Aoki asked: "Does the navy really dare to launch a demon-killing order against the Sabaody Archipelago?"

"I also heard it from others. If you can escape, escape quickly! Staying will surely die. Once the demon-killing order is launched, the entire island will be destroyed."

The young woman looked a little miserable, hugged the child tightly, and left in a hurry.

"It seems that we have to hurry up."

Aoki quickened his pace and left quietly.

Among the many abilities of the "King of the Strange Demons", "perfect mimicry" is a less noticeable ability, but it can always play an important role.

This time, he was confident that he could escape the encirclement of the navy, half of which came from "perfect mimicry".

In the pirate world, there are devil fruit abilities that can change appearance, such as the Nine-tailed Fox form of the Dog-Dog Fruit and the Mimicry Fruit.

However, according to the World Economic News Agency, the World Government has determined that he is a dragon-shaped devil fruit ability user.

They will not consider changing appearance at all.

Kizaru has seen him, and it is indeed possible to find him out by using the Observation Haki.


Observation Haki is not endless, and Kizaru cannot always use Observation Haki.

In the case of his intentional restraint of his breath, it is almost impossible to find him out from the vast sea of ​​people.

Although Observation Haki is powerful, it is not omnipotent.

A moment later, Aoki came to the edge of the Sabaody Archipelago.

The sea water rolled.

There were two warships parked at the dock, and the decks were full of soldiers, all holding long guns, aiming at the Sabaody Archipelago.

There were two bodies lying on the shore.

The attitude of the navy was very clear. No one was allowed to leave the Sabaody Archipelago. Anyone who dared to approach the coast would be struck by thunder.

Aoki turned his eyes and looked to the side.

Not only him, but many people were hiding nearby, waiting for an opportunity.

"I'll create an opportunity for you!"

Aoki took out a few bombs.

He bought them yesterday.

As the end point of the first half of the Grand Line, the Sabaody Archipelago is not short of various weapon stores.

But before he started to act.


A cannonball flew towards the warship.

"What are you afraid of? It's just two warships. Come with me!"

A tall man wearing an eye patch and dressed like a standard pirate stood up, surrounded by a group of people.

They rushed directly towards the warship.

"It seems that I don't need to do it."

Aoki immediately followed.

Not only him, but several more people joined in, and soon formed a team of nearly 20 people.

"Hahaha, this kind of attack is like tickling me."

The one-eyed pirate laughed wildly: "Boys, come with me, kill the navy and seize the warship!"

"The navy should have more power than this, right?"

Aoki quietly changed direction.

He just wanted to leave, but he didn't plan to attack the warship with these pirates.

At this moment, a black shadow passed by.

The one-eyed pirate's wild laughter stopped abruptly, and a red line appeared on his neck.

A woman wearing a navy justice coat appeared in the crowd. She was tall, plump, and beautiful, but she exuded an extremely sharp aura.

"It's her!"

Aoki's expression moved.

There was indeed a strong man on the warship, and it was an "acquaintance".

The vice admiral of the Navy Headquarters, the alternate admiral, Taotu Gion!

The strength gap between the vice admirals of the navy is huge.

The weak one, Maynard, was easily defeated by Bartolomeo, and the strong one, Garp, forced Roger into a desperate situation several times.

Although Momotosaki is not as good as Garp, she is also the best among all the vice admirals. She is listed as a candidate admiral with Chaton, and her strength and status are higher than other vice admirals.

Of course, that is the future. Momotosaki may not be a candidate admiral now, but her strength is not weak.

Bang bang bang!

The offensive of the navy suddenly became fierce, and the pirates' progress was stopped.

Aoki jumped up in the hail of bullets, and plunged into the sea with a splash.

Momotosaki looked at Aoki and retracted her gaze.

The target is a capable person, it is impossible to jump into the sea.

She knew very well that they could not block the entire island. They only needed to pay attention to those suspicious targets. There was no need to waste strength on impossible people.

The cold sea water submerged the whole body.

Aoki's appearance changed, and he restored his dragon body. He looked up and smiled.

"It seems to be successful!"

"Infinite Dragon Beast" is a fusion of a large number of super dangerous bloodlines and has many abilities.

The skill bar shows only a small part.

One of them is that he can survive in water.

The World Government has already accepted that he is a Devil Fruit user, so they will not guard against him escaping from the sea.

Aoki swung his tail and shot out like an arrow, with a speed no slower than on land.

The navy above did not make any movement.

Although "space shuttle" was restricted, he still escaped easily by relying on "complete mimicry" and "underwater survival".

However, escaping was only the first stage, and there were still tasks to be completed!

After swimming a distance, Aoki suddenly stopped.

The space was restored.

This place was beyond the range of the imprisonment fruit, and "space shuttle" could be carried out.


Aoki broke out of the water, the bat wings behind him spread, and his figure soared into the sky.

The trump card of underwater survival, of course, can be hidden.

Coincidentally, he can fly, which can be used as a cover.

Suspended in the sky, Aoki swept his eyes and saw the Sabaody Archipelago and the surrounding warships.

From the specifications and appearance of the warships, Aoki quickly locked the target.

At this moment, a familiar voice sounded in his mind.

[Get the mission, destroy the fleet! ]

[Destroy the fleet]

Destroy a fleet.

Mission requirements: 1. Destroy three ships, which must belong to the same fleet. 2. Kill 20 members of the fleet.

Mission rewards: 800 experience points, 3 skill points.

Another mission?

There are also skill point rewards, which is good.

However, destroy the fleet?

Aoki looked down.

There is a fleet here.

However, it may be difficult to kill this fleet!

At the same time, Akainu, who was about to issue an order to activate the Demon Killing Order, suddenly stopped.

The three generals looked up at the sky almost at the same time.

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