After the death of the four-winged dragon, the low-level dangerous species fled in all directions.

"It went smoother than expected!"

Leonai pinched his waist with both hands and returned to his human form.

Aoki said: "Thanks to Chitong."

Half of the four super dangerous species were killed by Chitong. Although she had help from others, she made the greatest contribution and was undoubtedly the MVP of this round.

Chi Tong stood next to the four-winged dragon, completely losing his murderous look just now, and asked with a cute look on his face: "Can the meat of the super dangerous species be eaten?"

Aoki laughed.

"It should work, right? Cut off two pieces and try them later."

He raised his fist, smashed it down, and soon split open the four-winged dragon's head. After rummaging for a while, he found a silver bead.


This silver bead is different from the previous one.

The silver beads in the heads of the other three super dangerous species were only the size of eggs, but this one was bigger than his fist.

Putting the three beads together, Aoki showed a thoughtful expression.

He had always been a little curious before, why do three super dangerous species that have nothing to do with the power of space have space attribute items in their heads?

If it was put in by a four-winged dragon, what was its purpose?

Comparing the sizes of these three beads, he seemed to understand a little bit.

They should use those three super dangerous species to cultivate silver beads.

Just like cultivating pearls from river oysters.

As for why the three super dangerous species agreed and what their relationship was with each other, he didn't know.


That kind of thing doesn't matter either.

Leonai approached Aoki and looked at the three beads in his hand curiously: "Is this your goal of hunting these super dangerous species?"

Aoki nodded: "These three beads are enough to create three Teijin."

Nadjeta said with regret: "These materials may be powerful enough, but the technology for making Teigu has long been lost.

Hundreds of years ago, there was an emperor who wanted to re-create the Teigu, but in the end he only managed to create a few official tools, and their power was not comparable to the Teigu. "

"I didn't intend to use them to build a Teigu."

Aoki took out a box and put three silver beads in it.

Silver beads will emit special space fluctuations that interfere with "space shuttle". With them, "space shuttle" is equivalent to useless.

He had thought about this problem before coming.

This box is made of Ohri steel.

That's right, it is one of the important materials for making Teigu. It can control the power of super dangerous materials, and it stands to reason that it can also transplant power fluctuations.

Aoki closed the lid, and the chaotic space fluctuations disappeared instantly, and he felt relieved.

It would be really troublesome if the O'Hari steel box didn't work.

He cut two pieces of meat from the four-winged dragon, turned to Heitong and said, "Heitong, these corpses will be left to you!"

He wanted to eat them instead.

But unfortunately, he has not yet learned to "devour".

"Give it to me?" Heitong was surprised.

This is a complete corpse of a super dangerous species, and there are four of them, absolutely priceless.

"Only you can maximize their effectiveness," Aoki said.

In fact, he has a little idea, refining it into a doll can be "preserved", and when he learns to "devour" it, he may be able to use it.

He was not worried about whether others would resent his arbitrary actions.

This is a deal.

Night Raid has already received his own reward and is not eligible to participate in the distribution of spoils.

Moreover, Chitong was the one who made the greatest contribution, and she would definitely have no objection to Aoki's decision.


Black Eyes no longer hesitated, stepped forward, pulled out the eighth chamber, and inserted it into the head of the four-winged dragon with a pop.

Everyone looked curiously.

Nadjeta's mood was ups and downs.

Before, the black pupil that controlled sixteen super dangerous species was already very powerful, and now there are four more super dangerous species.

Black Eye's strength may become even more terrifying than Esdeath's.

After a while.

The four-winged dragon suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes cold and filled with murderous intent.

Everyone subconsciously took a step back.

Black Eyes said: "This dangerous species seems to have left a little too much self-awareness."

"Is there any trouble?"

Aoki looked towards her.

Black Eyes shook his head: "This way it can fight more flexibly, which is actually better."

"That's good." Aoki said.

It would be troublesome if a guy who was out of control or even hostile to them was resurrected.

Black Eye made three other super dangerous species into human dolls, becoming one of the strongest people in the world.

Twelve special dangerous species, plus four super dangerous species, including hexagonal warriors like the four-winged dragon, this is a lineup that can make everyone's scalp tingle.

In the past, due to reasons such as lowered IQ, the strength of the dolls would be reduced compared to what they were in life.

But now, the doll has an immortal body and is even more difficult to deal with than before.

In addition, as we all know, the summoner's greatest weakness is his own fragility.

In the past, when Black Eyes activated the Eight Rooms, it would also weaken its own abilities. The more dolls it controlled, the more serious the weakening would be.

Now, not only will Heitong's strength not be affected, but she is also immortal and is no longer in danger of being beheaded.

All in all, the current Heitong is a super summoner with almost no weaknesses.

This is the advantage of the Summoner.

As long as there is a powerful summon, the strength will increase rapidly.

The stars in the sky cast a faint silver glow.

The sea breeze blew the campfire.

There were grilled fish and meat on the edge of the campfire, and an iron pot was hung above it, with fish soup bubbling in it.

The aroma of the food drifted far away.

After the battle, everyone was not in a hurry to leave.

Leone proposed camping, and everyone responded at once.

Akagi held a large piece of steak and ate it attentively, with a happy face.

Najeta, Hill, Rab, Brand and others gathered together, and bursts of laughter rang out from time to time.

Tatsumi and Mine leaned against each other, and behaved intimately.

The relationship between the two has long been made public. According to Leone's revelations, they have even started planning to get married.

Kuroi showed an envious expression on her face, holding the wine glass and taking a sip.

Eating is her biggest hobby.

It's a pity that now she can only watch others enjoy the food.

Qingmu lay on the stone next to him, looking at the sky, his thoughts drifting randomly.

His goal in this world has basically been achieved.

There are two ways to upgrade "Infinite Dragon Beast".

One is the mission, which is related to the "Soul of Vengeance", and the other is killing.

That's right.

The monsters that "Infinite Dragon Beast" needs are people!

The people in this world are not weak, but not strong either.

The real strong ones are the imperial equipment users, and their number is very limited.

In addition, the elite monsters that are easier to find, such as the masters of the Royal Fist Temple, have been cleared by him.

In this case.

It's better to leave!

There may be better choices in the next world.

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