Aoki has been keeping an eye on the four-winged dragon.

Powerful attack power, spatial mobility, huge size, powerful without blind spots, a true hexagonal warrior.

It seemed that he was afraid of them before and did not launch an attack.

Now it seems that he can't hold back.

"Najta, you and Susanoo will be responsible for clearing the dangerous species around, and the four-winged dragon will be left to me, Akame and Kurome." Aoki said.

This is just a euphemism.

The fact is that Najta is too weak!

Najta immediately heard his implication and was not angry.

She is very clear about her own strength. Compared with ordinary people, it is not bad.

But there is no way to compare with Akame and Kurome.

Forcing to stay will only drag them down.

But she did not leave immediately.

"Susanoo actually has a secret skill. After using it, the strength will be greatly improved."

"Not needed for the time being!" Aoki refused.

Most imperial tools have hidden skills.

Susanoo's secret skill, called the manifestation of the evil soul, is a violent skill.

Each use will absorb one-third of the master's vitality.

In other words, as long as the "Evil Soul Appears" is used three times, the master will die.

"Evil Soul Appears" can indeed greatly enhance Susanoo's strength, but the price is also very terrifying.

At least for now, it has not reached that level.

"I know!"

Najeta said nothing more, took Susanoo with her, and turned away.

"Akagi, you have to be careful, its attack is very terrible, never take it head-on!"

Aoki reminded.

He and Kuroi are both immortal, and they will not die even if they are accidentally hit.

But Akgi is not.

Murasame is not a defensive imperial tool.

"I understand!" Akgi nodded.

Aoki did not speak again. Akgi has extremely rich combat experience and does not need him to worry too much.

He stared at the four-winged dragon, feeling a little confused.

"What is it doing? Why doesn't it attack?"

At this moment, the figure of the four-winged dragon suddenly disappeared.

Aoki was stunned for a moment, and immediately reacted.

"No, it went to support the giant snail!"

No wonder it has not attacked all the time, and its attention is not on them at all.

He spread his bat wings and flew at full speed towards the coast.

Akame and Kurome followed without hesitation.

On the coast.

Leone, Tatsumi and others were fighting with snails of different sizes.

Unlike the other two battlefields, their progress was not ideal.

The giant snail had an outrageously high defense, and there was a lot of mucus on its body.

It couldn't be hit, and it couldn't be touched.

They killed a lot of small snails, but from the beginning of the battle to now, they had hardly caused any substantial damage to the giant snail.


The golden energy gushed out and hit the giant snail.

A huge fireball rose up, swallowing all the surrounding snails, but the giant snail was still unharmed.

Leone punched a nearby snail away.

"Main, save your energy."

They had changed their goal and no longer pursued killing the giant snail. Instead, they changed to delaying time and waiting for support.

Main nodded, without saying anything, looking a little depressed.

Although they could not threaten the giant snail, the snail could do nothing to them.

The surrounding area was already full of snail corpses.

At this moment, space fluctuations flashed by.

A huge figure appeared in the sky, with four wings on its back, shaped like a dragon, majestic and ferocious.

Leone was the first to discover the four-winged dragon, and his face changed drastically.

"Everyone be careful, the fourth super dangerous species has appeared! It feels more dangerous to me than the big snail!"

Everyone did not dare to be careless and immediately began to shrink the formation.

The four-winged dragon noticed the humans on the ground, but did not even look at them, and his eyes fell directly on the giant snail.

The giant snail poked its head out of the shell and looked at the sky, with tentacles flying on its body, as if expressing something.

The four-winged dragon's eyes became more and more indifferent, and it opened its mouth and spit out a silver light.

The giant snail hurriedly spit out a large ball of mucus, trying to block it, but it was instantly pierced by the silver light.

It wanted to escape, but before it could move, the silver light fell on it.

The shell that Ma Yin tried her best to break disappeared silently.

The silver light penetrated the giant snail's body, leaving a huge hole.

The breath on the giant snail quickly dissipated.


Raber screamed.

Others also took a breath.

With the giant snail's defense, it couldn't even take a blow from the four-winged dragon.

What about them?

Everyone felt cold in their hearts.

The giant snail's head cracked open, and a silver bead flew towards the four-winged dragon.

At this moment, a black shadow passed through the air and quickly flew towards the silver bead.

Qingmu looked calm.

He had also seen the scene just now.

However, this was a good thing for him.

One less super dangerous species.

As for the attack power of the four-winged dragon, he had just seen it and was not too surprised.

The four-winged dragon turned its head and looked at Qingmu with a cold look.

It wanted to take back the "essence" as soon as possible, so it just ignored them.

Dare to attack it actively?

It just so happens that this human-like and dangerous creature also has a piece of "essence" in it, let's take it back together!


The four-winged dragon opened its mouth, and silver energy gathered.

The feeling of uneasiness when his life was threatened arose spontaneously. Aoki's eyes narrowed and an invisible spear swept past.

Soul impact!

The body of the four-winged dragon froze, the silver light in its mouth dissipated, and it fell downwards.


Aoki shouted.


Before the sound came, threads of silk thread flew up from the sky, instantly binding the four-winged dragon with five flowers.

"Is this really okay?"

Rab looked nervous.

He had just seen with his own eyes how terrifying the attack of this super dangerous species was.

The close contact was so exciting.

"no need to worry!"

Aoki grabbed the silver bead and turned towards the four-winged dragon.

As a user of "space shuttle", he is very aware of the weaknesses of this ability.

Simply put, it is very susceptible to interference.

Taking others on a space shuttle will not start if there is even the slightest resistance.

Similarly, as long as external force is applied, "space shuttle" can be prevented.


More advanced spatial transfer skills may have stronger anti-interference ability.

He wasn't sure if he could control the four-winged dragon this way, but it was the only way.

Before Aoki could get close, the four-winged dragon struggled and was about to wake up.

Aoki didn't hesitate and immediately added another shot of "Soul Shock".

"Soul Blast" at full power can be used three times a day, and this is the last time.

He directly rode on the four-winged dragon's head, raised his fist, and smashed it down hard.


They hit the ground hard.

Stimulated by this, the four-winged dragon suddenly woke up and felt the current situation, with strong anger in his eyes.

It has lived for thousands of years and has never been in such a miserable state.

Rab desperately pulled on the thread in his hand, and Qingmu also pressed the four-winged dragon's head firmly.

Although his few punches injured the four-winged dragon, they did not cause fatal injuries.

Leonai and others also rushed over.

However, everyone working together could not hold down the four-winged dragon, and it was about to escape.

Suddenly, a black shadow flashed across.

On the top of the four-winged dragon's head is a black-haired girl holding a long knife and with cold eyes.

The four-winged dragon's eyes changed.

It felt a strong crisis and instinctively wanted to escape, but the next moment, it still stayed in place.

The ability activation failed.


Murasame was completely submerged in the four-winged dragon's head.

Black runes spread.

Strong fear appeared in the eyes of the four-winged dragon. He opened his mouth and his head hung down feebly.

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